Star Pov
I hugged my knees as I looked away from Marco. He betrayed me after all this time? Did he not love me anymore? He probably lost interest in me because I look and act like this. I sigh and lower my head as I hear Marco calling me "Star, please look at me" I shake my head
"Why should I? So you can posion me again, no thanks" I felt tired and weary of everything but I needed to focus "Star I'm doing it to protect you" I stood up and faced Marco as he looked at me with those mochas eyes
"I don't need protecting Marco! You should just leave me alone and go find someone new cause this isn't gonna work" his face looked pained and he shook his head "I'm not leaving, I love you star" my breath hitched a bit and I turn around "Stop trying to make me fall for you.."
"Star I don't care if you do or don't want me but I'm not gonna let my feelings go away" I blushed and lowered my head "What the heck do you see in me?" I say not even thinking "What?" "What do you see in me?!" I said louder in this glass prison "What's not to see in you?" I shake my head "I'm tired.."
I say down and lay on the floor and away from Marco. "Star talk to me, don't shut me out I don't want to lose you" I didn't move and shut my eyes "Star?" I heard him banging on the glass and I just pictured I was somewhere away from this place.
When I opened them I was in field, odd but where excatly am I? I walked around and saw someone standing up on a hill staring at the view and I slowly walked closer "Who are you?" "Stop messing around princess" I gasp and glared at him "Why am I dreaming of you!"
I crossed my arms and sat down with my hands on my face "Because you love that idiot" that voice..it's my mind "Show yourself" I quickly move and see a girl and she's smiling "Why am I feeling like this? I'm feeling numb and tired..what did he do to me?"
"He did nothing, it's all you girl..your using too much magic it's draining you so..you could potential die and now your dreaming of that idiot" I look and see her standing near Marco poking his face "I'm upset with him..he tricked me"
"Yeah but he did it because he loves you. Tom won't even do that because he'll too be blinded by what you looked liked instead of how you feel" she was right but I'm conflicted with him and I just don't know what to do? I'm feeling weaker and I'm running out of time.
"What should I do?" "Just be yourself and go back to him, you obviously miss him and he's missing you a lot" I smiled and giggled because Marco does care an awful lot for me even on my worst days. "I'll see what I'll do"
she nods and disappears and I open my eyes and look and see Marco asleep against the glass and I giggled and crawled towards him and tap the glass. He falls and sits up and placed his hands on the glass "Princess?" I placed my hands on the glass "My bad boy"
For a few minutes we stared at each other but I wasn't feeling so good. "Star?! Princess are you okay?!" Everything looked fuzzy and blurry and Marco was smashing his fists on the glass and it wouldn't break
"Don't close your eyes!" He threw a candle holder but nothing and I fell to the cold ground clutching my stomach "Star! Don't you close your eyes!" I looked at Marco still trying to break the barrier and I smiled as I said these last words "I love you.."
A/n so yeah...
late on updating and it's short :/ sorry it's short this book was supposed to be updated on weekends and i keep forgetting about it.. so mini update and hoped you liked it and also my sister is healed and better which I'm happy for so I'll be updating more hopefully unless my friends decide to take out during the summer :D anyways bye guys!
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