Prologue: The string I've lost and found again
Quick note by the goose making this: HI! this will under go changes as this book goes on, I will probably update this again today or night.
Also one very important note: I am Autistic with dyslexia and adhd so things maybe a bit funky at times
- The Canada goose running this account
The whispers of the night and the calm energy around two beings, a god and a kitsune. They were cuddling in a garden. Suddenly yells were heard as beings came into view. Gods, Kitsunes, along with other beings fighting each other. "-------!" the god hissed out as 4 strange tails lashing out behind the god, "why must you attract my home and people!" They cried out with anger in their voice, staring down at another god who was dressed in gold, whites and pale yellows. "You've hurt enough creatures, and now you will pay for your crimes!" the light coloured god said, "MY CRIME!?" Cried out the darker god as if they were asking a question "I've just been doing my duty?!" they laugh "----- does a similar job to me, and you think they also have crimes? How foolish are you? To forget, there is a balance that must be maintained. And you seem to think we like our jobs?!"
The light god looked at the darker god, opening their mouth before closing it "ok so maybe I enjoy it a bit, BUT- that's not the point right now." the darker god stated, "I'm sorry, I wish this could've never happened, that maybe you could still change-" "SHUT UP!" the darker god screamed, cutting off the other, and alas they began fighting.
It had been fighting for a while now, both now wounded when a knife was thrown aimed for the lighter god, the light god narrowly missing it, "-----, go, run! I don't want you to get killed." the darker yelled out to the kitsune. "I can't do that, ---------, I vowed to fight for you until my last breath, even though the thickest and hardest times, I promised to never leave your side" the kitsune said back. Love filling their voice.
As they fought, the kitsune started falling behind, becoming even more tired, unable to keep up with the gods. Until-
"-----!" The god called out to their lover, an arrow piercing through their heart. Their eyes widened, tears streaming down their face. The god ran over to their lover, lifting them into their arms as the two sat on the grass. "I'm sorry, I should've listened to you.." the fox spirit coughed up blood before speaking again. "Even though I thought this might happen, I'm glad I get to protect you..." The fox spirit became colder with every word they spoke.
Their breath became slower before stopping, the darker god cried quietly, whispering "come back..." As their lover became dust and the sound of a string snapping could be heard, only a gold locket remained. The light god stood quietly as they watched the life they took fade away. "See, what happens to the souls you corrupt? They return to the light the only way they can." the light god says coldly.
"You.." the air around the gods changed, "you killed -----!" they yelled, attacking the other harder than before. After more time passed, the dark god expected their fate, now on their knees, vowed this "seal me away but I will be back some day"
Now... Centuries later, a shrine of the dark god stood. It once was lively and use but now it sat in the mists of a park. Unknowingly, the shrine held the god locked away, few knowing what dwells within. The god, sometimes awake, still reserves prayers and offering.
Until.. The god was awakened. It felt something.
The tug of a string wrapped around the god's soul and the pressions of a familiar aura was felt.
"No.. how?" the god spoke to themself "how are you back?..."
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