Jungkook woke up with a slight headache and a painfully growing erection. Damn it - this is not the right time! He must admit though - that dream he had was by far the best he's had of her since she left. Her silky skin shivering under his touch...her soft moans and her sensual rubs all over his chest and stomach, down to his thigh and finally on his hard member. Damn, I need a cold shower for this!
He drags himself into the shower and cleaned himself up. It has become a pretty obvious routine now. Wake up. Shower. Drink his morning milk. Check his emails. Sit on his piano and try to finish Lee Hi's song. Cry a little or maybe a lot. Smoke to calm himself down. Force himself to eat something. Back to the piano. And back to the crying. On repeat, until he gets tired enough to fall asleep.
But today is a little different. He promised his mother that he'll bring her back. He has to keep that promise - regardless of whether Lisa has a new man or not. He has to pretend that he's okay with everything, so his mother won't worry. His mom asked him to look harder, and so he will. He can't give up now!
There's a message on his phone - a reply to a question he had asked Yoongi, his mentor when he was a songwriter in Big Hit. The guy seemed to know a lot of people and have contacts for pretty much everything, so he asked for a favor. Indeed, Yoongi shared a piece of contact information in his message. Jungkook typed a quick 'thank you' and proceed to call the number.
'Hello?' A man's voice appeared at the end of the line.
'Hi! Am I speaking to Kim Namjoon?'
'Yes, just Namjoon is fine'
'Ahh okay...I um, I got your number from Min Yoongi hyung. My name is Jungkook. I'm searching for someone and um...I was told that you may be the right guy for the job?'
'I see. That depends. Is this person dead or alive?' He sounded so serious that Jungkook can't help but think twice on his initial idea!
'What? Alive, of course!'
'Ah yes. I can try. Sorry, the last job I did was finding a dead guy - that was messy and stressful, so I just wanna make sure. I don't wanna take that kinda job anymore'
Really - who's out there finding a dead guy?? 'What kind of weirdo would pay someone to find a dead guy?'
'You'd be surprised at the things people would pay me to find. Anyways, do you have a recent picture?'
'Yes, yes!'
'I'll text you my email. Send me the most recent picture you have and all the details - last known location or contact number -'
'I have her contact number and she's still using it'
There's a pause from Kim Namjoon. 'If you've been in contact, why didn't you ask her where she is yourself?'
'Uh...that's uh...I just - I can't -'
'What did you say your name was?'
'Full name'
'Jeon Jungkook?'
'Spell it' Jungkook rolled his eyes before calling out each alphabets at a time. 'Okay, no records of any prison time. No records in any asylum or institutions in Korea -'
'Wait, what? Did you just search up my name - how did you find it so quick??'
'I'm a private investigator, Jungkook-ssi. I have my ways. So! Enlighten me...are you this girl's stalker? Are you planning on being a first-time offender? Or have you done this many times before but no one has caught you yet?'
'What - no!! What the fuck - she's my ex-girlfriend! I'm trying to find her - I even spoke to her on the phone before and -'
'But she didn't tell you where she is? That means she probably don't want you to find her'
'Look man' He lets out an annoying sigh. This Namjoon guy is pushing his buttons when he's already beaten himself up for the past few days - or months! 'She left me clues on how to find her. She said it herself. I just hit a dead-end -'
'First of all, I'm older than you so you should probably talk to me with a little respect if you need my help. Second...you're not that smart if she left you clues but you still can't figure it out -'
'Oh my - you know what, fuck this! If you don't want the job, I'll look for someone else!'
'Yoo calm down! I didn't say I didn't want the job -'
'Really?? Cus it sounded like it -'
'Hey, I'm just making sure that the job is decent. You have no idea how many psychos are out there - willing to spend shitloads of money so they can commit shameful acts. I've spent almost twelve years doing this and at this point, I just don't wanna be a part of that anymore'
Jungkook hangs his head back. Of course, the guy made some valid points. He was just too triggered by the sudden accusations.
'I just wanna find her so I can bring her back home to my mom -' And hopefully, back to me - but Namjoon didn't need to know that! 'She missed her. I promised her that I'll bring her back. Can you help me or not?'
'You do sound desperate, so I'll do it. I don't mess with anyone's mom - that's for sure! It's a piece of cake if you have the contact number. I can just trace it'
09:00 Songdo Hospital
10:23 Wangsan-ro 16-na gil
11:57 Changsin 5-ra gil
14:17 Changsin 1(il)-dong
15:08 Changsin 5-ra gil
19:34 Wangsan-ro 16-na gil
20:56 Songdo Hospital
Her movements for today. I would suggest to wait for 3 days, we'll find the common places she went so you'll know where exactly are the main locations that you can find her'
Jungkook stares at the email - contemplating on the advice given. In 3 days...he will only be left with another 2 days before the 14 days are done and she boards that plane back to Thailand. Can he risk it? But even if he wants to go to her now, where would he go?
Songdo Hospital...what is she doing there? Who is sick - is it her?? If she's visiting...again, who could it be? Wangsan-ro...what's there, let's see...
