I will never give up on you
Reader pov 3 months later
The air was cold threw the prison walls, the chains clinked and clashed against each, it had been along 3 months for Seliel, she was beaten and buried. Each day Garmandon had made Seliel use her powers for his bidding.
She closes her eyes slowly, trying to relax and calm herself down, but the screaming down the hall wasn't helping, Seliel could hear her cell mate, Shelia getting bet, she was the master of dreams, she could enter anyone's dreams and make them nightmares or regular dreams.
Morro threw Shelia back into the cell, Seliel run up and helped her.
Morro kicked her, which sent her flying towards the wall, "SELIEL" was the last thing she heard before thing went black, once Morro was gone, Shelia ran up to Seliel and tried to pick her up, but she was to weak.
So she just checked her pulse and sighed in relief knowing she was breathing.
Then the room started shaking, and a wall was kicked down, a boy in a black ninja suit walked into the room.
"WHERE'S SELIEL" He yelled, Sheila backed away and went to Seliel.
"Seliel, come one you got wake up, your boyfriends here" she gently shook her and she bolted up, the blue one saw her "SELIEL" he yelled and ran to the cell, opening it he bolted in, "Sis, on my, Cole get over here" the black ninja bolted over.
"Seliel.." he whispered, he picked her up and carried her with him, Shelia followed, the blue ninja looked confused but shrugged it off, while the other were fighting Garmandon and Morro, Cole signaled it was time to leave, they smoked bombed the place and left, once back at the tea shop Wu instealy started working on Seliel, while the others questioned Shelia "Who are you" was the first question, which was asked by Kai
"Shelia Dumbell, I'm the elemental master of dreams"
"How do you know Seliel" was Coles question
"We were cell mates when we were trapped at Garmandons"
"How did Garmandon capture you" was Nya question
"I was with my Parents in Pattaya when him and his arms were marching threw, my parents did there best to protect me, but Garmandon killed them and took me" Shelia blinked away her tries, and Nya gave a soft smile
"What do you do as the 'elmental master of dreams" was Skylar question
" I can tap into people's dreams, I can make them have good or bad ones, but I never really tried, I just use them to keep the bad away from my village in Pattaya" Skylar nodded
Before anyone can question her longer, Seliel and Wu come through the door, Cole and Jays faces light up, but turned into frowns when they saw her bruises and cuts, Jay walked up to his sister, and brushed the hair out of her face, "Oh, sis" Was all he said before kissing her head, where a very deep cut was marked, Nya slowly walked up and hugged her gently, while Harum and Skylar gave bone crushing hugs, and Kai and Lloyd gave pats on the shoulder, but last was Cole, once everyone was done, they all agreed to give the two alone time.
The two sat in silence not knowing what to say, until Seliel broke the silence
"I thought you had given up on me" this grabbed Coles attention
"What, I never stopped looking for you, I did everything in my power to get there" Seliel smiled a little and Cole pulled her closer to him, he place a kiss on each one of the cuts and bruises on her hands and face, also her neck.
"I will never give up on you"
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