All the Years of Us
Author: TrappingLightningBugs
Top: Jungkook
Words: 142636
Tags: #AlternateUniverse, #ZombieApocalypse, #MildGore, #ChildhoodFriends, #Friends/Lovers, #SlowBurn, #EventualSmut, #GrowingUpTogether, #StoryOfTheirLife, #TimeSkips, #AgesChangeInChapters, #Friendship, #MinorOriginalCharacters, #MinorCharacterDeath, #ScienceFiction, #LightAngst, #Pining, #OneSidedAttraction, #Jealousy, #InternalisedHomophobia, #AngstWithAHappyEnding, #Hurt/Comfort, #Smut, #HandJobs, #Frottage, #IntercruralSex, #BlowJobs, #Semi/PublicSex, #PornWithFeelings, #Riding
From the moment a new family hobbled into town, having come a long way for sanctuary, Taehyung had eyes only for Jeon Jungkook.
Status: Complete
External link's gonna be in the comments. (Can be opened only on a laptop.)
AN: Feel free to comment on what kind of ships you want or if you want a rec dedicated to you.
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