Book 1. Chapter Four - Perfect Timing
I scrolled through the scheduled tasks, plans and meetings that popped up in my phone. Honestly, the idea of making Isabelle to be like one of us wasn't the best idea right now.
Not that she's bad or not right for the task, she's indeed qualified for this post, but I shouldn't mingle with her type, fragile and goody.
I'm bad news to the goodies, especially to the humans—who are very ignorant or careless in nature.
But even as that, there is something special and different about this girl, which I'm still trying to figure out as part of the mission.
I watched as Mr Dylan approved her and left her in our hands, since we were the superiors after him.
"I-I'm so sorry to burst your bubbles but I-I can' this. I mean..I'm not perfect like how you guys are. Maybe consider someone...smarter and know, not a nerd?" She firmly said, but to me, it sounded more like a plea since she seemed pretty much nervous—to the extent that I could hear how fast her heart was beating.
I was very surprised to hear this because no one had ever declined or given it a second thought when presented with this opportunity.
She really seems responsible enough for this post.
"We don't just pick people from the ground, we monitor and test students, Isabelle. We've been monitoring you for quite a long time now." Amy blurted out, looking at me for some sort of backup I think.
Did she really have to say that?
I sighed when I saw how she was taking it, and for once, I found it easy to talk to someone 'not in my rank'.
"You're braver than you believe, smarter than you think..and stronger than you seem. I don't believe a nerd would get this 'high'...besides, you aced all eight science subjects." I elevated my eyes from the screen to meet hers, hoping she would somehow take my words as a hint of encouragement. "That should be enough to convince you, don't you think?"
"We'll give you some time to think about it." Amy rolled her eyes and placed the sketchbook in her hands mumbling something I guess only I heard: "What an ungrateful bitch."
Amy Hunters
[A/N: She's the REDHEADED. Wattpad's recent annoying updates removed some photos inserted in this book. So ignore any line that seems blank, thank you and bare with me!]
My jaws clenched a little at the rude remark directed at her but I quickly reminded myself not to interfere. I narrowed my eyes more in confusion when Amy announced our meeting before walking away, swaying her hips seductively.
Meeting at six?
I don't try recalling us planning to meet—
If that's for me...maybe try harder next time slut...
From the corner of my eyes, I could see Isabelle debating on whether to ask me something or not, and that's the last thing I wanted from girls right now. I've way more important things to do than unnecessary hangouts or supposed dates, so I grabbed the few sacred books I've been learning and walked away briskly.
{A/N: Most of the books Xander held were nothing but Grimoires. Not that he was a witch, this one was plainly made for hunters for protection against the creatures of the night. Just think of it as a backfire against the witches, lol. Picture of a Grimoire is above his POV}.
My main focus is to find out the beast that murdered my parents and give him a taste of hell. I also need to lock the supernatural world away from humans' reach, I can't risk losing anymore innocent lives again.
Not again.
I need to stay away from them as far as possible, especially the ones I really cared about the most. I don't want anyone to be so close to me to the extent that, if I disappear someday, everyone would notice. It's not everyone I can mingle with at this point in time, and that includes the sweetheart Isabelle.
She doesn't seem to know the danger she's trying to get herself in by trying to befriend me. She's even the last person I'd want to do anything with right now. At least, it's better to break her heart than end up breaking her bones. It's not easy as it seems, but I can try. I can try for her.
For so many years, I never really understood the difference between love and lust, empathy and apathy, need and want, as I was the complete opposite of warmth. It seems like Isabelle's recent presence had changed me a bit, which I'm still figuring if it's a good thing or not. I'm guessing it is because she's really different than the others. I just wonder what other surprise would await me if she happens to change her personality.
I felt my fangs trying to protrude from the corner of my mouth at the very thought of that. I've never felt this vulnerable ever since my existence here, she always makes me get frustrated and gentle whenever she's around, I hated that feeling.
With a sigh, I let go of the pathetic emotions and made my vampiric instincts slowly fade away. I didn't want to reveal my identity now, not like this and not right here. I just needed to cool my head a bit and get my mind elsewhere, then the urges would just wear off.
Maybe just a delicate drink would do for now.
Who would've guessed that being a vampire was the worst thing that could ever happen. Unluckily for me, I happened to trespass into one or two dreadful things that clawed me into one of their kind, particularly the pure blood.
It's the most difficult race in the supposed 'vampire world' as control and power is the leading order of the day, and of course, where there's power, there are always enough bloody baths to swim in.
The pressure of being a vampire and witch hunter—two completely different race— was also becoming unbearable as I had to satisfy both of my urges with the intention of not actually hurting anyone—which is even the hardest part. Even as that, I've vowed never to be that beastial like the creature that had killed my parents years back, but nevertheless, I'm still that hideous beast in disguise.
Don't girls have anything better doing?
I tried to hide from the crazy fan-girls that were either stalking me openly or gazing at me in a very disturbing way.
I just have to get at least fifteen minutes out of the little lunch break I have, but with all these commotions, I doubt I'd even get a minute.
Luckily, my colleagues helped me with the shooing of the girls from the scenery. And after multiple attempts, the girls finally gave in. Finally, we arrived at our tables, the senior table.
"Dude, why wine?"
I shrugged. "Because it's the only thing that my mouth asks for at this moment."
I was just about to take a sip from my generic wine—when Thomas suddenly brought up a very stupid idea.
"Dude, you've gotta hookup with them sooner or later, y'know." He winked at me, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.
