He stares at the picture at hand. She said to search for something in between his letters, and this is what he found. A photo of him, Jimin and Taehyung - all three smiling to the camera in God-awful trendy poses at the bus-stand near their school. Why would she leave this to him? He turns to the back.
'a friend to all'
...That's it? What is this supposed to mean? How would this short message help him in finding her? Should he give her a call to ask?
He shook his head upon the thought. He can't! He agreed on 'Playing a Leo' and he was confident enough to actually promise her that he'll find her in two weeks. He even muttered 'I might be at your doorstep tomorrow morning' - to which he could practically hear her sarcastic huff and imagined Lisa rolling her eyes at him.
She said she trusts that he'll find her. If he calls, she'd probably realize how dumb he actually is - not that she doesn't know already by the way he dumped her for another - it's really not the time to cause more doubts in her mind! She said if he finds her, she'll come back to him. Which means she still loves him! Probably not as much as before, but even if it's just an ounce, Jungkook will take it!
Okay, Kook! Come on...you can do this!
'a friend to all' ...He turns back to the picture of him and the boys. Jimin! It must be Jimin! He's pretty much everyone's friend. Can't be Tae...Jungkook dismissed the memory before it lingers. Okay...so if it's Jimin, what then?
Mom said she wasn't with any bags...and she didn't stay at her house that night. Appa offered her a lift to the train station, but she said she's meeting an old friend. Maybe she met with Jimin?
Jungkook took his phone, going through his Contact list. Damn...I hope he's still using this number!
"Finally, the golden boy called!"
Jungkook looks up to the voice and his mouth drops open. Wow...Jimin's lost so much weight! The guy smirks as he sat in front of him in the small coffee shop. Jungkook felt like he hadn't seen Jimin for ages!
"What, you're in love with me or something?" Jimin leans forward, resting his chin on one palm - the weight held by an arm on the table.
Jungkook laughs, shaking his head and looking down to his coffee. "Good to see you didn't lose your cocky self along with that weight!"
"And good to see you still need help on getting the girl!"
Ouch - that hits a sensitive spot in his chest! She did meet him! Jungkook's mouth turned into a straight line, pursing them. He remembers the last time Jimin called, asking if Jungkook could bring him around Seoul a year ago. He was visiting a girl he met online, and he sounded really excited over it. Jungkook promised to show up, but ended up giving a bunch of excuses as he was busy with the day's sudden schedule and obviously, the guy got pissed at him.
He didn't realize how upset Jimin got and couldn't understand what the big deal was. Not until Lisa called and ended up arguing with him as well. He promised her that he'll call Jimin and do something to make up to the guy...but being the forgetful ass that he was, he never did. His old friend picked up his call last night. After what he had done, Jimin still agreed to meet up without even asking much or recalling their last hideous conversation last year.
"I um...I'm sorry about what happened before -"
"Hey...it's normal right?" Jimin leans back. "What was it you said - that you're not like me, you don't have all the free time in the world to cruise around, giving free tours? I understand...city boy's busy making money right? Hanging out with important people...lunches and dinner with celebrities,"
Jungkook swallowed every single sarcastic tones...because he deserves it. He was an ass for what he did and said - there's no denying it!
"Look at you now...you came back for help!" He chuckled.
Jungkook nods again. There's really no room for his pride or ego - not when it comes to getting back his love!
"See, it's funny...you always have something to say - you'd never let anyone win a case over yours. Jeon Jungkook...always so good with words,"
"No, not always,"
"Yeah...only when it comes to her right? That's probably your only weakness huh?" Jimin chuckled. His smile never left his face. It's probably the most memorable thing about Jimin - that he often smiles when he speaks. No one could ever stay mad at him for too long as the guy's always smiling!
"I have other weaknesses too,"
"Nooo...golden boy's good at everything he does!"
Jungkook laughed at the nickname. He hadn't heard it for such a long time! It was given to him since he was in middle school - being good at every sport or shows he participated in and winning at most!
"I'm not good at being a good son...or a good friend," He looks down to his knotted fingers. "I'm so bad at keeping promises. I'm selfish and ignorant. I get lost, thinking the world revolves or that maybe it should revolve around me -"
"Aish...this is making me cringe! Stop being so sentimental - it's so not you!"
Jungkook looks up to Jimin's now pink face and laughs briefly. Damn, he didn't lie!
