Chapter 2 the kidnapping
You were with your friends pac,cylindrai and spiral were at to get something to eat so you went this place that has burger and we got some and after that we went somewhere that looked like a museum and it looked cool and as you were looking around something caught you eye.
It was about some kind of war and it tells about an evil leader of one of the arm his name was betrayus.
(Betrayus? What a strange name)
Pac man:"(y/n) what you looking a- oh your looking about the war"
"Yes I am curious about one of the leaders"
Pac man:"witch one?"
Pac man:"betrayus!"he said with a shock expression
"What? is something wrong?"
Pac man:"no it's ok I guess you don't know about him because your from a different planet"
"Yeah so why were you shock when I said betrayus he's dead right?"
Pac man:"well actually he alive but as a ghost"
"A What now?!"
Pac man:"he's the leader of the ghost and he try to steel the tree of life"
"Oh god that dose sound awful"
Pac man:"don't worry me and my friends got it back"
"Well I guess that's good"
After that you all got out of the museum only to find some ghost attacking.
Pac man:"(y/n) get to a safe place to hide we'll take care of this"
You went to a near by alleyway and transformed and got ready to attack for some reason there were more ghost coming at you but as you got down a took a break you got hit by something on the back of your head and backed out.
Dr.buttocks:"haha yes my evil plan worked!"
Betrayus:"you mean my evil plan!"
Dr.buttocks:"yes yes I will brin her down to the netherworld!"
Betrayus:"good but hurry up I don't want pac man to notice"
(Meanwhile in netherworld)
(Betrayus PoV)
I was waiting for dr. Buttocks to come back with that creature and as I was about to call him again he came from the two doors
"Well you took your time"I said with my arms crossed
Dr. Buttocks:"I am sorry lord betrayus it was hard to get her into the netherworld because of pac man"
"Well go put her in one of the cells and find out what she is"
Dr. Buttocks:"yes lord betrayus"
After he got a sample of her I got some ghost to put her in the cells and I kept a slug cams watching her just in case something happens.
(Your PoV)
I woke up to feel a cold floor on me and as I got up I noticed that I was in a cell.
"What the what happened?"
Senketsu:"you got knocked out by some ghost and they brought you here"
"Well if they won't let me out I will"
I got my scissors blade and cut down the cells doors and got out but you didn't know were you were so you just walked around until you saw a dog but not just any dog but a poodle dog with 3 heads.
"Aww it looks cute😊"
It then terns into a demon dog
"Well shit"i said as it jumped on me
I didn't know what to do but i did the one thing if i see a dog I petted it and it calm down and tern back to it cute form I then noticed there was a collar on it and the name was fluffy.
"Fluffy? Is that your name fluffy"
Fluffy jumped up and down in happens meaning yes.
It then picked me up and place me on its back and place me on its back and ran off somewhere.
(Betrayus PoV)
I was in dr. Buttocks lab with butler by my side.
"So did you find out what creature is?"
Dr. Buttocks:"it seams that she is a human"
"A human? What's a human"
Dr. Buttocks:"well it a creature is called (y/n) and she a female from a different plant called earth and many live there and it's kinda like ours because they have different country's in one planet just like ours"
"Well is there anything else about her?"
Dr. Buttocks:"well yes she also a-"
But before he could say his sentence something banged on the door.
Dr. Buttocks:"What was that?"
Butler:"maybe it's one of your failures"
Dr. Buttocks:"oh shut up"
The door banged again and again until fluffy came in with the female human on her back
"Ok note to self your fast"
I saw the human girl right in front of me.
(Your PoV)
I got off fluffy to see 3 ghost just staring at me I guess they didn't expect me to come here
"Okay I need answer now!"
??????:"about what?"
