Chapter 8 This Has Been Quite a CRUMBY Day
*Sorry this took so long, .-. To make up for it I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter yet! That and I've been pre-writing a bunch of chapters so I shouldn't have to go on another long break for the rest of this book. Hopefully, no promises.
Red and Fresh sat at the dinning room table on opposite sides. Occasionally glancing at the other crossly while they waited for Blue to come back from, wherever he went. They weren't exactly sure where their friend had gone.
After another minute of what was turning into awkward silence Fresh was about to say something until Blue barreled into the dinning room with a tray of chocolatechip cookies, slamming them on the table and sitting down next to Red. "Okay, what's this about? And who did you steal these from?" Red inquired, sure Blue was good at making tacos but the last time he made cookies half the house burnt down. "I thought you two would enjoy cookies! This way you will be able to bond and forgive one another!" Blue explained purposefully ignoring Red's second question. Both Red and Fresh hesitated, they've both known Blue long enough to know when something was up, "Don't worry friends! It's only cookies!"
Red hesitated, he was starving due to them being kicked out of the food court, and Blue wouldn't kill them. Hopefully. After a few seconds Red sighed quietly in relief as Fresh took a cookie from the tray, at least he wouldn't the only one to die that night. As quick as a flash Red grabbed one of the cookies and stuffed it in his mouth, Fresh bit off half of his cookie aswell, still pretty suspicious of Blue.
"Hey, these are actually pretty good!" Red exclaimed still chewing on the enitre cookie he put in his mouth, not the brightest idea. Fresh nodded eating the rest of his cookie, Blue giggled which made Red stop chewing. "Blue, why are you laugh-" He stopped mind-scentence as his mouth started to burn slightly.. Then it got hotter... And hotter...
Fuck, he should've known.
Hot Sauce.
Immediantly Red teleported into the kitchen searching for some sort of liquid to stop the burning Fresh following close behind him. He bolted to the sink and attempted to turn the tap, but it wouldnt budge, neither would the other one.
God damnit Blue.
Red turned around, keeping his mouth open slightly to minimize the pain to see Fresh despretly searching the fridge. "There's no water!!" He exclaimed shutting the fridge clumsily while trying to make sure none of the Tacos fell out. In the doorway Blue was giggling while holding two glasses of water.
God. Damnit. Blue.
Red gave a quick glance at Fresh who nodded, knowing exactly what he was thinking. Quickly they both ran at Blue trying to grab the glasses as Blue darted out of the room laughing. "I'm gonna kill you!" Red yelled lunging for Blue, missing by an inch and landing on his face as Blue jumped behind the couch. "Corner him!" Fresh exclaimed covering Blue's exit from the left, Red quickly getting up and doing the same with his right. Blue looked between the two trying to figure out a way to trick them when all of the sudden a voice came from upstairs. "Ya' need some help bro?" Red looked up to see Stretch watching them from the top of the stairs that led to the second floor. "Take these!" Blue exclaimed holding up the waters, Red lunged at the glasses but missed as Stretch levitated them into the air and drifted them up to him, still levitating the waters so he didn't have to hold them.
Red growled getting really irritated as he teleported up to Stretch and leaped up to grab one of the glasses when Stretch lifted it ever so slightly so Red couldn't reach it. "This isn't fucking fair! Just give me the glass!" Red yelled becoming really pissed, it definitely didn't help that his mouth was burning like hell. "Neh, sorry bud but Blue said you cant have 'em," Stretch explained mildly as he continued to lift the water away from Red's grasp. Meanwhile downstairs Fresh whispered something to Blue who nodded in response.
"Nevermind brother! Red can have them!" Blue called, Stretch nodded and brought the two glasses in front of Red with his magic. Red snatched the two glasses and downed them both. Fresh was about to say something about Red drinking his water until Blue summoned a third glass of water. "Thanks bro," Fresh thanked Blue, drinking all the water in one gulp.
"Now that I've given you both the water, you two must become friends again!" Blue explained once Red teleported back downstairs. "Stretch and I will be upstairs and while you two talk out your problems! 'Cause if not then I can always come back with more food like those cookies-" "You don't have to do that!" Red interrupted quickly, Blue nodded, teleporting upstairs next to Stretch. "Come on brother! Lets go play a game of junior jumble while Red and Fresh talk out their problems!" Blue said as he and Stretch left the living room.
For at least a minute Fresh and Red stayed on opposite sides of the room in awkward silence. "I don't hear talking!" Blue called from upstairs, Red sighed and sat on the couch, Fresh staying where he was. "... We probably shouldn't have trusted Blue when he came in with those cookies," "yeah, that was a pretty TEARable idea now that I think about it." Fresh laughed semi-awkwardly, Red chuckled. "That pun was all WRITE Fresh though I gotta admit compared to my puns that joke is in SHREDS." Fresh huffed, "ya got me good bro." Red's smile faded when he remembered their argument a few hours ago. "I'm sorry for over-reacting at the mall, and kicking you in the shin." He finally admitted, quietly, looking down. "Sorry for kicking you in the stomach bro. It was honestly an accident." Fresh replied, Red sighed. "Its fine. 'Tibia honest I think we both messed up on this one."
"I HEARD THAT!!" Blue screamed from upstairs making the other two skeletons chuckle. Suddenly Red's phone buzzed from his pocket making him loose all interest in the current conversation as he began texting someone, then again I'm pretty sure we all know who by now. "Red. Do you like Classic?" Fresh questioned, "absolutely, maybe, yes, possibly," Red mumbled nonchalantly-then again he probably didn't even realize that he said anything-as he continued to text Classic, "I knew it!" Fresh and Blue both exclaimed at the same time, Blue bursting through the wall from upstairs and teleporting down to the two; only then did Red realize what he said.
"I- I dont know what you two are talking about."
"Yes you do broski! You like Classic!"
"The Magnificent Blue approves!!"
"Ugh, this day has been really crumby."
*I don't like this chapter that much, I want to rewrite some parts of it when I get the chance. Sorry if you feel the same way about it, though the next two chapters are gonna be good. Thats a promise. Anyway, I'll see you guys later,
Bye Guys! :3
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