Chapter Fifteen
Sean stripped the wet fabric from his body, chucking the damp shirt in the laundry basket in the corner. Kelsey stood in the doorway to his bedroom trying not to touch anything, feeling like she was covered head to toe in mud and not champagne, she feared she'd tarnish all of Martha Henderson's furnishings in this state.
Sean caught her eye in the mirror.
"You can come inside." he smiled.
Kelsey tentatively took a step forward her now bare feet sinking into the plush carpet, the perfect indent of her footprint left behind in the doorway. Her gaze drifted slowly around the room taking in every detail to avoid staring at the topless body that stood front and centre. Neatly stacked books lined numerous shelves that stood out from the blue walls, their spines straight and uncreased. His bed meticulously made, the covers pulled taught against the mattress and pillows laid plump against the wooden headboard.
"You can chuck your clothes in the basket. I'll put a wash on so they don't get ruined." Sean said whilst sliding the mirrored door to his wardrobe open. Rows of carefully ironed shirts and t-shirts filled the metal rail, letting out a huff of air he began to sift through them. "I'm sorry but I don't think I'll have anything in here that's going to be as flattering as what you've got on."
"As long as it's dry I really don't mind." Kelsey answered, folding her arms across her chest, feeling more exposed by the second as the fabric continued to cling to her highlighting every part of her as if she wasn't wearing it at all.
Sean did his best not to stare, he kept his focus on the t-shirts hanging before him, the scrape of the hangers gliding across the bar, the feel of fabric slipping through his fingers but still in his peripheral he couldn't help but catch glimpses of Kelsey. She appeared to be taking in all the details of his room, her head tilted slightly to read each of the titles of the books that he had long since read and some that have never been opened. Another trick of his mothers, filling up any empty gaps with stuff to make her life, and that of her families, more aesthetically pleasing.
The buzz of alcohol was starting to waiver. His head felt light but the floor no longer felt like it was falling out from beneath him. But still there was no returning feeling of numbness that he was used too, Kelsey had provided him with a new sense of joy that he hadn't felt in a long time. Her presence alone has taken years off of him, smiling came naturally and wasn't a force. He hated to admit it but Jaime was right. He needed this time off, if not for himself but for the rediscovery of what life was like without work at the frontline of importance.
He pulled back a navy blue jersey. His old Grovesend Football kit. Perfect. He held it up to Kelsey, her eyes widening at the sight.
"Will this be alright?" He smiled. Kelsey snatched it out of his hand with a feverish eager, turning it over to inspect it, the light in her eyes igniting into an inferno. "I remember how much you used to beg Jake to wear his kit whilst you were round here."
"Yeah and he never let me!" Kelsey answered, tracing her fingers over the lettering on the back. S. Henderson. "He wouldn't even let me touch it, I always wanted to be the sort of girlfriend that got to wear the jersey." She rubbed the fabric between her fingers, a childlike grin spread across her face.
"Well it's all yours." Sean said "Think of it as a thank you for today, a memento to our first date." He grabbed a plain black t-shirt and the grey joggers that were slung over the back of the desk chair. "I'll give you the room so you can get changed."
Kelsey watched as Sean left the room, shutting the door behind him.
Placing the kit down on the bedspread Kelsey walked over towards the laundry basket discarding the bawled up dampened socks that she had held in her fists into it. Taking ahold of the tie to her dress she pulled, the slick fabric loosening ever so slightly before she peeled it back away from her body. Standing free from the clinging dress she rolled it up and dumped it in with the rest of the clothes, turning back towards the football shirt she grazed her fingers once more over the vinyl lettering. Pulling it over her head the hem of the top rested 3/4 of the way up her thighs, barely covering the lace of her underwear. The matching shorts hung from the same hanger, grabbing them she slipped them on rolling the waist band so that there was no fear of them falling down. Glancing at her reflection she couldn't help but laugh, her appearance was that of a child that had broken into their parents wardrobe to play dress up. The Jersey hung off her frame with no shape, the arms of the sleeves nearly reaching her elbows. She hadn't realised just how much bigger Sean was compared to her and she herself didn't consider herself to be tiny, in fact she was proud of how fuller her body was compared to how it used to be. She was an unhealthy weight back in the day, always watching what she ate, Jake used to tease her by grabbing her sides and squeezing the skin.
A knock sounded on the bedroom door pulling Kelsey of her trance, all negative memories fading back into the void.
"You decent?" Sean's voice asked from the other side of the door. Kelsey took one last look at herself, straightened her hair and wiped the smudged trail of mascara beneath her eyes till it was gone.
"All good. You can come in."
The door opened with a click and Sean entered with the two champagne flutes, each containing merely a shot of alcohol in each.
"That's all I could get out of the bottle." Sean said. "Didn't want to waste it."
"Heaven forbid we let that happen."
"I must say it would've been more poetic just too say that we wasted it than drank it."
"Definitely would've sent your mum into cardiac arrest if that were the case."
Sean let out a chuckle as he handed one glass over to Kelsey.
"To a fun day." They clinked their glasses, throwing their heads back as the liquid fell down their throats.
"Not bad." Kelsey said. "I could imagine a full glass would be amazing."
Sean nodded in agreement taking the empty glass out of Kelsey's hand. He turned and grabbed the basket beside the desk, Kelsey's wet clothes weighing it down.
