FULL NAME Catlyn Corifrita Vivienne Bordio
NICKNAMES Cat, Catty, Cats
SEX, GENDER IDENTITY & PRONOUNS Female, Cisgender female, She/her
Robert John Downey Junior (father)
Deborah Lynn Falconer (former step-mother)
Susan Nicole Levin (step-mother)
Veronica Elle Taylor Bordio (mother)
Robert John Downey Senior (paternal grandfather)
Elsie Ann Ford (paternal grandmother)
Peter Branno Philip Bordio (maternal grandfather)
Vivienne Caroline Marie Zazlet (maternal grandmother)
Indio Falconer Downey (older paternal half brother)
Vivero Sofflan Peter Bordio (older maternal half brother)
Jadus Ymara Gressi (older paternal half sister)
Geajule Handinane Octavius Bordio (younger maternal half brother)
Geojulie Handilene Octavia Bordio (younger maternal half sister)
Avri Roel Downey (younger paternal half sister)
Exton Elias Downey (younger paternal half brother)
Allyson Lee Downey (paternal aunt)
Vernon Ethan Theodore Bordio (maternal uncle)
Titus Emmett Vincent Bordio (maternal uncle)
Tina Emma Vera Bordio (maternal aunt)
Serenity Jadus Vivi Bordio (daughter)
Lotsalinie Maria Wong (girlfriend)
MENTAL ILLNESSES ADHD, PTSD, Alcoholism, probably others but idk what they are
FACE-CLAIM Emma Watson
PERSONALITY Catlyn's a nice person, though rather blunt. Nine times out of ten, Catlyn's dissociated and can be found half drunk while watching power rangers. She's a little weird when it comes to family relationships and prefers her mother's side, but at the same time prefers Jadey over all her other siblings.
t/w sexual abuse, child sexual abuse, rape, alcoholism
BACKSTORY Catlyn Corifrita Vivienne Bordio was born on December 3rd, 2003, to Veronica Bordio, in Joster Urbs, Cessca. Conceived during a period where her mother was hooking up with multiple people, Veronica was unsure of who her father was, but she knew of at least one possibility it could be: her director, Eddie Sollet. So, when Catlyn was a week old, they did a paternity test, and it turned out that Catlyn was not his daughter, which then left the possibilities up in the air.
So, Catlyn's life happened. Her obsession with Power Rangers started when she was three and just kinda took off from there. When she was four going on five, her acting career began, when she was hired to play Nellie Domi in CCC (Cessca's Children's Channel) show, Tatobi Twins. Her older brother, Vivero, already played Nathan Domi in the show, so they just decided to throw Catlyn in there. The very first day they started filming, Eddie took Catlyn into his office and raped her on the floor.
Once she was out of that office, once Eddie wasn't around, she didn't think about it. Out of sight, out of mind.
The show wrapped up in 2010. It was also in 2010, that, while watching TV one day, Veronica saw a trailer for a certain movie called Iron Man 2. She recognized the main actor, Robert Downey Jr. She remembered hooking up with him around the time Catlyn would've been conceived, when she spent a weekend in the US. So, just to make sure, Veronica reached out to him, and had a DNA test done and Catlyn was in fact his daughter. They flew out to the US a week later to meet him.
Catlyn decided she didn't like him all that much.
He was nice, he gave her a present, told her he loved her and was so happy to know her, but she just didn't like him. Something about him made her uncomfortable. The only experiences she'd really had with dad's at this point was Vivero's father, Eddie, who was a serial rapist, and the twins' father, Thomas Album. And because Robert more resembled Eddie than Thomas (a black man mind you), she subconsciously associated the two together. She had mixed feelings about her older brother, Indio, but he did watch Power Rangers with her, so that was nice.
A week after that, Catlyn met her older half sister, Jadey. Catlyn immediately decided she liked Jadey. Sure, she was dad's side of the family, but, like Catlyn, she was their father's illegitimate kid, and they were both already mentally ill and traumatized, so they just understood each other. Catlyn quickly got attached to her, calling and texting her virtually everyday.
