Tell me this to say she did not hesitate to take me underneath her wing because she was one of the oldest gods. Greek is when the oldest religions. So of course she would be considered one of the oldest guys. But she's also one of the most powerful because. If you know cheese mentioned and pretty much every religion's Bible. She's represented in every single one of them and mentioned. By name not even called by a different name like most gods. Are in different religions and depicted as an entirely different. God she's literally mentioned by name as her real identity. Not just the Greeks and that's because she's acknowledged as such. But enough with my backstory and my description we might as well just get into the story my doctor father wasn't mean to me he never was but he wasn't exactly affectionate either he was more kind of just present kind of just there to be there because he obviously felt uncomfortable knowing but I was not his biological daughter. And he was actually not Wicked so he wasn't even actually aware of his wife's beliefs I mean they can't do that she went to church but he never actually like found oh it was a pagan Church. That's what you get when somebody from such an old Wicked bloodline. My adoptive mothers want her family was literally based on Wiccan. Which means a lot of them actually do like actually work a career as psychics fortune tellers and mediums. He just thought she was a gypsy so they just allowed him to think that instead of just telling him no they're all witches because he actually is highly religious so out of respect for him and the fact that my doctor mother actually does love him a lot they did not openly tell him this and they've been married since they were like 18 they got married married very young they were high school sweethearts they ran away together and got married without telling the families and when they came back and their family found out they actually went through with it they were pissed there's nothing they can do about it they couldn't talk to me for one of them into getting a divorce cuz they were so madly in love with each other I mean he was her first love she was his first love so of course they would give everyone hell for trying to make them break up. And they meant whenever they were very very young in fact they actually met in Elementary fourth grade. But it was over first sight. So they became Inseparable almost from the gecko. And practically started Living with each other. Whenever they were 12 yes they were the same age. When their parents did try to intervene and tried to get them to stop saying at each other's houses together cuz they found out that they were lying singing they were singing at a friend's house and they're actually just staying at each other's house and they were sneaking into each other's windows and spending the night with you one another. They did try to be disciplined with them since they were so young but obviously they were rebellious children just wanting to do with their parents told them not to so obviously you know they didn't listen that well but the families kept rather hush-hush to each other about their personal business so neither one know what the other one was doing like his family with Catholic and did not realize that hair family was Pagan and Wiccan is not her whole family originated from a Wiccan but recently some of her relatives been getting into pagan I mean it's not much of a difference except one has limitations on what they're allowed to do and has certain beliefs on how they're supposed to do things well pagan have their own rule book and their own way of doing things but since witchcraft has been coming out more and more with the normies and more people have been opening up their third I am becoming spiritually sensitive a lot more people are becoming aware of witches and are getting more into it and becoming witches themselves. We called normal people normies. Because they were literally oblivious to the reality. And their true capabilities. And say are unaware of the supernatural forces that are always manipulating and influencing their life choices. There's more to life than just the what you see. And normies are conditioned by the governments and world leaders to not practice or believe in it because the main leaders of the world are actually very much aware of what a witch can do if they are at full potential and they have no limitations like they know they're literally capable of anything including making themselves a literal God because it has happened before simply because a witch can manifest they can literally make themselves a living God and a physical body if they wanted to because humans actually do embody the power of God they're just limited to how much they're allowed to do and that is base of how well their conditions. To believe certain things their faith and belief is what makes it real. So obviously if they have limitations on what they believe is real and not real you know. They're pretty much brainwashed not to believe that magic manifestation exist on purpose and not to believe that the Supernatural is actually very much possible and they do exist so that way that they stay in the spiritual world because as soon as a human starts believing in them in the waking World they can actually manifest them in the Physical Realm. So it's a very dangerous practice. And obviously the world leaders know how unreliable and on Dependable the humans are if they create something crazy that they can't put