Chapter 10 Frisk's 'Imaginary' Friend Is Quite The CHARActer
Title name because it's really long: Frisk's 'Imaginary' Friend is Quite the CHARActer.
Classic sighed, not paying attention to the movie playing in the background. It had been a few days ever since his fight with Red and Classic was still worried about him. How could he still want to stay with his brother after that? He thought more confused then angry, truthfully he wasn't angry at all.
After a few minutes Classic decided to check on Frisk, he was currently babysitting the young human at Toriel's house since Tori had called him and asked if he could look after them due to having to stay longer than anticipated at the school to grade papers. Reluctantly Classic got up from the couch and teleported into the hallway outside Frisks bedroom. He was about to knock on the door when he realized that Frisk was talking, even though no one was in there. Even that annoying talking flower of theirs was currently in the kitchen. "No there isn't a buttercup flavored tea silly! How come you keep making jokes about that, you do know those flowers are poisonous right?" Classic could hear Frisks muffled voice through the door. Growing more worried Classic knocked on the door slowly, almost imediantly Frisk opened the door with a big grin on their face. "Hi Sans! Do you want to have tea with me and Chara?" Frisk asked, "Uh- kiddo, who's Chara?" Classic asked trying to look past Frisk into the room, yet all he saw was a plastic table with tea cups. No one else.
Frisk tilted their head at Classic's question. "What do you mean Sans? They're right- oh, Chara don't be afraid! Sans is my friend!" Frisk called looking around the room after they turned around to see no one there; after that Classic understood, or at least thought he did. So the kiddo's got an imaginary friend eh? Classic thought, it did make sense since they were an only child. "Sorry Sans, I think Chara disappeared, they do that often." Frisk explained as they closed their closet door after searching for their 'friend' Classic shrugged. "That's alright bud. That kinda stuff doesn't get under my skin."
"But Sans you don't have- Oooh, I get it now."
"Pfft, are my puns really that bad kid? I guess I really am a numbskull."
"Hahah, no you aren't Sans! I think you're really humerus."
"... I can't be any more proud of you bucko." Classic replied fake-sniffling as he pretended to be a proud parent. Frisk giggled, "can we go downstairs and watch skelevision now?" Classic nodded and levitated Frisk onto his shoulders. "Oof, you weigh a skele-ton kiddo. In a year or two I won't be able to carry you anymore." Classic warned, Frisk frowned and crossed their arms, obviously to determined to let that happen. "Don't fret bucko, lets go watch some skelevision now." Classic said leaving the room with Frisk on his shoulders, unknowing of the faint-almost invisible-child with a green and yellow stripped shirt, watching the two from a corner of the room that Frisk didn't check with an emotionless expression. Not giving away anything as to what they were thinking.
In this AU Frisk never did a genocide route, (despite what I first said in the Headcannon's chapter.. I'm not good at pre-planning okay?) just the pacifist route a few times. So, how does Chara fit into this you may ask? Well, ever since Frisk fell down into the Underground Chara has been following Frisk, but Frisk didn't know about them until they reached the surface.
At first Chara refused to speak to Frisk, but with DETERMINATION and time Chara got use to Frisks company. But the question still stands, is Chara only doing this because they're a lonely ghost child, or are there intentions more... Genocidal?
I'll see you guys later,
Bye Guys! :3
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