"I'm sorry, hyung,"
Jimin shakes his head slowly, the smile is still plastered on his face. "I know...I know you are,"
They both fell silent when the waiter drops by with Jimin's coffee. Jungkook wipes his sweaty palms on the his jeans, not sure when is the right time for him to ask about Lisa as Jimin stirs in the sugar.
"I told her - I'm almost hundred percent sure that you'll never come to me and ask - and you know what she said? She said it's okay if you never do, but she felt like you would. I thought to myself...what a stupid...naive, optimistic girl! I felt so bad for her...cus like...honestly - she shouldn't have gotten herself involved with you in the first place - it was a bad move for both of you to like each other a long time ago -"
Okay, that hurts!
"I told her that too - that she shouldn't have moved there with you. She should've packed her bags and leave when she should. It would save her from that kind of heartbreak for sure -"
"Hyung..." Jungkook suppressed his need to lash out...or is it cry out? "I um...I know I'm not perfect -"
"Oh, we all knew that. Your selfish ways were never new to us but we gave you the slip cus you're the youngest. But we can't help it...it made us wonder...why the hell would Lisa like you so much?"
"I thought about it too...everyday -"
"Though you didn't seem to be valuing it as much -"
"I know I fucked up,"
"Hey, who am I to judge right?" Jimin cocks an eyebrow and after seconds of patronizing him with the look, he took something out from the pocket of his jacket. "She gave me this,"
The guy puts an envelope in front of him and Jungkook's took it with shaky hands. Another clue! It's still glued shut and he tears it off impatiently. In it, he finds a small note.
'Drunk under the streetlight'
Shit! No way! No, no, please...no!
Jungkook's mind is somewhere else now - he could feel himself going back to his 18-year-old self, blood on his lips and rib throbbing with pain - as Jimin took the piece and read it.
"What - she planned to solve all your life-long mistakes now?" He chuckled.
"Kook, where's Lisa?" Taehyung asked. His face seems concerned but Jungkook can't be sure in this slightly blurry vision. He brushed the guy off and continues to focus on the pool table. Just 2 more, and I'll wipe them all clean! He swiftly pots the last striped ball, smirking up to Jaehyun as the guy rolls his eyes.
"Far left," He calls the shot for the last one. He's already smiling - happy at the prospect of another two-months long of bragging rights.
He doesn't come out to the neighboring town much - but when he does, he likes to remind the boys who's the reigning champion is! Yes, he won the last time too and that was two months ago. Jaehyun finally threw another party as his parents went out of town, and Jungkook was beyond ecstatic to be enjoying the night with the rich kid in his posh house!
He stretched his arms wide open as the sound of the puckered ball hits the slide, and a triumphant smile plastered on his face. Two arms sneaks up from behind, wrapping themselves to his front as Jungkook tries to focus on the bills passed into his palm by Jaehyun. The warm body leaning on his back felt nice for him and his pride!
One, two...three...small change? Fuck, okay! One, two, three...four, five...six...six - no seven...eight, nine ten. That's 300,000 won - damn! He won big with just 3 rounds! He looks up and finds a girl with the same hairstyle...the same white tank top underneath Lisa's same green cardigan that she had worn for the night to accompany him here after his never-ending pleading since morning. The girl also looks like the doll he's been calling 'baby' for the past 2 years.
Who is she and why does she look like her? It can't be my Lisa - Lisa's right here behind me - oh fuck! He jumped and pushed the arms away when he realized that it's not his girlfriend but the girl suddenly thrusted in and pecked on his lips.
"Eunha - what the hell -" Jungkook could vaguely hear a few laughter of his boys, but his mind is pre-occupied at the girl before him - leaning more and more slyly at him.
"Don't be shy, you know you like it! Kook-ah...when are you gonna dump that Thai girl and go out with me?" She sounded cunning but pouts as she points a finger onto his chin. Ugh, this is so suffocating - even the heavy alcohol in his system can't deal with her! That's probably the only annoying thing about Jaehyun's party - it's that Eunha's always around, trying to flirt with him at any chance possible!
"Stop it," He pushed her slowly away from him to not hurt the girl. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing this -"
"Oh, come on...aren't you tired of her? How long does it have to take -"
"Never in this lifetime -" He turns, ready to go to his girl but finds no trace of Lisa in the yard house.