back. That's a problem where do you think the Old Mist come from and that you read from folklore. Because back in the day when they believe that literally brought them to life just by simply manifesting them into existence at. So obviously the government brainwashed everybody that think it was all in their head and was all make believe. To keep the god at bay. Because last time that it happened did angered the gods so bad when were them is destroyed the whole world so they literally have rules that they go by that Humanity must follow to please the Gods and keep them dormant. In the spirit world. And even some of the more chaotic and destructive ones are actually in hibernation right now which means they're slumbering like the other Titans they're all asleep the only one that's awake is Gaia she's the only one that they allowed to be awake cuz she doesn't actually destroy all of humanity I mean she could is she does not she just does as nature does creates and destroys keeps the balance between life and death. Like yes she is the reason why natural disasters happen but she does it because well obviously you need balance sometimes in order for Mother Earth to keep a complete balance on her Planet sometimes she needs to cause a little bit of havoc sometimes the playing field needs leveled remember when there is destruction there is also creation. Just like she creates beautiful flowers she also creates wild destructive forest fires that destroy entire Forest but create an entire new landscape. Everything she does goes hand in hand which pleases the other guy so obviously they are okay with that plus unlike the. Other Titans she is actually a goddess. She also has a power of a god most titans just have the power of a Titan just like the Nephilim they miss the time away only cause Havoc and are going to lie last time the Titans run the Earth they did almost destroy the planet because they decided they didn't like mankind so the gods literally put them to sleep and put them somewhere where they would be in dormant and then just left their mother alone. Because she actually did help them. As in she stopped her own children from destroying everything that she works so hard to create because they are her children she loves all of her children but like her children that are monsters her Titan children are they really only negatively affect her planet as when they do more harm than good I mean but she doesn't blame them like any mother would. She defends and protects him but also disciplines and scold her children when they misbehave. But obviously like any children. They obviously are very rebellious towards their own mother. But no matter what any of her children does she will always love them just like any mother does I mean a mother's love is undying and unconditional no matter what they do to her. Amom's never going to hey or just like any of her children just because of their attitude or what they do. Somewhere deep in their heart you know a mother always has unconditional and undying love for her children it's in a Mother's nature mother nature is no different. But anyway back to my background I don't really let anybody get close to me but those that are close to me I don't want to let them in just because of simple reasons my mother I don't even let in like yes she's aware of what I am but that's about it she does not know where I came from who's Charles I am any of the details of my origin or the things I don't tell her like how much power I actually have or that I can even shift completely cuz she's only seen me half shifted as in like I was still someone in a humanoid form she never seen me full-blown into my actual true form that before she's never seen it and she's only seen my human true form once and that's because it's not human which means I obviously don't appear as a human. So like kind of like a changling I changed my appearance completely to make me appear as a human but my physical body and my spiritual body are technically one so true body does not look like a human's at all like you can tell him it on him and definitely so I wear a skin kind of like a skinwalker to change my appearance completely. And the one that one time that my mom did see me in my true friend she only see me once and it was only a glimpse and I mean like she didn't get a full view of what I actually look like so I'm not even for sure she actually does know what I actually am but I do know that she does know for sure that I am not human I just don't think she knows what type. So in other words she's aware that I'm a shifter but that's about it. And that's because I'm not going to lie to freak the heck out whenever I realize that she seen me she realized it was me. Like any devoted loving mother she respecting my boundaries and covered her eyes turning her back to me. Before she got a good look at me. She never overstepped the name of Andrews that she knows that I wasn't comfortable or didn't want her to know like she didn't push me. Well if it was my father her dad her husband he would have literally Shook it out of me. Which is why if Mom noticed that I was hiding something she never Pride into my personal business cuz she didn't want my father crying cuz he was a disciplinary parent. He was very stricted and he raised me with tough love. As in he did did not go easy or baby me. He made me take special license being special classes and honors classes and honestly the only way. To keep him off my back place to work my butt off and get good grades. I