A/N: 2018 News and Updates
Hey guys Firefox here and I'm not dead! (That's a shocker) So I know I haven't updated anything in awhile so I decided to do a (very) late 2018 News A/N! Which will be up on all of my story's and won't be deleted. Basically there's a section in this A/N where I talk about every one of my story's and at the end will be a general summary of where I wish for my profile to go this year. If you're not in the mood to here me ramble about a story you don't even keep track of then just look at the bolded words for the story that you are intrested to hear about. Anyway, lets get started!
Power Of The Phoenix-
Oooh boy, okay so I'm aware that basically no one reads the book and I get why because the first 15 chapters are absolute cringy trash that I hope to redo over the summer. Even so I enjoy writing the book and at least want to finish the first book, but I'm not sure if I'll do the second one which I had planned because well, no one reads it. XD I'm almost finished with it though, which would be the first full story that I've made, published, and finished which I'm really excited about so that's a plus.
The Bird Of No Song-
Okay so I haven't touched this book in a lonnng time, which I'm kind of sad about because I really want to get into it more. I'm not gonna cancel it, spoiler nothing on this profile will ever be canceled because even though I know its hard to make a good story and stick with it I also think it ruins a lot about the book if you suddenly just discontinue it, so thats not happening. I will be getting more into it once I finish RegretTale though, and revamping the chapters that I did becuase I'm not to proud of them either. I hope that clears things up!
RegretTale (Original Undertale AU)-
Okay so I ADORE this book, I'm extremely proud of it and how much work I've put into each chapter. (Side note each chapter of RT is over 1,000 words if not close to 2,000 so its a lot of work) I've finished about half of chapter 3 and I think there will be about 7-8 chapters when its fully completed, dont quote me on that though.
Best Friends Or... (Kustard Fanfic)-
I haven't said this before so I'm gonna say it now, thank you SO much for over 1K reads, it really means a lot to me. But I won't rant about that since thats not what this A/N is for, and I really hate making A/N's so I try to do it as little as possible. Okay so usually I would say that new chapters havent been coming out because of writers block but actually that isn't completely true this time. I have been working on BFO over the break quite a lot, I have the entire storyline in mind now and a lot of drafts if not completed chapters done. I just haven't found the motivation to finish the next chapter because I feel like it drags on quite a lot but I have a lot more confidence for the chapters after that so dont worry! Not to mention because of this I hopefully won't go on another long break for awhile.
Mystreet Dare/Ask-
I don't have much to say about this one other then d̶e̶s̶p̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶d̶a̶r̶e̶s̶ I really enjoy making chapters and expressing myself in them. I also have big plans for it so don't worry I don't believe its being finished anywhere in the distant future.
To Save a Life-
Even though the prologue is only out I think this book is really educational and fun to write (especially since I've never written storys with human children in them yet) It won't be the longest book-maybe about 12-15 chapters max-but it'll be a good one for sure.
Scary Stories-
Even less to talk about with this one other then I have two actually decently good stories that I just need to finish. Like I said when I first made the book, its only for fun and isn't gonna be updated frequently. Also yes, intead of :3 in my end sentence I use =) becuase why the frick not.
General Summary Of How I Want 2018 to Go-
For awhile I'm gonna work almost completely on RegretTale and Best Friends Or because reasons that will be revealed this year.
:3 (yeah I'm being mysterious and not telling you guys fite me.) Surprisingly I don't think I'll be making another new book for awhile since if I published every book as soon as I had the prologue done then I'd have about 20 stories right now. Even so if I so manage to complete my goals for this year earlier then I thought then I'll do something where you guys get to vote for what story should be out next, but that won't be for awhile.
Anyway, I hope you guys were okay with this A/N, I promise this'll be the last one until the next few chapters come out.
I'll see you guys later,
Bye guys! :3
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