His heart beats like thunders in a hurricane - trying to find her from where he was...out to the pool area and in between all these people he hardly even knows. He searched every corner of every room and still couldn't find her.
She must've misunderstood the scenario from earlier! Jungkook feels so bad that not even his drunken self could dismiss the growing worry in his chest.
"Hey, have you seen Lisa?" He clutched on Jimin's shoulder when he found him chatting with a girl at the grand room.
"I thought she was with you,"
"No..." His eyes are still scanning around nervously. "Shit - I...shit!" Both of his hands are now clutching on his hair.
"Calm down. What's wrong?"
"She...she saw something. I think she misunderstood,"
Jimin eyes him speculatively, accusingly even. "What did you do?"
"I swear to God, you're so careless!" Jimin hissed at him before hopping into the driver's seat. Jungkook's breathing is uneven now since they practically ran from the house all the way to the car. "You brought her here and you know for a fact that she doesn't know anyone -"
"Hyung, hurry! You can lecture me later -"
"How the fuck could you leave your girlfriend for a fucking pool game??"
"I thought she was with me - hyung, there!" He points to the quiet side of the road not too far from Jaehyun's house. He could see two silhouttes and eventhough it's dark, he's sure that the long-legged slender girl is his!
Wait - maybe not. Maybe his drunken and worried mind is playing tricks on him because there's no way Lisa would be in another man's arms! Jimin pulls up at the side of the street and Jungkook opens the door. The two figures separated and his mouth drops open. It is her! And...Taehyung? What the fuck -
He didn't even realize the race of his feet from the car but heard a high-pitched scream from the girl as he punched on Taehyung's face with all his might...then nothing at all. Jimin is saying something to him - his expression reflects a mix of shock and anger but Jungkook couldn't hear anything.
"Oh my God - Tae!" The sound came back in levels and Lisa is now kneeling on the ground next to Taehyung, clutching on him and getting him to sit up.
She...those hands belong to me - they should only be on me! She's crying...is it cus of me or cus Tae is hurt? Her bangs are slightly parted - probably from the constant wiping of her tears - but she looks pretty as always.
Taehyung sits back up and rubs on the corner of his lips - eyeing on the red mark left on his thumb then back at Jungkook.
"You piece of shit -" The swift motions of Taehyung getting up and throwing hits at him while he does the same feels all too fast - some he could dodge and block, most he couldn't.
Jungkook hissed at the throbbing pain on his ribs from a sharp blow, and his rage spikes up in nano-seconds. One heavy hit from his knuckles threw Taehyung off his balance and he fell back to the ground. Beating sounds now have a melody of its own, as Jungkook repeats one thing in his mind: she is mine.
He couldn't tell if the weight on his shoulders are his pride or if it's Jimin's hands trying to pull him off from the guy. A shadow appeared beside him - trying to divert his attention from winning this fight but his hand is quick to push it away.
"Jungkook!!" Jimin's loud, echoed shout and Taehyung's sudden stare to his right brought him back to life.
Lisa is slumped on the ground not too far from him, her palm raised to her right cheek as she looks down to her knees. Oh God - what have I done?!!
Jungkook crawls off and towards Lisa in a flash, kneeling close to the sobbing girl. "I'm sorry, baby! I'm sorry -" He repeats the words as he took her in his arms, rocking his body back and forth to somehow comfort her, or himself for that matter. The pain on his body is throbbing, but the sound of her cry is breaking him more than anything.
"You hurt her all the time. You made her wait for you all the time -"
"Tae, stop," Jimin warns.
"It's true!! You kept on forgetting her -"
"Dude, stop now. Get in the car,"
Jungkook couldn't turn or speak. His drunk self is now gone - replaced with his sober nerves and regrets. The girl in his arms is still crying, cupping her face down in his chest.
"Lisa...come with me,"
He stops rocking. Taehyung's voice is soft - as if he's pleading to the girl. His girl -
"Chim, take him away before I do," Jungkook's jaw tensed with repressed anger.
"You didn't care for her back there, and you act as if I'm the bad guy? Would you rather see her walking back home alone?" Taehyung's remarks felt like knives in his guts, but he can't seem to grasp it more than the idea of his best friend trying to take his girl away from him.
"You and me - we're done. Stay away from my girlfriend,"
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