wasn't allowed to do most activities at most kids were because to him that was playing playing doesn't give you anywhere in life as he put it. He said if you're having fun then you're not working. My mom always made an excuses to let me sneak out out with my friends I miss my friends I've been friends with since day one we hadn't met actually in like Elementary School and I've been friends. Ever since there's four of them they all hang out in different social groups but I spend time with all of them I only hang out with them in their groups when I want to hang out with that pacific friend and they don't exactly hang out with the same friend groups. even though we've been friends around the same time period like they don't have friends but they don't know what their names are cuz I keep my privately pretty private as in I don't give out names or any details about their life that does not portray the other friends. Wednesday no I'm friends with them but they don't know which friend I'm actually ever talking about because I don't use their names. So they have no idea which classmates I'm actually talking about. Which is why her today is going to be hilarious it is actually my birthday and I'm inviting all of them to my house for the first time because I finally got my dad's permission he never lets me have any fun like throw parties like if I have a birthday party it's only family I'm not doing my friends cuz my dad doesn't want us getting out of control. Because he says all that high schoolers did was want to have fun watching police partying and being irresponsible he's afraid it will make me sloppy. There was Lindsay. The quiet one that's always helping me was my starting or anything that I need done for school and just because we both genuinely enjoy learning things so she'll come and research stuff with me just because she found out I actually genuinely enjoy learning new things so me and her made a thing where we like to learn together. Been there is Caitlin the wild one they're going to keep an eye on and every time you see her she's with somebody different she has a tendency to fall for Bad Boys she's really pretty and total cheerleader she's your typical stereotype popular girl but she's acting like one of the most loyalist friends that you could ever have like even though she's crazy and unpredictable she's actually really loyal and actually does charish herfriends and respect them. And she would never do anything that way jeopardize any for friendships. Well there's Morgan who would knock your teeth out 5 Seconds she's not only feisty she's extremely competitive and she's very active in the community she does a lot of sporting events and she's a leader on the softball team. She is as tough as nails. Mentally and physically she comes from the military family. And she's really overprotective and a really reliable friend to come to when you need anything like shoes automatically right there right then. She pretty much acts like a little big sister role but see I'm the woman always challenges her role there because I am the same way I'm overprotective and I have a tendency of looking after all my friends as well. We're so much alike in that way that she literally considers me like a sister in fact her family knows me as family so do all my other friends cuz their families have all met me too. I know everything about my friends but they barely know a thing about me and it does make me feel guilty but I have no reason for keeping it from them. Then there's last but not least Wendy she's a whirlwind he's different she is very enthusiastic very authentic very she's very out there she definitely is a different type of thinker she's goth and alternative. She's love anything dark spooky and cute she has the most morbid sense of humor someone thinks that comes out of her Mouse makes me absolutely speechless and trust me not much surprises me but this woman definitely for being him and she is for interesting and we were friends since like kindergarten I had actually met her because obviously I'm goth and alternative I'm in enter the spooky weird plus I'm a witch so I fit her preference perfectly Plus on top of it I'm absolutely morbid I am actually interested in all this stuff that normally would break people up like I'm one of the girls that falls asleep to murder mystery for crying out loud. She was honestly very to herself but she was the most expressive person I ever met like she just expresses herself in every single way possible. And does not care at all about what other people think of her. She's very sarcastic and just an amazing person I just love her to pieces I mean like all my friends I love to Pieces but she is just so freaking adorable and I see she's the one that I always treated looking at her sister I always looked after her and took care of her even though I knew she could sing well take care of herself she knows how to stand up for herself in fact she's very fluent about it. But that didn't stop me from trying to act as older sister and look out for her. We always with match each other I could always wear matching dresses or something every time that we go out together. I excited you finally be able to bring him over to my house after knowing them for so long and spending so much time. With them because I've never actually had them stay at my house they've only seen me at school or with them with their friends or at their house they've never seen me in my natural habitat. I said that because my mom has my house