Chapter 1. The Rest of the Squad
"He seems nice. C'mon, we gotta get to Aquacorde if we want to get our starters today. Let's go!" Serena yells, grabbing our arms and dragging us along and onto Route 1.
"Zeke, Serena, Calem! Over here!" Shauna yells, sitting at a nearby table with two more boys.
One of the boys has chin length red hair, and a pair of piercing green eyes. He's wearing a white button up shirt on, which is covered by a green vest and has a pair of beige shorts on and some green sneakers. To complete this he has a green backpack.
The other boy is a little more heavier-set and has brown hair similar to the top of Torchic's head, and has dark brown eyes like Shauna's. He's wearing a black Vanillite T-shirt and some orange cargo shoes, black tennis shoes, and an orange backpack.
"Zeke, meet Trevor and Tierno, who are the rest of the squad." Calem jokes, nudging me in the side with a grin.
"So you're Zeke! Shauna's description was spot-on! I'm Trevor!" The boy introduces himself, being polite even though he was introduced by his friends. The other boy laughs and roughly nudges Trevor in the side, causing the boy to sputter out random words and take in a deep breath.
"Lighten up Trevs. Stop being so serious all the time." The Tierno chuckles before looking at me with a grin.
"Can we meet our partner Pokemon yet? I really want to meet them!" Shauna jumps up on the table with an excited look in her eyes. Tierno chuckles while the rest of us facepalm.
"Shauna, you're so childish. Start acting more seriously." Trevor scolds and I crack a grin, maybe this move wasn't so bad after all. I have made five new friends in the one day that I've been here.
"Stop acting so seriously then, Trevs." Shauna giggles and pokes him in the face, causing him to sigh and pull out a container which holds three Pokeballs.
"These are the three starters, Chespin, a Grass-Type, Froakie, the Water-Type, and Fennekin, the Fire-Type." Each of the Pokemon are let out of their respective capsules and Shauna shrieks before getting the poor Chespin in her death grip. Serena slowly picks up the Fennekin at the same time of Calem grabbing Froakie. I silently laugh as I realize that Calem will have trouble battling Shauna because of type advantage.
"How about we have a double battle? Calem and me versus Zeke and Serena?" Shauna asks, grabbing Chespin's Pokeball as the others do the same. I slowly pull out Torchic's Pokeball.
"Serena, we'll have to work hard to take out Calem's Froakie before getting Chespin, okay?" After receiving a nod, we all toss our Pokeballs in the air, releasing our respective partners.
"Torchic is a special Pokemon because he has what are known as Egg Moves. Torchic, Flame Burst!" Torchic opens his beak, where a fire ball forms. He launches the fire ball, which hits Froakie while a piece of it breaks off and hits Chespin.
"Fennekin, use Scratch on Froakie." Fennekin charges forwards, its claws growing out and glowing with white energy as it rakes them down Froakie's side. Calem adjusts his hat with a devilish grin.
"Bubble." A stream of bubbles fly from the Froakie's open mouth, heading for both of our Fire-Types. Fennekin jumps in front of Torchic, taking a hit for him.
"Chespin, use Tackle!" Chespin charges forward, only to be batted aside with an Ember from Fennekin. Calem angrily bites his lip, knowing Shauna's Pokemon doesn't stand a chance.
"Torchic, Ember."
"Fennekin, use Ember!" Both Pokemon create fire balls in their mouths before rapid firing at the already weakened Chespin. Froakie takes the hit, still receiving heavy damage from the onslaught regardless of typing.
"Finish Froakie off with Scratch!" Serena enthusiastically cheers as Fennekin charges one more time, claws growing out. Froakie releases a stream of bubbles that hit, and both Pokemon lay unconscious on the pavement.
"Froakie, you were amazing. I'm so proud." Calem returns his Water-Type while Serena picks Fennekin up and cuddles her. I smirk, silently preparing to finish this battle.
"Ember. Finish this battle up." A single fireball hits Chespin square in the chest, knocking him flat on his back and rendering him unconscious. Shauna stomps her foot in frustration before returning her Pokemon.
"Here, give this to your mother. It's a letter that says we'll be leaving on a Journey. It lists who you're traveling with too." Trevor approaches me, handing me an envelope with fancy handwriting on it.
"C'mon Zeke, Calem, and Serena! We gotta hurry back to Vaniville." Shauna starts to drag away Calem and Serena, but Serena latches onto me and gets me dragged along for the ride.
Soon enough I'm back home, well, what I'm supposed to call home. I walk in, going straight to Mom and handing her the envelope, going up the stairs to my room in the process.
I hurry and get dressed. I pull on my grey beanie, my grey hoodie afterwards. I slip on my blue jeans and my black tennis shoes with grey laces, while also slipping my grey messenger bag over my shoulder.
I walk downstairs, returning Torchic as I walk out the door, only to be stopped by my Mom. A small smile is on her face as she sees me ready to leave.
"Listen, Zeke. I'm sorry about the move, but I just couldn't stand the memories in Hoenn. I wish you the best of luck on your Journey. Once you're done, we'll see if you can beat me in a battle." My Mom hugs me before sending me on my way. Once I reach the gates, I am tackled by someone.
