《Selena Arabella Calos》
I should have known better by now. I should have known his kindness was an act. I should have known he could never stop hating me. But how he treated me after that night and the entire time we were in Themiu gave me hope. It let me believe he could love me again. Oh, what a fool I was.
Everything was fine the first day we got back to Kilanea. When we got home, we continued our routine from Themiu- cooking dinner together, me sitting in his lap while he finished his work and going to bed together.
But everything changed the next day. I had to go to the office for a few meetings, and when I returned home, the laidback, caring Daniel was gone. Instead, I saw the cold, dark version of him again- the one who looks at me like it is taking all that is in him not to kill me, the one who treats me like I mean nothing to him, the one who hates me like he never loved me.
I cried myself to sleep that night because I had gotten so used to his presence and care that going without it felt like the worst hangover of my life. I would have cried the next day too, but Alessandro got out of rehab, which diverted my attention.
At first, I did not say anything to Alessandro about what was happening with me, but he eventually got it out of me- like he always does. Alessandro reminded me that my and Daniel's marriage was never supposed to be anything more than a business contract. He made me realise that I have always known how Daniel felt about me, so his behaviour should not have shocked me.
"What do you think, Selena?" Gigi asks me, snapping me back to the present.
I take a second to compose myself. What is Gigi asking me about? The fall collection. The theme...
"The theme should be a cross between romanticism and nature- a fairytale for the ages," I say almost dreamily, smiling as I picture the stunning dresses and elaborate sets that would come to life with such a theme. I have so many ideas for this theme. I have almost twenty dresses designed to match it.
"I was talking to Layla, and she thought a modern, artsy theme would be a good idea. We should do that instead," Mother adds and my smile fades.
I take a deep breath to calm down. Mother still acts like she is the CEO of Georgia Ambrosia, even though it's been almost a year since I took over. And now she is including Layla in her decisions? Not on my watch.
"Fortunately for me, I am the CEO, and I make the decisions for this company, and I stand by my theme choice," I reply in a calm and collected tone.
Gigi looks at me and raises an eyebrow, surprised I did not give in to my mother's demand for the first time. So am I. But I am so angry about everything; I don't care what the consequences are- I will not let my mother walk all over me today.
Mother purses her lips, glaring at me like she is ready to kill me. "I am the chairwoman, and your mother, Selena. You will listen to me."
"Co-chairwoman," I correct, and Mother's jaw clenches. "And I do not need to listen to you. You never listened to Gigi when you were the CEO and she was the only chairwoman and your mother."
I can feel the tension rising in the room as my mother opens her mouth to say something, but I hold up my finger to silence her. "I'm not done yet, Mrs Calos," I say firmly. "We already did the 'modern, artsy' theme for the last fall collection - which, when I proposed, you hated, but you agreed to it because of Gigi. Repeating the same theme would not be a good idea businesswise - which, of course, Layla does not know because she is not a businesswoman."
As I finish talking, everyone in the room stares at me in shock, including my mother.
Gigi, on the other hand, looks at me with pride. "Lena is right, Aurora," she says, "We cannot let a model make such an important decision about the company. Especially when the CEO does not agree with it."
But my mother still doesn't back down, "Layla isn't just a model. She's my daughter," she hisses at Gigi.
Gigi chuckles shortly. "So is Selena. And as Selena pointed out, you are my daughter too, but you never took mh input."
My mother looks like she wants to argue with Gigi, but even she knows there's no point. Gigi has always been on my side, and she always will be. So, my mother just nods sternly, and the tension in the room begins to dissipate.
The rest of the meeting goes smoothly, with little to no interference from Mother. She keeps glaring at me discreetly, but I ignore her. I have more important things to think about than her anger.
"You need to come home tonight," Mother says curtly when only she, Gigi and I are left in the room.
I begin to collect my things, trying to appear nonchalant, but I am panicking internally. At least for me, nothing good comes out of dinners with my family. "Why?"
Mother purses her lips again like she cannot believe I have the audacity to question her again, but she glances at Gigi and sighs. If Mother is anything but civil to me in front of Gigi, she will be terminated immediately as chairwoman.
"Layla is coming over too," she explains calmly. "And your father and I thought it would be a good idea for you two to meet as sisters finally."
I nod as I collect the last of my things. "I will be there," I tell her, then look at Gigi. "I guess I will be seeing you tonight too?"
"Of course," Gigi says, her eyes shining with mischief. "You know I never miss family dinners when I am in town."
I see the subtle clench in Mother's jaw as I walk out of the conference room.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask Antonio sharply as he walks into my office.
My heart races in fear when I notice the calm smile on his face. He is a psychopath. If he is smiling, he is up to something bad.
"Come on, piccola. We agreed to be civil to each other for our mutual benefit," he replies in an amused tone.
"It's Ms Calos to you," I snap curtly. "And that was before I found out you were going behind my fiancé's back."
Antonio isn't offended by my rudeness, if anything, he's more amused by it. "I remember when you hated him enough to come to me for help. And look at you now, talking about him so lovingly."
I freeze at his words. It was a year ago, shortly before I became CEO of Georgia Ambrosia. I wanted to buy some land in Themiu but I was told I couldn't because it was owned by the Antonio Alessi and he would not sell it to me unless I agreed to meet him. I did not want to at first, because of his past with Daniel, but he kept on interfering every time I tried to purchase any land. Eventually I met with him and we came to a mutually beneficial agreement- he would give me any land I wanted and he would get a favour in return. I have contacted him twice and both times the favour he asked for was a coffee date. But sometimes, he randomly decides to barge into my office to "have a chat". It was fine before I found out Daniel was my fiancé and about everything Antonio was planning to do to him.
Antonio has been calling me for the past few days but I have not picked up because I try not to interact with him unless absolutely necessary.