totally decked out on wiccon stuff okay I take back what I said earlier my dad does know my mom's working he just doesn't accept it like he's pretty much in denial she's working because the fact of these cows like he just doesn't want to accept the fact that he married away but he still loves her so he's still stays with her he's very weird about how he shows affection though I've also noticed that that's also how he shows love and affection is in the weirdest ways. He's like distant and put on the tough guy that act as an act like he doesn't care but you you can cut you can definitely tell you those I mean like it's me even though he was so wrong with me and so like unfair as a child to me I'm he was only doing it cuz he thought by being rough on me he was getting me prepared for the real world in other words he knew how tough the real world was going to be on me so he was not going to send me out into the world unarmed in other words you taught me how to be strong in order to be able to get through the emotional true turmoil that you go through as an adult because let's be honest it's not easy adulting in the real world they don't go easy on you either they're I don't know if anybody's going to be a don't crash and burn and struggle through adult hood like most adults. I showered and everything putting on my skin. And putting on cutest fitting black witches dress. I looked so sexy in it. Today was the day Wendy's bringing over her best guy friend. He is not her brother. But he lives with her family they pretty much took him in. He lives with her brother. Their practically brothers those two are unspeakable from Monday my other friends are bringing their friends and I'm really close to in their group as well but I have the hugest crush on that brother's best friend. He's into witchcraft and things about the spiritual. And he has the haters up there in a vaccination with what creature I am. Like he knows everything about them and anything about mythological. I planned on telling him how I actually felt about him. I excitedly put on some music they got made sure I looked extra cute. Got myself all dolled up before my mother decided to rush her butt up into my room.
";Come on darling Showtime your friends are came early and they're all staying outside document each other pretty sure the two of them don't get along though Wendy and tomboy one they're giving each other a stink eye so I think you might want to hurry up. Cuz I know they're just tolerating each other." Mom said running up I know how to put it on my pension and I'm rushing over to her after putting on my favorite Peg and pendant on for my matron but I also had on jewelry that went with the deity that I was working with today which was Hecate I just started working with her like a week ago and then I had something that represented my Archangel. Which would have been Michael he's been with me since birth and he was my first deity other than Gaia like I said I don't work okay all the time but I'm always working with Michael cuz he's also my guardian angel which means he is the one that's tied to me since birth. Guardian angels are not someone you know they're not Archangel they're not someone that you knew that was deceased they are literally an archangel everyone has one and they look after them and protect them from harm all throughout their life and influence them they have a lot of influence and a lot power that dictates what path you go down in life. You got to remember that your future never as promised you can always change and it can always go in any direction as I fortune telling only shows you one path that you might have open to you depending on what choices you're picking the card pretty much only shows you for the fortune teller only seized what path is more likely for you to go down because of the choices that you picked so far. But that doesn't mean for certain that that's what you're going to get. I thought putting my tarot cards away I didn't want my friend feeling uncomfortable because well my girlfriend is Catholic like my dad she does not know my dad is but she's into like all the witchy stuff even though she is Catholic she doesn't practice it she's fascinated by it though. Me and mom walked down to go meet my friends as soon as we got to the front door and opened it they all just stared at me. Sorry made you guys wait thanks for not fighting each other's heads off. Thanks for knocking it off it's my birthday. I only turn 18 ones. I intend to spend it like any Queen on her throne. By the way you can thanks Mom she settled on both of you my mother notices everything you can't hide anything from her. Witchs notice everything I probably should have warned my mother's Wiccon. I probably should have warned you." I said letting them in and they all looked around my house just looking at each other all wide-eyed because they weren't expecting my house to be decked out in witchcraft and yeah you can tell the devil on call a couple of them off guard I mean Wendy was loving it but the rest of them are kind of weirded out. But we're playing it off that they weren't.
"Well that explains why you and Wendy are so close I didn't know that sorry I mean I got nothing against y'all believe in what you believe in but I'm just to me it's foreign. Not necessarily that it's weird it's just different and I don't mean any disrespect you just call me off guard I didn't know your mom was weekend cuz always told me your dad's Catholic." Morgan said, as we went into the kitchen.
