Star pov
I laid-back on my bed holding myself with the soft fabric when I heard a knock on my door, I quickly hid the others as I approach my door revealing my mother "Star, what are you wearing?" I sigh as I play with the laces of the hoodie
"A hoodie Marco gave me, what are you doing here?" She sighs and looks at me "I'm here to apologize for taking you away so early from earth and from that Marco boy" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arm "Don't you roll your eyes at me young lady"
"I'm annoyed mother, a little broken and just tired.. I cried all last night on earth and today I just need space from everything" I let out a heavy sigh and looked at mother who faced the other way
"We'll talk in the morning, seems you need your rest" as I try to speak the door was closed shut and I stood in the darkness looking at my window that had the moon shining above the kingdom thinking how Marco is doing?
The next morning I woke up in the fabric and my hair untied making it a little messy. I rubbed my eyes trying to adjust where I am and then realize I'm back home on mewni and not on earth with Marco.
As I get up I don't bother getting ready nor go out to eat, I stay put in my room and hold my knees up thinking why I would go against my parents wishes and behave like this? Isn't this what they wanted a proper Princess that listens and does everything they say no matter how hard it is?
I heard faint knocks but I ignored them until it was a servant holding my breakfast or lunch. I paid no attention to her and looked at my window "Princess, you must eat it keeps you strong and focused" I stay silent not even registering what she just said
"What? I'm sorry caprice, I'm just out of it" she nods as she leaves and I look down seeing the food it reminded me of Marco and I didn't want it "I miss you so much Marco" I began to cry just thinking of him, his warm hands holding mine,
his scent that made me feel safe and the way his eyes shimmered whenever we were together. As I wiped the tears I remembered my dimensional scissors, I quickly ran towards my bags and looked for it but to my luck I didn't find it as I was going to leave my room mother stood at the door
"Where do you think you're going young lady?" I stepped back and held my composer "I was merely going to take a bath, excuse me mother" as I walked by she pulled my arm back
"Star, nice try dear but I know your going to look for those scissors to see Marco, I'm sorry but I'm true to my word, you cannot go back to earth no matter how hard you try, and please go take a bath you look awful"
I scoff and pulled away from her "Why can't you see I love him mother?" She lowers her head and walks off just hearing the clicks of her heels.
As I took my bath I just put my hair in a messy bun and wore the hoodie with my long socks and shorts and top. I wasn't really in the mood to be proper or look nice, as I made it to the dining room for dinner mother looked at me a little disturbed and unpleased
"Star, what are you wearing? Wheres your evening gown?" I shake my head "Mother I didn't feel like wearing it today or ever because I'm still upset with you and feeling emotional drained because you won't let me go see Marco, until I'm able to see him then I'll listen to you"
I said smirking evilly at her as she slowly stood up holding both her hands on the table "Star darling listen to your mother-" father was speaking until mother smashed the table "You will listen to what I say, or you'll never see that boy again" she glared at me and I felt angry and I stood up
"That's so unfair! Gosh I feel like I'm in Saint Olga reform school again! I've been nothing but perfect for you! I do everything for you! And when I want a reward I can't have it because it doesn't please you! Just admit it you never liked him in the first place, just like love day when we spent it together.."
I had tears and so did mother but neither one of us never looked away "He's not right for you…" she manages to say and I shake my head "I knew it, I'm going to bed goodnite" I walked away and ran towards my bedroom and cried into my pillows hoping this isn't forever. I wish Marco was here to make me feel better and hold me and tell me its going to be okay "Marco…"
Marco pov
When the portal closed I knew she was gone for good, the way her mother glared at me and rolling her eyes thinking I'm not good enough for her. I'll risk my life just to protect star no matter what because I love her,
every second of my life but her mother doesn't see that which annoys me "I miss her already" my mother said and I walk down the sidewalk "Hey, where you off to?" Dad asked "Don't worry I'll be back, I promise"
They nodded and I ran towards the arcade to find Shelby and I see her in a corner by herself "Well, nice seeing you again Diaz" I smirked and chuckled "Same goes for you.." for those couple hours we talked and even had fun but I kept thinking what Princess has been up to? Probably miserable and missing me like I am,
as I finish eating nachos Shelby raises my chin and I looked right at her green eyes "Shelby? What are-" she shush me and handed me a flask and her smile which had me a little uneasy "Take a hit, it will chill you out" she took a sip and handed me over, I took it and smelled it, it reminded me of my horrible past
"Come on, take a sip and pass thats how it is dude" I looked around and groan and took a sip which made me cough and bit "Whoa slow down, don't you drink?" I wiped my mouth and shrug "it just been awhile.." she laughs as she hands the flask again "Did she make you quit?"
I stayed silent feeling that empty feeling rise in me again "Shelby I'm gonna go, I just need to think but thanks for being there I guess" as I stood up she grabbed my wrist "Hey, I won't talk about her why don't we go to a night club, maybe you can be loose" I rolled my eyes and tried to move but her hold on me was tight and I had a feeling she won't let go
"Can you let go?" "Not until you join me" I groan and nodded "Fine just for a little" she smiles and we take off as we get there Shelby got us in for free which I didn't want to know "How did we get in without waiting?!" I asked over the music that was blasting "My brothers ex owns the place, now here drink!"
She handed me a cup and I just took it, it burned going down my throat and scream making her laugh "Yeah! Go Diaz!" I nodded and kept drinking and dancing for hours until I decided to walk home, I walked side to side as I saw my house I fell on the ground and stared up at the sky looking at all the stars and moon.
I start crying and breathing heavily as all the memories of star flashed right in front of me "STAR! STAR...!!" I was on repeat saying her name and my vision being blurred by my tears "STAR! COME BACK!" I kept yelling waking up the neighborhood dogs and some neighbors
"Marco! Honey relax mijo" I felt my mother pull me towards her lap as he ran her fingertips through my greasy hair "Star.. I miss star.. ma" I say as I looked up at her seeing the tears in her eyes "I know you do, we all do" I pushed away from her and got up wobbling around
"If you truly miss her you would've told them she could stay! And we could've been together!" Mom stood up and held my arms "Marco, please relax and have you been drinking? What have I told you about that?" She whispered yelled and I pushed her away from me causing her to fall on the lawn
"Leave me alone! All of you stop looking at me!" I yelled as the neighbors looked confused or worried. I ran inside and headed towards my room and slammed it, as I sat on my bed and broke down, I turn on my side and see a photo of Princess and me I stood up and took the framed photo and set it beside my night stand
"If you were here you would've ran your small hands through my hair and whisper how much of a doof I am and tell me how adorable I look when I act like a child.. I miss" I stayed silent and bit before I ran towards the bathroom and threw up what I had as I get up and look at myself I see the person I'm not,
I'm doing worse when I was doing so well, the old me resurfacing again and I didn't want that "Marco" I look and see my mother and I look away feeling horrible for pushing her away from me "I'm sorry" I said softly sounding like a whisper she wrapped her arms around me and held tight "its okay.."
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