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" Everyone urges me to hold onto my dreams to pass the time, but what happens when your dreams are nightmares stuck on repeat, repeat, repeat."
I look at the pills in my hand and counted them. There I held ten pills and in which I would say, ten reasons why I no longer need to be on earth. Ten reasons why I no longer need to exist and ten reasons to end my pain. My hand trembled, tears falling every second as I then squeeze my eyes shut.
The voice in my head screaming 'DO IT' and as I put the pills to my mouth, the cup of water right beside me, I heard a voice which caused me to look up at the mirror to see a red haired boy. "Suicide in a hospital is kind of stupid, don't ya think?"
The voice was deep- but not as deep. "Especially since it is a hospital. A place that means to save you and try not to let you go see the ole so good man Jesus. Correct?" I scoffed. What was he trying to say? I put the pills down and sniffle while wiping away my tears. "Well gee, thanks for the obvious." I responded with a cold tone.
"You're welcome wheelchair boy, now let me just—" The tomato haired boy walked closer, taking my wrist and grabbing every single pill out of my hand with a smile. The only reason I allowed him to take the pills were because I had much more where that came from. It's a hospital for god sakes. "Oh and i'll be taking this." The male grabbed my pill bottles.
"Okay, just who do you think you are? Coming into my hospital room and taking away my pills. Telling me i'm stupid for trying to commit suicide in a hospital. You don't think I know that? Put yourself in my position! You have no fucking idea how I feel so give me back my fucking pills!" I lost my temper, whoops.
Though the boy only smiled softly and shook his head as he walked away. "No." He spoke as he sat on my hospital bed. "No?" I strolled myself out of the bathroom. "Did you not just hear me?" I looked at the male and his ugly flip flop looking shoes, ready to run those over in a quick minute.
"I heard you loud and clear. Now how about we talk, depending on how nice you are towards me, I might just give you back your pills big boy." The male said with a huge smile, a huge smile i'd like to fucking punch. "If my legs were working and if I could walk, I would gladly choke you!" I grumbled.
"Oh— didn't know you were that kinky there Jeon. But then you would have no reason to be here now would you?" The red haired boy raised an eyebrow. "Fuck off." I sighed.
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