"Oh her dad is Catholic she wasn't lying about that he is Catholic but I am wicked which is why we don't really mention it around too many people I don't want my daughter being treated differently just for being different I actually come from one of the oldest Bloodlines of Wiccan my family has always been but yes we're very discreet about it because it does get you obviously treated like a freak but that does not mean that we are so just to clarify witch is aren't weird. And my where my odd little daughter is actually Pagan she is not normal Wicked she is picking she is Greek her matron is a Greek goddess so obviously she is Greek and yes Morgan before you ask yes my little sweetheart does practice witchcraft with me her mother biological one was Pagan that's why we adopted her cuz we realized she was well from witch bloodline. A very old one so obviously nobody's just going to adopt a pagan child. Especially at the time that we adopted her cuz it was not considered the norm back it was very taboo whenever we adopted her like nobody wanted to adopt her so we did I can't have kids so yeah my daughter's actually adopted she's not my biological but that doesn't mean that I don't love her all the same she's aware that she's adopted she just doesn't make it Define how she treats us or Define how we treat her. And her dad's very strict like I said he's Catholic he doesn't he's in denial what he married a witch so he doesn't really allow anybody to exactly find out which means obviously she doesn't get to have friends come over which is unfair to her just because. She's Pagan does not mean that she cannot have friends." My mom answered as she went back to cooking. I know so quite a few of them were very interested in what she was making cuz it smells so good cuz I know that they were smelling the air quite a bit.
"Well girl either way we grow up with you we love you you know that we don't care what you are instead and I actually did not know that you were adopted that is crazy you never told me that I've known you since we were like in elementary and you never told me that North fact that you're paying b**** you know I like wishes what the heck in fact I love them you know this and you're a practice and wanted didn't say anything."
"Well what do you expect me to say I don't know who my biological parents are all I know is that both my parents were different which obviously means I'm mixed you probably didn't miss that either and yes it is considered taboo so yeah I didn't tell you guys a mixed."
"I didn't know that you don't look it"
"That's because I am wearing a disguise dingus is that I'm covering it up it's very noticeable if you see what I actually look like." I answered and they just all stared at me as I showed them a crease in my on my neck pulling on the Skin showing them that it was actually a fake skin one of them almost had a freaking meltdown cuz they didn't realize I was literally wearing a fake skin.
Yo I hate me I hate makeup products anymore they're just getting more and more freaking creative every time now you all got fake skins what the heck. That makes my skin girl looks too realistic." One of the guys flinched cringing.
"Yeah I know the same makeup made fake skin it's a WIC and may take skin as a mom made it using witchcraft though yeah it's not a cosmetic one she did it like that's what looked more realistic because let me tell you if I take this off you can definitely tell I am mixed."I said
Do the hell you're actually wearing a literally fake skin what the why what is this needed for are you like ugly or something
"No she's more of like an albino so it's really noticeable that she's different as in like a spider from a mile away and it's she doesn't like drawing that much attention to herself because she's actually the only one born like her so obviously she doesn't want to stand out like a sore thumb. This little sneaker was wearing a fake skin around me the whole time I had her I didn't even know she was wearing it this little Dingus has been making it since I literally had her cuz when she was a baby she didn't look as well different as she does now cuz I should grow and now her features really came in and you could you could definitely tell. Me and her dad didn't want her being bullied so yes we agreed to let her continue to wear it so that's not going to lie she might get probed if they see her cuz then they're going to be like oh why do you look so different I mean come on scientists are always really curious and if you have like a skin condition like makes you look different or something like her or your hair color and odd color or your eyes like hers yeah I know they tend to probe you like a lot to figure out what the heck and your DNA makes you like that and I'd rather than not do that to my daughter so yeah no skin it is." Mom replied
Well now I'm damn curious now I need to know what you actually look like cuz I like women that are unique and look different you know this I love models that always look different if you don't look like the norm I kind of want to know like can I see what you actually look like underneath there please I promise I won't judge
"No offense Katie I love you but I am not showing you that it would reveal way too much about me than I feel comfortable with sharing with you guys yet cuz there's more than that than me and Mom are telling you and by next we don't mean the type that you think so honey no I'd rather not show you yet."
