My Lovely Lilac
Author: Profound_Felicity
Top: Jungkook
Words: 74823
Tag: #AlternateUniverse, #Collge/University, #Blogging, #AsexualJungkook, #PansexualTaehyung, #Taekook/Vkook, #MinorNamjin, #ReferencedYoonminseok, #Angst, #Humor, #Fluff, #Asexuality, #Romance, #Bullying, #Homophobia, #EventualSmut, #ExplicitSexualContent, #ExplicitLanguage, #HomophobiaLanguage, #SlowBuild, #Pining, #SelfConfidenseIssues, #EmotionalHurt/Comfort, #SexualityCrisis, #AngstWithAHappyEnding
Kim Taehyung begins his freshman year of college, nervous for what lies ahead. After all, being a pansexual crossdresser can turn some heads and garner negative attention from those around him. Thanks to the "Pink Princess," an LGBT blogger he follows religiously, he feels equipped to face whatever university has in store for him. However, nothing could prepare Taehyung for crushing on a boy who lacks the ability to feel romantic and sexual attraction.
College AU. Crossdresser!Taehyung and Skater!Jungkook. Takes place during the events of. You don't have to, but in order to understand this story better, I strongly recommend you read it first.
Status: Complete
External link's gonna be in the comments.
AN: Feel free to comment on what kind of ships you want or if you want a rec dedicated to you.
Ugh, I'm crying in the corner cause this fic finished. I loved it much. Taekook just does something to me.
On another note, this is actually the second of the series. No, you don't have to read the first one to enjoy it. The first part is Namjin.
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