Frisk x Reader
(Me: *goes on wattpad to check comments on this story* *sees that it has 545 reads* ALL OF A SUDDEN IM INSPIRED AGAIN!) Thank you all so much for reading my stories!
Your POV
You were frisk's best friend ever sense you were kids. People always used to bully you but Frisk always stood up for you. You two were the best of friends. But a few days ago Frisk went missing. You were worried sick and you couldn't help but think about where they were. You looked to your door as someone opened it your mom came in with a plate of cookies. "Honey, I know your worried about Frisk but, they wouldn't want you too stay in your room all day," your mom says with a look of worry on her face. "O-ok," you say as you get up and walk down stairs. You and your mom sat down and ate some cookies. When you were finished you went to your room and lay down on your bed. 'Frisk please come back...' you thought as you fell into a dream less sleep.
.Time Skip brought to you by the monsters escaping the under ground.
Frisk's POV
It had been a week sense the monsters escaped they were slowly getting adapted to human society. Alphys was able to bring Asriel and Chara back to life. Everything seemed so perfect but, now I have to see someone.. I have to see y/n. *the thought of seeing y/n fills Frisk with determination!* I walk down stairs to be greeted by all of my new friends. "My child how was your sleep!" Mom says giving me a warm smile. "Good morning kiddo!" Sans says. "Howdy frisk!" Asriel says. "Hi frisk," Chara says. "How are ya punk!" Undyne says. "HELLO HUMAN!" Papyrus says. I smile at everyone. "Hi everyone I'm doing great thanks!" I say. "Do you wanna go to the park today?" Asriel asks. I shake my head. "Maybe later but right now I have to introduce you to someone!" I say. "I-I-Introduce us to someone? Who is it?" Alphys asks. I smile, "you'll see." Everyone gave a cofused look but followed me anyways.
.Time skip brought to you by a group of monsters and two human children walking down the streets.
"We're here!" I say. I walk up to the door and knock on it. Y/n's mom opened the door. "Frisk!"
Miss/or/Mrs. l/n hugged me. "Is this your mother?" Toriel asks now having a sad smile. "No," I giggle out. "This is Miss/or/Mrs. L/n, she's the lady who owns the orphanage I live in and my best friends mom," I say I blushed at the last part though because I started to think of y/n. Everyone gave me a smirk and and a 'don't you mean (boy/girl)friend look' well everyone but papyrus he just looked confused. Then someone peaked their head out, it was Y/N! But they had deep bags under there eyes.
Your POV
You peak your head out to see who was at the door. Wait, was that, FRISK! You run out the door and hug them and start to cry. "FRISK! YOU had me worried sick! I swear to godifyoueverdisappearlikethatagainIwon'teverforgiveyou!" You say getting a little angry at the end. "Woah your talking too fast!" Frisk says giggling. "I don't care I'm just so glad your back!" I say hugging them tightly. "Hugging. too. tight. need air," Frisk says. You let them go. "Sorry I just missed you so much," you say.
Frisk's POV
I look into y/n (e/c) and smile. "I missed you too," I say kissing them on the cheek. Y/n now had a deep blush. Toriel walked up to y/n and smiles. "Hello I am toriel," Mom says. Y/n turns her attention to mom. "Hi I'm y/n l/n, it's nice to meet you," they say. Asriel and MK ran up to y/n. "Howdy I'm asriel!" Asriel says. "I'm MK," MK says. "It's nice to meet you two," y/n says. I'm so happy I have my new friends and my best friend ever this day was perfect. "Come on let's go play!" Asriel and MK Say dragging me and y/n to the park.
Both you and Frisk
And I know this sounds crazy but......, I think I fell I love with my best friend
I hope you guys like this story I decided to make a happy story instead of a sad, yandere story. I hope you all enjoy!
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