"But it's not like you're mixed with like a man Beast or something."
"No but you're getting pretty close"
Oh s*** that's what you meant by mixed "oh s*** how did that happen I'm not even going to ask I know about the other dimensions b**** you should know that I'm in a witchcraft it's not seriously what you meantime if you are I'm going to freak I've never seen one of those in person." Wendy said they all give her a weird look I gave heard the warning look which means zip it she immediately picked up on it. And excited. She pulls me off to the side since I felt uncomfortable with her saying this out loud.
"Fine Ill shut up but you better show me later promise."
"I cannot make that promise you already know that explain myself as hard enough let alone actually sho..."I stopped right as you walked away because she ignored me I knew she was going to let me excuse myself out of it. I started getting so nervous. Well at dinner as we talked to most each other because I knew what she was expecting me to do. To the point to where my nails as I was talking to somebody started turning in the freaking claws her brother's friend happened to have accidentally have noticed as I was trying to hide it in my fist because I started making myself bleed and he obviously ran over to come see you make sure I was okay well he forcibly opened my hand and noticed my claws my other friends have never too and they did stop talking.
"Holy s*** wait a minute are you not human or something cuz last time I checked humans don't have nails like that those are claws. Some pretty sharp ones at that."
"Thanks Miss obvious yes thanks for stating the obvious here yeah that's what we met by mixed Einstein. You really expect me to up frontly tell you that means not like you believes me anyways."
"Bro the f*** you're a shifter that's so f****** Wicked."
"Thanks thanks Abraham yes my dad is a shifter okay it's not like it's anybody's business anyways I had the right to feel uncomfortable with showing people that my mom's a witch but don't do together obviously I'm a half."
"Well actually honey if you want to be technical you're not half you're technically a purebred you're just mixed with two different species. Hybrids are normally stronger than both of their house combined so yeah got a reason to hide that plus it's taboo if she gets caught the most most likely be taken out of the equation. She's nervous that's the only reason why it should like that cuz obviously you're a different party is aware of some of it and the fact that you told her to show you made her nervous cuz she knows what you're expecting her to do and trust me she won't even let me see what she actually is so let alone let her friends see so don't expect me impossible from her please she's still a juvenile. Plus her kind of extinct she's literally the only one and she is a purebred but doesn't like cuz she's mixed which is don't have limitations so the fact that the gods the sealed the rest of her dad's bloodline so they can't necessarily do what she can. So no tattling okay cuz if I catch any of you all exposing her you'll have to deal with a very pissed off Titan cuz her major went like that one bit her matron is the only girl that knows what she is and she protects her like one of her children. Gaia does not mess around and she is a mother of all monsters obviously since that one's a monster she's going to protect her. So unless you want to really pissed off greed God after you please keep what happened here between us okay. I'm pretty sure you don't want to mess with something that ancient and that destructive she can create as much as she destroys. So you don't I would suggest not making her mad." My mom informed them if she finished dinner and happened to put it on the table
"I'm cool with that I'm actually half wolfman jokes on you." The guy that I liked said as he reveal that he was actually wearing contacts in his eyes were actually gold and he had did have the canines Wolfman and half Wolfman always have special canines that are unique to their wolf genetics. As I have another nurse that he was sitting off the close to Morgan my heart sank a little bit as I know so he was holding her hand which explained why Wendy didn't like her because Wendy knew that she likes the same dude I did.
"So why do you want to not get along now that you know my little secret now time to spill why you guys don't get along."