He searched for the place in another tab - zooming in and out but finding nothing much but a whole neighborhood. He's never been to this part of town before but the rows looked long, and he doesn't have the house number. Changsin...again, housing areas, small markets and lots. Aishh...Namjoon's probably right. He should wait until they can pin-point the locations altogether.
She never left the hospital grounds. My tracking showed that it's there the whole day. At first, I thought it's possible that she's warded there so I called the hospital. They don't have any patients named Lisa Manoban so she probably stayed as a visitor. Let's see tomorrow and hope there are more footprints'
Jungkook sighed. He'd been anxious, waiting for today's updates from Namjoon and all he got is this news. Of course, his mind is going crazy - but it's better than nothing right? What else can he do aside from waiting?
09:22 She just left the hospital'
Yes!! Jungkook rubs his eyes again to ensure that he didn't daydream this. He's been up all night - worrying sick about the reason of Lisa being at the hospital!
'Thanks Namjoon hyung. That's good news! Update me on her next stop please' He replied.
Things will finally be looking up for him now - he can feel it in his bones! He's close to finding her. He's close to where Lisa is...he can't wait for when he gets to see her face. Will she smile when she sees him? Will she tell him how proud she is of him? Or will she look to her new man and leave him standing alone from afar?
His eyes dropped to the two canvases he left on the floor, leaning against the wall. He's been thinking of the best place to hang the large portrait of her. He thought about hanging it here in the bedroom, but there's still that small beating of hope in his chest that she'd come back to him. And if she comes back, she might feel a little creeped out of having her face on the wall.
Maybe the studio room where he feels the safest and most inspired with her? Speaking of which, he needs to submit his full first draft by today. Jungkook reached for the notes he placed at the side of the bed before dragging his feet into the studio .
'I can see your tears in my dreams
The many ways you smiled,
Someway baby, it's part of me, apart from me
The long road felt short off my feet
I strayed too far this time on the highway stream
It's funny how you held on for so long
We walked and talked under the stars
We danced in our streets, our rooms and our scars
you used to tell me I look good, so good
with my hair held back, strummin my guitar
and you said, 'I'm in the stars and wherever you are'
oh my memories, my dear
they appear like constellations in my sphere
Listen baby,
Let's go back to where the meadows stood high
When we promised our endings under our great blue skies
Tell me, baby,
How you missed my lullabies
And I will sing to you every night for the rest of my life
I can hear our laughs in my dreams
The thousands of times you called for my name
Someway baby, it's part of me, apart from me
And now you left me breathless
I sheared away tenderly
your beauty, your strength, your mind
The gifts that you bestowed to me
were swallowed in my pride
Yes, you left me breathless
in each crashing waves I cried
oh my memories, my dear
they appear like constellations in my sphere
Listen baby,
Let's go back to where the meadows stood high
When we promised our endings under our great blue skies
Tell me, baby,
How you missed my lullabies
And I will sing to you every night for the rest of my life
You left me breathless
Yeah, you left me breathless
I swore to you all my dying days
But what's left are these lingering betrays
You're cursing me, curse me for the longest time
while I dreamt awake for when you were mine
Baby, please come back, you're off too far
You said, 'I'm in the stars and wherever you are'
Listen baby,
Let's go back to where the meadows stood high
When we promised our endings under our great blue skies
Tell me, baby,
How you missed my lullabies
And I will sing to you every night for the rest of my life
I will, oh I will
My memories, my dear
they appear like constellations in my sphere'
Jungkook pressed the 'Stop' button of the vocal draft recording and wiped the tears pooling in his eyes. His chest feels all too heavy...in a way he knew that this emotional ride is close to its ending. And he's terrified of how it ends.
10:47 Wangsan-ro 16-na gil
The coordinates are showing a serviced residents so I'm betting that it's her house. I can't get the exact resident number though. Will update more findings'
More waiting...aishh...
13:19 Changsin 5-ra gil
Lot 16. It's an old and small restaurant. She was here too last 2 days. Maybe it's where she works?'
That doesn't make any sense! She's not even a good cook, why would she work at a restaurant?? Maybe she's having lunch with her boyfriend -
Jungkook cursed at the voice in his head. It might be right, but still...Namjoon said she was there last 2 days too - is it her new favourite restaurant or something? Even so, she went off and came back...and who sits at a restaurant for hours?? Maybe he should just drive there and see for himself? Changsin's about 35 minutes away and she just got there so maybe he could catch her in time?
Jungkook ran back to the bedroom to get ready but just as he stepped in, his foot had somehow met with the edge of the small canvas on the floor - accidentally kicking it across and earning a groan as he picked it up. He examines it to ensure that it's not broken...and something caught his eyes.
'Look closer'. The old man's voice suddenly appeared in his mind.
On the top-right of the painting of him are very small handwriting...her handwriting.
'I'll keep you like you kept my tattooed kiss on your shoulder'
It's small and the color almost blends in with the background color of the artwork - but damn, how could he missed it?? Right then and there, he knew why she was there.
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