Star Pov
I knew the first place they would look for me. On earth looking for Marco but in all honesty I went somewhere else away from any dimensions that mother could track me. I stopped running and found myself in the woods? Where did I and up? As I stopped I find an old looking cave.
It will have to do for now? I never wanted to be bad but I let my anger get the best of me and I just lost it. I could never face my mother or my family..not the way I've been acting! Mother is probably asking the Diaz household where I am? But I'm not there..
"Are you the princess of Mewni?" I jumped and held my wand up "Who are you?! Show yourself!" I looked around until a short kid came out of hiding "Oh it's just a kid..I am the princess"
i said as I lowered my wand "Why aren't you in your pretty blue dress? What happened to your easy going eyes and kept hair?" I groan a bit "I decided I needed a change..anyways what are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be home or something?"
He shrugs "I'm sorta of an outcast back home" I looked at the boy with worry "How come?" He sighs and sits beside me "Nobody knows I exist and they don't listen to me" I could relate on the listening part "That's understandable..what's Your name?" "Ryan" I smiled at the boy
"Nice meeting you Ryan, hey you want to be my second in command?" He smiles "Sure..for what?" I chuckled and held his hand "We'll make our own kingdom..where everyone is free to do whatever they like and outcast like us can be one" Ryan smiles
"That's pretty cool but how are you going to make a kingdom if we're in a cave and in the middle of nowhere?" I smirked and twirled my wand "With this..obviously" his eyes went wide and I began laughing and he sooned followed. Maybe being a rebel princess isn't so bad?.
After I used my wand and made a decent sized castle it was time to gather new towns folk and my soldiers "Princess?" I look at Ryan who had an outfit matching mine "Don't you need a king to rule with you?" I blushed thinking of Marco but I can't see him right now "Yeah I do but not at the moment Ryan..let's go gather our troops" he nods and takes my head "Okay princess" I smiled at the small child and kinda thought if this was a good idea?
'Of course it is..'
Marco Pov
I watched the queen pace back and forth talking to herself as I waited for a plan and so far nothing. Star could be out there creating a huge mess and we're still in this stupid castle thinking of how to bring her down. I sigh and thought about star, she didn't look like the type to do any of this?
She was sweet and gentle girl that I fell in love with..now she's on a rampage because her mother wouldn't let her see me. I left them and walked towards the front gates as I do I noticed a dark cloud in the distance..lightening overcasting and hearing chants and screaming. What the heck is going on?
I took off and went and followed the sounds and chants "Rebel Princess! Rebel Princess!" What is going on? As I get closer I see monsters and other creatures in a huge group chanting and waiting for this rebel princess. This kinda intrigued me so i put my hoodie up and blended in and watched who it could be. In a flash there she stood..
the girl I fell in love with, dressed with despair and death and a evil gleam I her eyes that scream 'Don't get in my way' my heart started racing and I tried getting a closer look. She didn't look like the princess I know. One thing stuck out though..the teal hoodie I bought her..it hung over her shoulders as she walked across the stage.
"Welcome! To the new kingdom! Where monsters and creatures are free to be themselves! No more will you hide and be feared! No! Here you'll be treated as equals, no one shall be an outcast or person who they don't feel comfortable being!"
To be honest she was actually kinda hot the way she acted but I had to focus "Our Kingdom shall thrive! As I will be your Queen! Inwem shall be our new kingdom! Stay with me and I will protect you, I promise you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you or make you feel worthless..because I have felt like this" she stopped and held her arms
"Being brainwashed into something I wasn't meant to be! I hated it..I wanted to be free spirited and have fun but no I couldn't because it was too dangerous well look at me..I'm an outcast just like you..I never belonged to Mewni..I was different and being different was something that was frown upon"
the crowd nodded and agreed with every word she said, she even smiled at them as she was like her own? Star is the princess I knew way back..not this? I slowly started walking away trying to get by so she wouldn't recognize me "I fell in love with a boy whom I'm not allowed to see anymore"
I froze and looked at her, seeing the blue in her eyes seeing the real her still in there "I cursed my mother from keeping me away from him..my love for him is strong and if I don't see him I'll soon parish" wait a minute like in die? I quickly moved out and went to warn the queen about the new kingdom..my Princess would never say she'll curse anybody but then again would she?
A/n heyo so I updated again? Yay! Lol hoped you enjoyed and sorry I'm taking so long I'm trying to get back into writing again since school kept me busy and whatnot? Anyways bye!
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