She just did not like me for no reason she knows where I was with and got mad Max introduced me to her and she's literally threw a fit
No actually I threw a fit because our dear friend happens to like him genius and she made it very clear that it was him that she had a crush on and you still ended up dating him that's disrespectful to your friend especially if you know your friend likes him that's girl code so I have a right to be a b**** to you about it cuz I know that she liked him since day one and PS she was going to tell him today but you obviously run that opportunity considering that y'all we're openly holding hands and s*** like that's rude sorry but if you know your friend like somebody you don't just go ahead and straight up try to date them like that's not the boundary you don't do that.
Oh s*** that's why you invited him didn't you
"Yeah but since somebody put my ass in the spotlight like that I might as well be honest yes it was but f*** it I didn't know besides I don't think he can handle full-blown ass Dragon anyways since I'm a little irritated now cuz I did all this for literally nothing thanks Morgan you could have told me that was kind of a b**** move I love you but that kind of was"
"Oh f*** you're a what now"
"I'm a Firebreather dingus I'm a dragon okay I don't think he could deal with me anyways it's okay do you know and it's not like he knew I didn't exactly clarify who it was except Wendy because Wendy happened to have noticed because she pays attention she knows how I giddy I got every time I talk to him but you also certain did not tell me that you were dating somebody so that's on You to. I wasn't going to do this but now I don't know humiliated so you think I'm going to go shift later and by that I mean like right now so if y'all want to chill outside that's cool I'm just going to cuz I'm going to let off steam cuz otherwise I'm going to end up shifting right here and I don't think you all want to see that I'm a little big." I said pointing out that my tail was even coming out now my golden scales Shimmer to cross my tail as I moved it around since my tail is like a monkey said literally can move every single inch of it my tail wasn't one of those tails that you can only move like half of it and then it didn't work and I could literally move the tip and everything. They started it I'm movingly for a good while till I finally decide to get up with my horn started coming out my mom told him that they could either stay here and eat dinner or that they could go outside since I normally going to her voice in a ray shift just because we lived like near the forest away from everybody in town so I got privacy. Morgan obviously had to look at Guild on her face. And Max kind of had the look of regret written all over his face. As I walked past out the door her Wendy's brother followed me who by the way whacked Maxs shoulder before he walked away. Whispering "thanks for ruining her birthday dick." Who are running up to me and saying sorry hun we did try to Hint it to him so many times but he's so dense and so ignorant that he thought we were talking about her that's why he dated her because he thought that we were telling him that she liked him no she didn't she didn't like him until he asked her out before that she never showed an interest in him at all so yeah no wendy kind of had a right to act like that. Like your close friends and she knew who you liked Morgan knew you like somebody but never cared to pay attention to who otherwise she would have noticed that you acted around him it's pretty obvious it's not like it's rocket science all you got to do is pay attention how you act.
"Thanks but just let it go luthwr it's honestly not even worth bringing up. It's obviously all one sided so it doesn't matter anyways and besides half of you guys will forget by tomorrow anyway unless you're spiritual sensitive no you Won't Remember by tomorrow. Or unless you're like Max or me a hybrid you're honestly not going to remember so I don't even know why I'm on at me bother even tell you guys to keep it to yourself to me it's not like you're going to remember the whole ordeal anyways." I sighed it as we walked out the door. Our other friend Katie did follow but definitely need to make sure that I was okay cuz she did genuinely was worried. And I could genuinely tell that Morgan was beating herself up over it. I did vocally tell her several times that I do like somebody so it's not like I didn't.
"To be honest I feel a little betrayed by both of them because they were both very close to me and both snuck behind my back like that."I said, how's the door shut behind us and I made my way to the backyard with them they followed me into the woods as I literally just ripped off my fake skin exposing when I actually looked like Wendy took one look at me or her eyes just were just so full of excitement.