"Ha ha! Sorry Zeke! I didn't mean to run into you!" Shauna jumps up and dusts herself off before taking off through the gates. Serena and Calem soon follow, arguing yet again.
"If it wasn't for Zeke, I would've beat you!"
"Nuh uh! I was the one who knocked out YOUR Froakie!"
"Only because Zeke weakened it!"
"GUYS SHUT UP AND STOP ARGUING FOR FIVE SECONDS!" I yell, catching their attention immediately. I sweat drop at how quiet they became all of a sudden.
"Let's go Zeke. I wanna get to Santalune by tonight." Calem and Serena say in unison, glaring at each other intently. I let out a nervous chuckle.
"No! He's going with me! Stop copying me! No you stop copying me! Ugh!" They yell in unison yet again before angrily crossing their arms. I bust out laughing at them, receiving the weirdest looks they could give.
"You two are friends, yet you don't get along at all." I mutter through my laughter, finally catching my breath.
"C'mon! We have to make it to Santalune by tonight!" I grab Serena's hand and start to run off, leaving Calem in the dirt. The three of us fly through Route 3 and into Aquacorde.
"Up ahead is Santalune Forest, which we'll have to pass through to get to Santalune." Calem explains matter-of-factly, while Serena and I are already halfway across the bridge.
"G-guys wait up!" He starts sprinting to catch up, and finally does once we're at the entrance to Santalune Forest. We laugh and enter the forest, immediately running into the other three.
"There you guys are! Let's hurry and get out of here, this place is creepy!" Shauna starts to prance off, everyone slowly following behind her.
"Ya know what! I don't need ya anymore. I got two other Pokemon who could outdo you and you're my freaking partner for Arceus sake!" A trainer up ahead is yelling at a small Pokemon who seems to be completely afraid.
I step up angrily, snarling at the boy, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! CAN'T YOU SEE YOU'RE HURTING HIM?!?!" I punch the boy in the face before picking up the small green Pokemon.
"If you want him so bad then take him. He's trash, just like you. Punch me again and we'll have issues." The boy growls, stomping on the Larvitar's Pokeball.
"Serena. Hold him. I have business to attend to." I hand Larvitar to Serena before punching the boy square in the nose, causing blood to gush out of it.
"I warned ya!" The boy tackles me to the ground, but I keep throwing punches, getting some good shots in. We both stand back up and prepare for more fighting.
I feel him punch me in the gut, knocking the wind out of me so I punch him in the face again, knocking him over. I wipe the dirt off my hoodie before taking Larvitar back and walking away like nothing just happened.
"That was really sweet you know. Taking up for that Larvitar." Serena says warmly, flashing a smile at me.
"Yeah and I got a video! You whooped him! I'm messaging this to the Professor!" Calem grins before sending the fight video to Professor Sycamore.
"It was what needed to be done. I'm glad you took up for the poor guy." Trevor says, stroking Larvitar's head gently.
"I think I'll keep him. He needs someone to love and care for him." I pull out the Luxury Ball that May have me before turning to him.
"So what do you say? Wanna join me?" I look at him straight in the eyes, his brown eyes reflecting my grey ones back at me. He slowly nods before tapping the button and being sucked in.
It shakes once.
I happily look at the capsule containing my new friend, who needs someone. I can't even imagine what that Trainer would've done to hominid I hadn't intervened and fought him.
"You okay, Zeke?" Serena asks, snapping me out of my trance. I nod my head and flash her a smile. She reflects it before facing forward again.
"Look guys, the exit!" Tierno yells, doing a dance before charging forward, Trevor at his heels. The rest of us chuckle before charging forward yet again and being surrounded by the light of day.
(I was tempted to end it here)
"Not too far ahead is Santalune City, which holds the first Gym and has a Boutique that sells only hats." Trevor explains, leading us down a path on Route 3.
"Fletchling! Fletch!" A small orange and white bird lands on Calem's shoulder. It pecks his ear before landing in front of us, taking a battle stance. Calem pulls out a Pokeball and lets out his partner.
"Froakie, Bubble!" A stream of bubbles hit the small bird, who retaliates with a Quick Attack.
"Pound!" Froakie punches the small bird in the face, knocking it out as Calem pulls out a spare Pokeball, aiming for the unconscious bird.
"Good job Calem!" Shauna yells as the Pokeball clicks, signaling a successful capture. As the battle ends, we start walking again, hoping to get to Santalune by night, which isn't far away.
"Look! I can see the lights of Santalune up ahead! Let's go guys! Let's go!" Shauna runs off excitedly, dragging Calem, Serena, and myself along with her. Tierno and Trevor chase after us, not too far behind.
The dirt path slowly changes to concrete as I enter the city of Santalune.
Chapter 1 is here! Ta da! So what do you guys think about this chappie? Am I already rushing the traveling? If anyone reads this, give me some comments on if you like it or not. Then why you do or don't like it. This book will probably having really long chapters, which means they will have 2000+ words. This was maybe 100 below that. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far.
~Shadow signing off
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