Marco pov
I smashed the glass barrier and rushed to Stars side frantically "No, come on wake up princess! Don't you dare leave me like this! Princess! Star?!" Her once bright face was turning pale and her hearts were fading away "Please wake up princess"
I held her close and started to cry "I finally have you but you decide to leave me again.." I kissed her head and just sobbed as all you could hear was me crying into her body "I love you" I whispered as I moved a piece of hair from your pretty little face "Marco? What happened? What happened to Star?!"
Her mother fell to her knees and held her daughter and started to tear up "Star?! Darling wake up honey, time to get up, no please wake up sweetheart!" She was smacking her face lightly trying to get her to wake up but she made no movement "No!!" She screamed and pulled her into her chest
"My baby.." she was rocking her in her arms as she cried loudly as she started whispering something I couldn't understand "Please..wake up!" I watched the scence and stood up as she was still on the ground looking at her "Je demande à la source de la vie de ramener l'âme perdue et, en retour, je vais la remettre"
I noticed her mother's cheeks started to glow as she placed a kiss on her head and gently repeated the words again "Je demande à la source de la vie de ramener l'âme perdue et, en retour, je vais la remettre" she placed Star on her lap as I watch if something happened
"What are you saying?" Her mother looked at me and smirked "Something that could bring her back but I have to make a sacrifice" I raised a brow and kneel beside her as I held Stars cold hands "Hope this works Queen" she nods and we wait a for seconds more but nothing happens "Its not working"
"it takes a few minutes to work, come and help me to her room" I nodded and followed as we placed her on her giant bed and watched her. She looked dead and didn't seem to wake up anytime soon. "Wake up princess" I whispered as her mother walked out leaving me with her "I know I don't know magic stuff but this has been the most dramatic thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life! The moment you came into my life to the moment you walked out, every little thing you did I loved and seeing you so delicate and frail I feel like a nobody"
I lowered my head on her hand and sigh "I know you won't remember any of it if you do come to but just so you know, I don't regret you falling into my arms when we first met. I don't regret the time when we first had our agruement. I don't regret protecting you from that creep Tom. But I do regret not putting up a fight when you left for good. I'm sorry star, I'm no Prince charming or whatever but i was lucky enough to have a girl like you be my girlfriend. Just know your precious to me and you only make me feel like my world is ending, just know I love you to the moon and back. I love everything about you"
I kissed her hand and looked at her peaceful face as I wanted to cry again. "Te amo tanto que me mata verte así" I kissed her head once more and decided to leave the room and get fresh air "I'll see you soon princess"
A/n yay update! Lol sorry took so long been busy and also I was catching up on Svtfoe and let me just say (Marco looked so broken when he thought he lost Star 😢 I cried with him) anyways I'll update this weekend hopeful cause I've been invited to weddings and birthday parties lol Sorry it's not all lovey dovey and stuff soon we'll have these two go back to the love and stuff lol
Translations to the words:
'Te amo tanto que me mata verte verte así'- I love you so much it kills me seeing you like this
Je demande à la source de la vie de ramener l'âme perdue et, en retour, je vais la remettre"-I ask the source of life to bring back the lost soul and in return I will give it back
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