"What you're looking at me like I got a third. Katie's friend from our group also came out with us and he did like me a lot has vocally verbally told me several times but I told him that I only seen him as a friend but that's only cuz I didn't want to hurt him obviously cuz I'm not human. I knew that I couldn't give him a normal life like a normal girl. But little did I know since I was red which explains why he didn't like Max I mean this you always bought it heads yeah it made sense because he's a vampire but not a hybrid a purebred which then got me cares about why was he just chilling with a bunch of humans I mean granite the ones that are like shapeshifters werewolves vampires that sort of things they do go between Dimensions back and forth so it's not that hard to find one here but it was odd to find him so openly not hiding it like you didn't even bother her height of his face like he was showing me he was a purebred. I walked up and started sniffing him.
"Nope you're definitely a purebred what the heck is going on here why are so many of my friends not human that I didn't know about normally I would have noticed that even if I am wearing a skin I'm still not human I'm still smell that little little s*** has a wearing Elixir aren't you." I said, noticing that now All the suddenly I could smell him.
Well obviously little witch you tell me says the woman that hides that she's a dragon you do realize I was around when the last one was killed right how much old as s*** I'm actually an original and jokes on you. Miss I'm going to act like I didn't do anything you didn't even show what your human form looks like you literally hit him off and by the way I don't think you should have that cuz you look absolutely gorgeous if you either came out looking like that I guarantee you Max would have been not looking at Morgan and I'm looking at you I think you should go back and look like that you definitely make him salty. Especially since he want to have cake and eat it too which means he does like you he just decided to go with another b**** because he didn't think you'd be okay with him being a hybrid which Morgan accidentally found out by accident which come to think of it she kind of blocked me all them if you think about it he only dated her cuz she told him if he don't want people will find out then don't cover the chance to tell them another word she told him either me or I'm telling everybody your big ass secret pretty much sorry I knew Morgan's your friend but she can be a real b****. And sorry but to be that blonde Tori she doesn't even know so somebody she's known some second grade likes someone especially since she pretty much has raised with you and she didn't care to notice how you act around certain people honey I hate to tell you this but you were not her main priority is and she does not pay attention to you enough to know how you act around somebody that you like she's just very inconsiderate about your feelings and honestly why do you think I stick around every time I see you around her honey I'm pretty sure she didn't know you liked him she just didn't care in fact she didn't even show interested in him until you were unconsciously showing more and more interest in him in other words I'm pretty sure she copied you I mean you know her and you you're always competing to see who's stronger than the other or to see who can do what better than the other one. Apparently she made it very clear that she's competing to see who's the better woman than you. Katie accidentally overheard her talking to one of her other friends that does not talk to you Melanie and she didn't like what she said to her Melanie didn't like it either she told her she was a real friend she wouldn't be competing with you over a dude she just pretend not to notice which is messed up which on the other hand is why Katie brought me into this situation to begin with you're welcome this is her idea PS Katie is a witch a dark one she works with me I'm pretty much like her familiar she summoned me she cared enough to do so I mean she could have just overlooked it but no Kaley loves you a lot you know that like she loves you like a sister like Wendy does they both love you like they were both f****** take a bullet for you and you know that all four of your best best friends are actually all witches so even though they look at you like a weirdo because they say they're like Catholic they're all impasse as International foreign witches so they don't naturally conserve themselves which is but they have the ability that a witch does naturally exit Katie Katie well she's she's obviously just a dark witch. So now that she definitely know who you like and she definitely didn't on purpose and I'm pretty sure Katie and they figure out why it's because she's jealous of you you're pretty and feminine even though you're tough as nails and her that makes her jealous because you know you're obviously a lot more a better catch than she is and on top of that Morgan struggles with the fact that she is an impasse she's in denial that she's a witch so she's going to pretend like she doesn't notice when she does what who do you think my access to her these are familiar technically pretty much just like I am to Katie except with her she got him as her familiar because she tricked him into it. Anyhow since you're trying to get off from Steam you want to Spa. He's been awhile since it's flirt with anybody and I happened to have experience with Dragons before they went extinct even though the ones before they went extinct weaker than they were before I still know a thing or two." He said, randomly taking off a shirt and making a blush because I didn't realize he has such a fine looking body build.
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