"Well a name at least"
Butler:"well my name is butler"
Dr. Buttocks:"my name is dr buttocks the most best ghost scientist ever"
Butler:"Oh will you quick with that"
Dr. Buttocks:"What your jealous that I'm much better"
"I'm guessing that you two are brothers right"
Dr B and butler:"yep"
Betrayus:"and my name is betrayus the lord of the netherworld and ghost"he said with a smirk
(Wait betrayus the leader of the war what is he going to do to me?!)
Betrayus:"came and follow me if you want to live"
I did what I was told and I was took into a room that had a big throne and a massive tv screen on the wall. Betrayus then sat down on the throne and waved his hand umm claw to motioned me to come sit so i did and that god I can sit in the throne and there was some space
And we kinda sat there awkwardly until betrayus broke the silence.
Betrayus:"sorry about the hole putting you in cell thing I just didn't know what you were soooo"
"It's okay I kinda get that a lot from people"
Betrayus:"Wait what do you mean?"
"Anyway why am I here?"
Betrayus:"well I think I should tell you the truth about your friends pac man"
"The truth about what?"
Betrayus:"He's actually evil and I'm not"
"Wait but in the museum?!"
Betrayus:"they can not see what I saw what he was that's why I started a war to stop him and tell his parents but they didn't understand"
"So that's why but why do you send the ghost to attack"
Betrayus:"If people think I'm a villain and won't listen I can't do anything"
"Oh you poor thing"i said as i grabbed his claw
"I can't believe that people can't understand you of what you do and look"with my head down
I looked up to see him with a blush on his face and he quickly terns away and you started to blush as well.
"Oh I'm sorry"
Betrayus:"it's o.Okay"
After that we kept talking about things until dr. Buttocks came in to see you two.
Dr. Buttocks:"Oh it seams your still alive"
"What do you mean?"
Dr. Buttocks:"well you see when people enter the netherworld they ceased to exist"
"Well it's not affecting me so I guess I'm lucky then"
Betrayus:"well I glad that you are lucky"
"I am to"you said smiling
After that betrayus was if I want to put on some show since there was nothing better to do and i agree,i got interested about two ghost lovers and I think betrayus didn't like it but after some time I fell asleep by accident
Betrayus PoV
I felt something on my shoulder I look to see (y/n) I blush madly to point my fire powers almost lots control and I think it time for her to go home so I got up to the service and laid her on the ground softly in front of the maze and I went back to the netherworld.
Pac Man PoV
Me,cylindrai and spiral were looking around for (y/n) so I went to the maze and found her I checked if she was all right and she was but I still need to make sure that betrayus didn't do anything to her so I went to cylindrai and spiral to sir camference lab.
(10 minute later)
Cylindrai:"is she going to be okay?"
Sir camference:"yep she all good just fell asleep that's all but theres one thing you won't believe that I found on her!"
Spiral:"What is it?"
Sir camference:"remember that one time I made a listening device and it ran off some were"
Sir camference:"when grinder was fixing her hair he found it and I had to find out what happened to her"
"So what did happen to her?"
Sir camference:"she was taken to the netherworld and betrayus was trying to trick her to think that he was good"
(All gasps)
Spiral:"but why would he do that"
Spheros:"it's because he wants her to attack pac man"
"I cant believe that he was going to that to- Wait! Did (y/n) fall for his trick!"
(Y/n) PoV
"Of course I didn't fall for his bull shit want do you take me for an idiot"
Pac man:"(y/n) how long have you been awake"
"Long enough until I got bored"
Spheros:"well I'm glad that your Okay"
"Oh hay your betrayus little brother"
Spheros:"Wait how do you know that?"
"It's better that you don't ask"
Spheros:"well Okay then?"
"Any how I should be on my way now"
Pac man:"but how will you get home?"
"Just watch and learn 'breaths in'RA-"
Ram burst though door
Ram:"come on lady (y/n) it bedtime"she said as she put me on her shoulders
"Bye guys see tomorrow at school"
After that ram ran through the window and broke it and you feel asleep in rams hands
To be continued.......
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