I glare at him. "Get out, Antonio. I don't have time for your bullshit."
Antonio simply grins, but his eyes turn serious which makes him look as dangerous as he is. "Don't be like that, piccola. What would your dear fiancé do to you if he found about about the two of us?"
"You should be more scared of that than me," I retort, but my heartbeat skyrockets at his words. Daniel would kill me if he found out about me and Antonio. He hates him more than he hates me. "I am his fiancé, he will not do anything to me. You, on the other hand, he will kill without hesitation. And when he finds out about everything else you did..."
Antonio's lips purse and before I know what's happening, he has a gun pointed to my head. If it was anyone else in my position, they'd be scared. But I am not scared of death... and I am not entirely out of my self-destructive phase so I stand up and push the gun aside. "We both know you are not going to kill me, Antonio, so drop the act and tell me what the fuck you want."
He considers my words for a moment before sighing and putting his gun away. "I'm sorry for losing my temper, piccola, but you, like your fiancé, are one of the most infuriating people I have met."
"What do you want, Antonio?" I ask calmly, trying to mask my irritation.
"I need information about Daniel's-"
"No," I interrupt Antonio, keeping my voice calm and even. "I am not taking sides. I will not tell you about him or him about you. If you want anything else from me, you are more than welcome to ask."
Antonio studies me impassively for a moment, then nods in understanding. "You are right. I cannot ask you to go against your fiancé. I guess I will see you some other day, piccolo," Antonio says, with a hint of warmth, as he brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear.
I stare at him dumbfounded as he walks out of my office. What in the actual hell was that all about? I know Antonio really well by now. He is just like Daniel. When he wants something, he gets it- no compromises. So, what the hell happened just now? How did he agree with me without any threats or arguments? My brain races as I sink back into my chair, and a feeling of impending doom settles over me.
Every time I have a family dinner, I think it can't be worse than the one before it and every time I am proven wrong... how delightful.
Nothing could have prepared me for the way Jax is acting with me tonight, not even the whiplash that Daniel's cold behaviour gave me. Jax is acting like he is one of them- a true part of the Calos clan, who have vowed to loathe me since the day I was born.
What the fuck is happening? I don't understand anything. I was already confused by the shift in Daniel's demenour, but given our history that should not have come across as a surprise. But with Jax, my brother, my rock, the person who has been by my side as much as Alessandro has, I don't understand what happened.
Everything was completely fine the last time we talked when I was in Themiu. Jax was talking to me normally, making dumb jokes and telling me about the new girl he is dating. I haven't talked to him since I got back, which is why I was so excited to see him. But, as soon as he saw me, the smile faded from his face and his eyes turned harsh. When I greeted him, he did not reply and turned to talk to Layla.
So for the past hour, I have been watching Adriana, Mother, Jax and Layla talk to each other and laugh together about something. They haven't been acknowledging my existence and so I feel like I am looking at them through a glass window. Father is here too but he is too busy with his phone to notice anything that is going on around him.
I am almost about to leave when Gigi enters the room. Of everyone in the room it is only me and Jax who have a positive response to Gigi's presence. Father, as always, has no reaction at all and just tilts his head towards her in greeting. Layla smiles uncomfortably, as if she isn't sure how to react. And Mother and Adriana have sour expressions on their faces, not even bothering to hide that they do not like Gigi's presence here.
Gigi's eyes scan the room before settling on Layla. "This must be Isabella," she says before looking at Mother and frowning. "Where are your manners, Aurora? Introduce me to your daughter."
Mother's looks as if she is going to combust into flames with anger as she steps forward and places a hand on Layla's shoulder. "She prefers Layla, Mother."
Gigi's frown deepens. "I might have known her preference if you had bothered to introduce me to her before. But since you did not, I assumed she might prefer her birth name in private."
"Well, she does not. So you can-"
"We don't need to fight over this," Jax intervenes, knowing Mother and Gigi's arguments gets very intense very quickly. Jax gives Gigi a quick hug before guiding her towards Layla. "Layla, this is Mamma's mother. As you know, she prefers it if we call her Gigi."
Layla smiles at Gigi before awkwardly hugging her. "It's wonderful to meet you, Gigi."
I roll my eyes and take out my phone, not wanting to see the moment when Gigi inevitably becomes enchanted by Layla and forgets me.
AA: Enjoying family dinner, piccola?
I frown as I read Antonio's message over and over again. How did he know what I am doing? Does he have someone following me?
Subconsciously, I look out of the window but it is too dark outside to see anything.
Me: Why do you care?
AA: Because I care about you.
Me: What do you want?
AA: I don't want anything. But you might. Some new information about Marcello has come to light. I thought you might be interested.
Me: What information?
AA: Meet me and I'll tell you.
Me: I can't. If I meet you anywhere, Daniel will find out and then we both know what happens.
AA: I can arrange a meeting he won't find out about.
I purse my lips in annoyance. I need whatever information Antonio has on Adam and I know he will not give it until I agree to whatever he wants.
Me: Give me a few days. After the engagement party, it might be easier for me to meet you.
"Who are you texting?" Gigi suddenly says from beside me and I almost drop my phone, startled by her presence.
"Alessandro," I say instantly and her eyes narrow.
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes," I say, keeping eye contact with her.
Gigi sighs. "Just stay out of trouble, child."
"I always do," I reply, grinning and she smiles. I look around the room and realise everyone else has left.
I know it's been a long time since I last updated and I sincerely apologise for that. I just cannot get myself to write. I will finish this book, I promise that, but it will be slow. My writing months are usually between March-May so hopefully, I will do better then. Until then, I will try to write one chapter every two weeks because its not fair for everyone to wait that long.
Lastly, I love all of your comments and dms, they are my inspiration to finish this book🤍
Hope this chapter was fine x
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