I didn't really get what he meant by 'hooking up with the juniors', but when I realized what he meant, I ended up choking on my drink.
"Hey! Don't kill him yet!" Amy scoffed and hit her arm against his elbow with a frown. "We still need him.."
"But guys, it's true...or does he have someone in mind already?" Luke cut in, propping his elbow on the table with a smirk.
I became pissed off by their lecherousness and sexual perversions, but yet, I'm always the one who end up cleaning up their messes, ugh.
But what can I say?
I'm a sexual appeal myself.
"Have you guys seen Isabelle? She's a total sweetheart." Luke cooed while licking his lips. "I wonder what else she's good at."
I felt my hand tighten into a fist under the table and my jaws clench much to my very own surprise. I don't know why, but I felt the sudden urge to get their hands off her.
After all, she's not like that kind of girl, neither is she their type. They can go after Amy or someone else, that I'd be completely fine.
"This got nothing with me, so I'd just let this slide." I mentally scolded myself as a reminder to stay off.
"Yeah, I heard she's a perfect soon. What do you think of her guys?" Thomas chuckled and looked me straight in the eye as he was making that statement. "She'd make a very lovely image, don't you think?"
And of course I understood what he was implying, and the hell I'd let him touch her a bit.
"Don't talk about her like that, you pervert." I warned through my gritted teeth, barely controlling my temper. "She's not even a prefect yet!"
I hated the way I suddenly felt because they kept saying her name like it was something they'd die for, but I wouldn't say they're wrong either.
"Awwie...our little Xander's already falling for someone!" Marcus cooed in a sing song tone, making everyone except me, burst into laughter. "I knew there was something going on!"
I kept a straight face and glared at them.
"Don't you dare say that again!" Amy snorted, pointing a finger at Marcus from across the table. "You can talk about someone else...but not Alex and that nerd."
I rolled my eyes at how Amy took it so serious. I mean, I often find it very funny how overprotective and clingy she can be when we aren't even together or something. I get she's the principal's daughter and that she's very smart and elegant, but she just isn't...what's the word...not my type.
"Can you guys stop being so immature and drink up?" I reprimanded, slithering my fingers through the french fries and sandwiches by my front.
I finally felt relieved when they heeded to my words and ate their snacks silently.
When the silence started to get unbearable, I cocked my head towards the junior rank's table and pretty sure enough, they seemed like they were working on some sort of project.
But it wasn't up to five minutes when I felt my gut instincts kick in, and fair enough, my pupils were already threatening to thin out anytime from now. My eyes widened at the familiar feeling that arose within me.
Something's wrong.
I instinctively jolted at a harsh welp directed at me. I shook my head tentatively at the confused expressions written on my colleagues' faces. "What happened?" I asked.
"You've been staring at those burgers like you want to strangle the life out of it." Josh waved his hands across my stunned face, but I snorted and put it away.
"Of course." I rolled my eyes and sighed.
Just as I was about to give them a piece of my mind, a tan skinned petite girl ran to our direction briskly and ended up at our fronts panting, with her cheeks all puffed up.
Well, it was rude to approach the seniors without permission, especially if we're in groups. But when I saw everyone running in and out of the hall, gossiping and filming something, I knew something was off.
I dismissed the threats of my colleagues to the girl and turned to her at once with a serious look as soon as she apologized.
" the" She stuttered breathlessly.
Even through the stutters I was able to pick out just one word.
I can't believe I'm seriously going to spend my break rescuing this girl.
"We need to!"
Just as we entered the hall's entrance, I heard a familiar feminine voice echo through the corners and walls of the hall. I let out an annoyed sigh when I immediately recognised this female's voice.
"Oooooh....a fight!" Josh snickered with an entertained grin plastered on his lips.
The glare I sent him made him shut up at once before I gestured to the rest of the prefects where the fight was coming from.
My eyes widened in disbelief when Isabelle fearlessly gave the other girl a piece of her mind. And this 'other girl' wasn't just any girl, but one of the biggest female bully within this school.
No one stood that high right to her face without showing fear, and that coming from Isabelle even, made me feel kind of proud and amused honestly.
My eyebrows furrowed at the disturbing remark made by Sandra. "Repeat that one more time bitch and I swear I'll decapitate you right now!" The crazy blondie threatened, landing a slap on Isabelle's cheek furiously.
Okay I've seen's our chance.
Just as Sandra and her girls were about to beat the hell out of her, we made our way through the crowds to their direction.
Guess you could call it 'the perfect timing'.
"No one's decapitating anyone!" I boomed.
"Look! It's the seniors!" Someone pointed out in excitement, while some in disappointment, not that I don't blame them. They just don't have tasks other than gossiping around or bullying others.
I watched in anger as the bullies tugged her and somewhat managed to still walk away gracefully. Anger wasn't the exact solution right now, especially not in an environment like this.
Since I've spotted the wanted bullies in the school, I knew how to handle them.
These two have entered my black list.
I'm going to enjoy doing this after a very long time.
{A/N: Sorry for the late update! I ain't feelin' too well right now....but hopefully, tomorrow I'd be perfectly fine to update more! Btw, this is what happened in chapter three- but in Xander's POV🙃. Thanks so much for your votes and comments, I know this story's not the best, but I promise to give it my best. Also, feel free to dm me, I'd love to make new friends ^~^. You can follow me at the social medias below!}
Episode Forum: Crystalwinters
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