"One moment." Kelsey interjected, sliding one arm back into the shirt Sean watched on in confusion as she contorted her limbs till she at last produced a white lace bra from beneath the shirt. "I hope you don't mind. The feeling of wet fabric just annoyingly scratches away at my brain." Her cheeks were dusted pink with embarrassment as she placed the bra inside the basket that Sean held with one hand.
"No not at all. I'll, um, I'll just go quickly put this wash on." Sean stuttered, visibly taken aback from just happened, his cheeks too filling with colour. He walked a couple steps out of the door before turning back to look at Kelsey. "The wash and dry cycle will take a while. You're more than welcome to stay here tonight."
Kelsey's eyes widened, a flurry of jokes ready to leave her lips but Sean's innocent look and genuine sincerity held her back.
"Thank you." She smiled.
Sean stood in the utility room, the hue emitting from the washing machine's display being the only light source, bathing him in a cool blue aura. Pressing the start button a melodic tune filled the silence. Letting out a sigh Sean collected himself. What had he got himself into? Kelsey Owens was wearing his football kit and is currently in his bedroom. Something he never thought would happen, not that he'd never thought about it all those years ago. He'd always thought fondly of her, it was just she was his brothers girlfriend. So he squandered those feelings, strategically avoiding contact and involving himself in meaningless relationships in the hope the burn he felt for her would subside.
Now here he was all those years later and the burn was strong, igniting him from the inside out. Kelsey was and always had been who he breathed for.
Yet he stood here, slumped against the side counter trying to put out that fire, his fist clenching around the detergent, the plastic cracking under the pressure. The alcohol amplifying everything, his blood rushing around his body and two perspectives arguing what to do next. Proclaim the truth or to keep hiding behind the lie he's built for years?
"You alright there, Henderson?"
Sean snapped upright to the sound of her voice, she stood in the doorway, the blue light casting an ethereal glow across her face, a soft smile spread on her lips as brief concern furrowed her brow. Her hand rested gently on the door frame as she decided whether to enter or stay put.
"Er, yeah. Sorry, I think the drinking is catching up to me." Sean answered, laughing nervously. He placed the mottled detergent bottle back on the shelf. "Should probably get some water."
Kelsey relaxed, crossing her arms across her chest she moved to the side.
"That's probably a good idea. Our sober selves will be grateful for the hydration; it'll make the hangover more bearable." She laughed moving back into the darkness, Sean following her silhouette towards the kitchen.
"Oh I think our sober selves are in for a rough one tomorrow." Sean said, ruffling his hair nervously as he thought about his next words carefully. "And I'm not talking about the hangover."
Turning on the spotlights Kelsey headed towards the kitchen sink, stumbling slightly with every other step as she avoided the wet splashes still on the floor.
"Are you still going on about that near kiss." She teased, rolling her eyes as she filled two glasses with water. Sean hung back by the door, keeping his body upright against the door frame. He swallowed the words that wanted to break through. Kelsey dodged back over towards him, offering out the other glass as she chugged water from hers.
"Among other things." Sean smirked, his eyes half closed. He took a large sip, the water being well welcomed into his system after the copious amount of alcohol he'd consumed.
"Oh hon, you're absolutely fucked aren't you." Kelsey said, Seans smile broadening in response. His heart skipping at Kelsey calling him 'hon' without her even realising. She placed her hand gently on his arm. "I think we should get you all nice and cosy in bed."
"If this is you trying something, Kelsey. You wouldn't take advantage of a drunk man now would you?"
Kelsey's grip tightened on his arm and Sean let out a mischievous giggle as they reached the stairs.
"Oh shush, Henderson! I'm not that sort of person."
"Drunk consent is not consent." Sean murmured as they ascended the stairs, Kelsey's hand hovering behind Sean in case he slipped though her footing wasn't the strongest either right now. The heaviness of the drinking beginning to set in too for her, she tightened her grip on the bannister. Steadying herself they reached the top, Sean's bedroom light still on and illuminating the entrance.
"Exactly." She said following him, he stopped suddenly upon entering his room.
"That's why I didn't kiss you." Sean confessed, turning to look at Kelsey. "I wanted to, I nearly did." His eyes were now open and focused, his words flowing unable to stop. "But we'd been drinking."
"Sean." Kelsey began her mouth agape at his sudden proclamation. He turned away waving his hand and walking over to the bed.
"I'm sorry, I'm saying too much." He placed the half full glass on the bedside table. Kelsey felt like a ton of bricks had hit her fully on the chest. "You should take the bed, I'll crash on the sofa."
He turned avoiding eye contact, stumbling across the carpet, Kelsey placed an open hand out stopping Sean in his tracks, her warm hand planted firmly on his chest.
"There's no way your traversing the stairs again in this state." She joked lightly, pushing him back towards the bed. His knees buckled as the back of them hit the edge of the mattress causing him to slump down on top of the covers, Kelsey's hand now free from his chest and delicately holding his chin up so their eyes met.
"You're going to get into this bed."
"Kelsey." Sean all but growled, his jaw clenching. "I've just told you how I'm doing everything against my will to not kiss you and you're making it very hard to keep true to that."
Kelsey felt the power she had, a wicked smile spreading as she let go of Sean's chin slowly.
"Get in and budge over." She laughed. "I promise you no funny business."
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