Chapter 4 TACO MAGIC
*Hey guys Firefox here, sorry this took so long to come out I was suddenly hit with a wave of writers block and lack of motivation for this book. I didn't want to give you guys a really shitty chapter just becuase I wanted to get something out so I waited and I think I'm ready to continue this book now!
Take this kitty-heart for your patience my friendo's. :3
---WARNING: Sibling Abuse---
Red gulped while starting up at his house, he had slept over at Classic and his bros house. Classic had offered Red to walk him home but Red declined, he knew he was screwed whether someone else was there or not. Red sighed and walked up the stairs of the porch and stopped at the door. Red stayed there silently for a few seconds before shacking his head. You're being such a wimp! He thought. Just go in there and get it over with! Only half realising what he was doing Red pulled the door open swiftly, as he expected as soon as he stepped into the cold unwelcoming home he was greeted by a certain furious taller skeleton.
"And where have you been!!" Papyrus asked throwing Red against a wall. Red winced in pain but got up and look his brother in the eyes.
"I was out later then I expected so I decided to stay somewhere else." Red growled attempting to look as menising as he could be, yet deep down Red knew he couldn't and wouldn't hurt his younger brother, no matter what he did to him.
"You CAN NOT just decide that!" Papyrus threw Red back onto the ground scowling. "You worthless peice of shit! Sometimes I don't know why I keep you around!" He yelled kicking Red a few feet in the opposite detection. Red only looked up at his brother and scowled, knowing better then to say anything. Without another word Papyrus stormed upstairs and into his bedroom, slamming the door as loud as he could.
Red stayed on the ground for a minute or so wincing in pain. Papyrus had kicked him right where another bruise was. After awhile he sighed and got up from the floor. He slowly crept to the bathroom trying not to make a sound, once he got in there he turned his back to the door fell to the ground hugging his knees and started sobbing. He hated this, he hated his life in general, he only had three people that he truly felt like he could rely on.
His thoughts started to trail off as he got an idea, he took his phone out of his poket in his hoodie and dialed the number.
"Heya Blue."
"Hello Red! How are- WHAT'S WRONG!?" Red quickly pulled the phone away from his ear as his old friend went on a tangent about all the things that could've happened to him.
"How did you know something was wrong?" Red asked once Blue had run out of breath and he felt it was safe to put the phone to his ear again.
"The Magnificent Sans can guess when his friends are not well!" "I'm fine honest, ya' think I can come over to your place though?" Red asked hoping that he would get the hint, he did. "Oh, of course! I would be glad to have you over Red!"
"Thanks Blue, I'll be there in half an hour." After Blue hung up Red got up and rubbed his eye-sockets and hoped that Blue wouldn't notice that he had been crying, he'd never make it out of that place if he did. Red poked his head out the door and looked around, thankful that Papyrus was still upstairs. He opened the door fully wincing as it creeked.
Why do doors always have to creek open in the worst of times! Like, it happens in EVERY horror movie!
As quick as he could Red made a dash for the door swiftly closing it afterwards, only then did he realise that he could've just teleported out this entire time.
Red was about to knock on the door to Blue's house when it swung open and he was greeted by an ecstatic Blue. "RED!" He practically screeched pulling Red inside and closing the door. "Are you okay?! Was it your brother again, did you hurt you?! Did he-" "Blue I'm fine seriously. But I won't be if ya keep screaming in my ear." Red said chuckling, he had always thought of Blue as a little brother. His overwhelming energy seemed to make Red feel safer and more happier.
"Oh, alright. Are you hungry?! I made tacos!" "Sure, now that you mention it I-" without waiting for Red to finish his sentence Blue raced into the kitchen pulling the laughing Red behind him.
As soon as Red sat down at the table Blue placed a plate with three tacos on it in front of him. "Um, Blue? How many tacos exactly did you make?" "Well, about 82 once I knew you were coming over." Blue explained opening the fridge to reveal only dozens of tacos.
"How the- it only took me 20 minutes to get here!" "Yep! 4 tacos per minute!" Red just stared at Blue dumbfounded and took out his phone from his pocket.
"But 82÷20 is-"
"I, uh... Sure, lets go with that."
*Yeah, I couldn't think of a pun for the life of me. Sorry about that. Anyway I'll see you guys later.
Bye guys! :3
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