In 2013, Catlyn began filming another show for the CCC, Princess Ambrosia, in which she was the main character. Her being abused by Eddie would pick back up here. In 2014, she was hired to play Aurora "Rory" Wright in the MCU. Being the daughter of RDJ, she was perfect to play the daughter of Tony Stark. Also in 2014, shortly before Catlyn turned eleven, Veronica began dating Rufusian "Rufi" Danbi. He would quickly begin sexually abusing Catlyn. She let it continue, with the agreement that he leave her younger sister, Geojulie, alone. Rufi kept his word.
Since Rufi was living with them, Catlyn couldn't really do the whole, out of sight out of mind thing, so, she just ran away a lot. The longest she was ever gone was three days, but her family still raised concerns about it. She told them nothing.
January of 2016, Catlyn was alone with Rufi and Geojulie, while Vivero was recording a song or something and Veronica took Geajule to the park. The three were in the kitchen. Catlyn watched as Rufi got a little handsy with Geojulie, so, she somewhat panicked, and stabbed Rufi in the hand.
Police were called, Catlyn was arrested, she explained her side of the story and was thankfully believed. Rufi was executed a year later. After getting to go home, Vivero pulled Catlyn aside and asked her if anyone, anyone at all, had ever hurt Catlyn like Rufi had. Anyone at all. Someone at the CCC, perhaps?
Catlyn told him no. Vivero relented, but told her she could always come to him if anyone did anything to her or even so much as made an offhand comment. Catlyn agreed.
The next time she saw Eddie, he told he told her he was so sorry about what had happened and then proceeded to have sex with her.
In January of 2018, Princess Ambrosia was gonna have a special crossover with another CCC show, Luna Cove. This is how Catlyn got closer to Linie Wong, who played the main character in Luna Cove. The two quickly became friends.
January of 2019, Catlyn realized she was pregnant. Well, she was having the normal symptoms, anyway, so, she stole some pregnancy tests, took all of them, and all four came back positive. For the first time in a while, Catlyn panicked. She knew the baby was Eddie's, she didn't know who to tell, so, for a good couple hours, she just sat on the bathroom floor, hyperventilating.
A couple weeks later, when she was over at Jadey's, she decided to tell her, but nobody else. She told Jadey not to tell anyone and she agreed. She told her she didn't know who the father was and Jadey believed her.
When Catlyn was about seven months along, that's when she finally told her mother. Veronica, surprisingly, told her she should keep it, even when Catlyn expressed her concern that Veronica would mostly be the one raising it, Veronica agreed and said she was fine with that. She told everyone else shortly thereafter.
August 19th, 2019, Catlyn gave birth to a baby girl she named Serenity Jadus Vivi Bordio. For the first month or so, Catlyn was extremely involved, having cried when she was allowed to hold her, before handing her over to Veronica, wanting to focus on the music career she was now trying to start. She released her first album two days after her sixteenth birthday. I'll name it at a later date.
A month after that, in January of 2020, she went to a party, where, while drunk, she was raped in the bathroom by a stranger. She went home and attempted to kill herself. She was found by Geajule, about to take a full bottle of pills. Geajule understood what she was doing. She told him not to tell anyone. He didn't. It was after this Catlyn's alcohol problem began and when quarantine started that year, it definitely didn't help.
It was also in early 2020 that Linie and Catlyn began getting kind of romantically involved, after working together on a new show called Vivibi's Veterinary. Basically just think casual by Chappell Roan.
September of 2021, Geojulie went missing after running away from the home and she came back a few months later, on Christmas Eve.
Other stuff happened and Linie and Catlyn began officially dating in November 2023. In May/June of 2024, Eddie got his due diligence. After that, Veronica started defending Eddie, so Catlyn fully took charge of Serenity again and now she calls everyone she knows minimum twice a day to ask if they think she's a bad mom.
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