A/N this chapter is a collab with @Godslittlelight. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I hope this crazy chapter makes up for it. Also, I know there's probably grammar errors, I'll probably fix them later. Just enjoy the chapter, lovelies!
I feel jittery as I get into Alan's car. I really don't want to leave Alli. "She'll be fine, bro," Alan assures me. I nod, pretending I believe him. I'm only doing this for the guys who say I never get out anymore. That fact is true though. I let my thoughts drift around during the car ride. Thinking about Alli, and everything else that's going on.
"Come on dude. I'm wearing it!" Chad reasons, pulling one of the wacky shirts on. I shake my head, "You're USED to being embarrassed in Public! I am not!"
"Come on even ALAN is wearing the neon pink shirt that says Im a princess," Joey begs. I complain, "Well HE is used to it. He has daughters that make his mind go weird." "Don't pressure him. He'll wear them if he wants to," Alan says. Chad and Joey nod, understanding what Alan means. We walk inside the bowling alley, and people start laughing and pointing at us.
I smile, as I select a red ball for myself. Alan grabs a heavy black one, and we walk to the lane. "I'm putting my name in first!" Joey exclaims. He types in "GI-JoeY" as he turns around and flexes his muscles and we laugh at him. Then Chad 'Winner.' I scoff, "Wow somebody's subtle." Alan then steps in and enters his name "SugarNLights". Then it was my turn to put my name in I choose StarBucks Grimm. "Let's get this game started!" Joey exclaims, picking up his ball. Which flies out of his hand when he tries to bowl... It flies backwards and hit's Chad's leg by accident. The good think was it was only a half pound ball, so it didn't hurt him that bad.
Joey tries again, and succeeds, well actually he gets a gutter ball. "Guys! We should put the bumpers up!" He begs. "No those are for babies," chad says. Joey pouts, but reluctantly sits back down. Alan's up and he turns around and asks, "how should I bowl this?" Joey replies, "Well I think you should Bowl backwards on your knees." Alan nods, and kneels on the floor. He tosses the ball behind him, and turns around to see his score. He got 7 out of 10. Alan then bowls again and gets two more pins. Chad goes then, picks up his ball, (while not so obviously trying to show off HIS arms like "GI-JoeY" did), and asked me, "Ok my turn how should I bowl?"
"Close your eyes," I instruct him. I spin him around and around a few times. I make sure he's facing the lane. Keeping his eys closed, he releases the ball. He was so dizzy that he almost lost his footing, but he still managed to knock down one pin. "Great job, bro!" I exclaim, clapping a hand in his back. It's my turn so I grab the ball. "Somebody give me a wacky Bowling idea!" I demand.'
"Try dancing while bowling. Make something crazy up!" Joey says excitedly. "How exactly does one dance while bowling?" Alan asks. "We thought you would be the one to know twinkle toes," Chad replies walking back with nachos in his hand. "Gimme a nacho while I think," I grab one, and begin thinking of how to dance while bowling.
Then I just thought of it. Since Joey tried to make me look bad and underestimate me, I decided to do the one move that would drive him crazy. I start doing 'The Stamper' whilst attempting to bowl. He looks annoyed and tries to "stamper into me by accident" but the knock gave the ball a perfect spin causing all the pins to go KA BOOM!!! "Boom goes the dynamite!" I yell. The guys laugh at me, and I can't help but laugh along. "IM HUNGRY," Chad whines. "You just had two hotdogs, a slushy, and nachos," Alan points out. Chad nods, "I know, but it's been like thirty minutes."
"Who wants to go to T.G.I Fridays!?!?!" Joey exclaims!! I give him the same 'look' I did when he was Joey Perry, "Do you want to try that again bro?" Alan laughs, "Well, our game almost is over. Maybe when we finish, and I beat you all we'll go." I shake my head, "Did you just say you'd beat us all?!" He holds his hands up in defense, "sorry for stating the truth." "Has the whole world gone mad?!? We go to TGI Fridays and Alan can actually beat us at something?" Chad mocks, "Which won't happen with me around." Joey scoffs, "Who said you were going to win Chaddy." He points to the scoreboard. "Well did you see who was the first to actually get a strike without bumpers?" I mimicked Joey's attitude right back at him.
"Hey! It's not my fault. My ball and the gutter are best friends," he retorts. Chad goes and rolls a six and then turns around, "explains a lot," he 'coughs'. "Guys, lets all calm down, and be friends," Alan says. "HUG ME BROTHA!!" Joey and Chad shout at the same time and then looked 'weirdly' at each other. "Did you two just think the same thing?" I question. "Never speak of this," Joey whispers. I laugh, "Time to send out a tweet about how much fun we're having at the bowling alley!"
"Don't you dare!!" Chad teases. I nod, "I'm dead serious." I position my finger over the send button. Chad tries to grab my phone, but my finger slips and the message is now spread to all the Lightbulbs for them to see. "I will make you life miserable, Grimm," he says through clenched teeth.
"I'd love to see you try," I smirk, but knowing Chad he will try to 'prank' me back. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm already seen as the outta my mind one in the band. Well it's a close tie between Joe and I. "Okay. My turn!" Joey bowls again, getting another gutter ball. Joey shrugs as he turns toward the cool air blowing from the 'whirly thingy' as he calls it, "what can I say? My fans love me." "Fans?" I ask confused. "You know you can't take Joey literally right?" Alan asks. I nod, understanding what he means. "Joe, you are so dumb."
"It's not nice to call people names," Joey 'pouts'. "Yeah, but I will still do it," Chad laughs. "Now now kids. Let's settle down," Alan goes and sits on Chad's lap to keep him from doing anything. "Wow Alan really?!" Chad asks. "Will you behave?" Alan teases him. Chad shakes his head, "do I ever?"
"Good point." Alan laughs and it's contagious. We all start laughing and mine is probably the loudest and most contagious but I don't care. People stare, well since there's a grown man sitting on a other grown man's lap, but I'm having fun. That's what matters. Then it's all down to the last couple frames. Our scores are all over the place, and I think our bowling is more talk than actual playing. "Yes I won!" Alan exclaims. He turns to chad and sticks his tongue out, "Your not such a winner now, are you?" "Winner winner chicken dinner!!" I start doing my 'flappy dance'.
"Is this your Mario Kart victory dance, huh?" Joey asks. I nod, "Yes. Then I win a chicken dinner." "TO THE BAT MOBILE!!!" Alan 'whooshes' out to the door. Chad shakes his head, "You guys are so childish." "I couldn't agree more. My bandmates are ridiculous," Joey mimicked Chad's words (attempting a British accent. Which by the way was better) "Guys! Look," I point to the door where Gavin Degraw was standing and he was singing. He was singing his song, Everything Will Change, so we decided to jump in. We begin singing along with him, and the crowd goes wild. Then the crowd begged for more, so we decided to Start singing some of our songs. Gavin recognizes some of them, and sings along.
We decide to sing "that's what I'm looking for" and everyone is laughing. Including Gavin... Who just happened to wear leopard Hightops on his date. What are the odds? After the show, he turns to us. "You guys are totally amazing. We should meet for dinner sometime or something," he says. I fangirl, "We're going to TGI Friday's wanna come?" I feel an elbow in my spine an I hope I didn't take it too far.
"Haha actually that sounds pretty good I think I could go for some Friday's. Maybe because it is Friday, but I don't know," Gavin responds and we all laugh. (Am I ACTUALLY talking to him again! Like wow. This day couldn't get any better!)
"So. Let's go bros!" Alan exclaims. "To the Batmobile?" I ask Alan. He nods, "To the Batmobile!"
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