Best Friends Or... Headcannon's!
*Hey guys, Firefox here! These are the Headcannon's of this book for Classic, Red, Fresh, and Blue!
(These may be updated later on if I think of new ones.)
·Would marry Ketchup if it was legal.
·Still constantly has nightmares of Frisk reseting again, though he pretends that it stopped so Papyrus doesn't worry about him.
·Has wanted a cat for awhile now due to them being relaxed and not hard to take care of.
·His favorite TV shows are Stranger Things and The Middle.
·As soon as Papyrus and him moved into their new house he placed a sock in the same location as before and has refused to pick it up since.
·Is unsure of why Grillby blames him for eating a bunch of food when he wasn't even there at the time.
·Has nightmares where his brother kills him or hurts one of his close friends. (Classic, Blue, and Fresh)
·May be crushin on a certain skeleton~
·Refuses to wear anything that isn't red or black.
·Would marry Mustard if it was legal.
·May or may not be planning to burn all of Classic's ketchup.
·Has always wondered what it was like to wear Fresh's glasses. LIKE HOW DO YOU SEE OUT OF THOSE?!
·Loves his brother no matter what he does.
·Would be majorly depressed if it wasn't for Blue, Classic, and Fresh.
·Believes that the 'T' in Taco should always be capitalized cause Taco's matter and should be respected.
·Doesn't like how his brother smokes and tries to make him stop constantly.
·May have a secret basement full of Tacos. (Wait... What?)
·Loves Disney movies.
·He gets easily distracted often. (Except for when it comes to Tacos)
·Occasionally has dreams where Tacos rain from the sky.
·Spends most of his time with Fresh, Red, or his brother.
·Has a secret TACO MAGIC shrine in his Taco basement.
·Secretly loves Ranch.
(Same Fresh)
·He lives by himself, he hasn't talked to his brother for over a year.
·Is actually insecure and self conscious, he just has never told anyone or showed it while anyone was around.
·Knows 13 diffrent languages. We don't know why or how. He just does.
·Is fricken' amazing at skateboarding, but he's really self conscious when he messes up.
·Friends with a weird foxling girl that travels around the multiverse.
*Thats all for now, I've been working on the next chapter for a few days now so it should be ready by tomorrow.
I'll see you guys later.
Bye guys! :3
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