Chapter 2: The Devil King's Game
Here's Episode 2, enjoy:
Also, remember, every time the word money is in all caps and bold you're saying it like this.
After your little encounter with the soon-to-be Newbie Adventurers you decided to go visit a friend of yours and tell her the news.
You made your way to a little shop within Axel and entered.
"Wiz?" You asked examining the area and in response you got a yelp and a crashing sound.
Then, a loud explosion came from a separate room which actually shocked you.
"Wiz!?" You asked a bit worried.
Suddenly a figure came out of the room the explosion came from and before you stood your friend, the former Devil King General and Litch, Wiz.
Wiz (I love this Woman💕):
"H-Hello Lord Magolor..." Wiz stuttered out before quickly bowing her head. "Wh-what brings you here?"
You just stood there, gazing at the Litch with a raised brow.
You saw the door behind her desk was producing a small amount of smoke.
"Um...Wiz?" You asked before pointing at the door. "What happened?"
The Litch immediately began panicking and yelled:
"Oh no, my Boom Juice!"
"Your what?" You asked as the woman ignored you and headed into her backroom.
"IT EXPLODED!" She yelled panicking.
This made you run towards the backrooms as well and you came face to face with Wiz attempting to put out a fire that had started.
She attempted to blow the flames out with a piece of fabric she had gotten but the fabric ended up catching fire too.
You stared for a few seconds, before running inside.
You grabbed the end of your cape and flicked it towards the flames, this formed a large gust of wind that quickly put the flames out.
Wiz let out a sigh of relief and bowed to you once again.
"Thank you so much Lord Magolor, I almost lost my store...which is also my house." She stated.
You stared at the undead woman for a few seconds before sighing and said:
"I told you Wiz, call me (Y/N)..."
Both you and Wiz were now on a couch in her backroom storage.
Luckily you managed to douse the fire in time so not very much was burned.
"Okay so, can you explain why everything caught fire?" You asked concerned.
After all, Wiz was the only person you actually liked in this rinky dink town.
If something happened to her, you'd have no one to talk to.
"W-well you see..." She stated before explaining. "I was storing my Boom Juice and I heard someone come in, when I heard your voice call my name, I panicked and dropped a container of it."
"Um...okay." You said with a raised brow. "What is Boom Juice exactly?"
"Oh it's a purple liquid that's highly explosive, almost like oil, but somehow more volatile." Wiz explained.
"How did it combust, don't you need something like fire to ignite it?" You asked curiously.
"I was also carrying a lit lantern to help me see..." Wiz admitted embarrassed. "It's dark in here."
Okay, you had to agree on that, in fact a small orb of purple light was hovering near you acting as a light source.
This was something you conjured.
"So what brings you to my little store?" Wiz asked curiously.
"Oh, of course." You said remembering why you had come here.
You cleared your throat and explained what had happened a few minutes prior.
"Oh, new Adventurers?" Wiz asked. "Well that's nice..."
"I know right, more potential customers for us and more MONEY for us." You chuckled. "And if they die, I'll take whatever valuables they have off their corpses."
Wiz immediately sweatdropped upon hearing you say that, but honestly she wasn't surprised.
She's known you for so long, of course you would do that.
It could be worse though, you could intentionally sell them bad products to get them killed out there.
But you don't because that would actually effect business, rumors would start, people would become weary, you'd get less customers and so you actually sell the stuff you promise.
"Well, what do these new Adventurers look like?" The Litch asked curiously.
"A petty strange pair." You replied with a thoughtful expression. "One's dressed pretty strangely but cute, the other is all blue and claims to be a Goddess."
"A Goddess?" Wiz asked a bit worried, something you noticed.
"Oh don't worry, she's probably just some delusional worshipper who thinks she's a Goddess." You chuckled placing an arm around her shoulder. "Believe me, she didn't carry herself as a Goddess."
"If you say so." Wiz said with a small blush before leaning on your shoulder.
"ACHOO!" Aqua sneezed as she and Kazumi were signing up to the Adventurer's guild.
"Watch it!" Kazumi yelled disgusted.
"Someone's talking shit about me!" Aqua yelled angrily.
"If you sneeze every time someone does than why aren't you sneezing all the time?" Kazumi asked receiving a glare from Aqua.
Back to you:
"So (Y/N), how is your ship coming along?" Wiz asked suddenly still leaning onto your shoulder.
You let out a sigh at this.
"Slow Wiz, very very slow." You responded pinching the bridge of your nose as you recalled the events that lead to your current situation. "That monster did a number on my ship."
You let out a grunt as your ship the Lor StarCutter rocked after withstanding another attack.
Lor StarCutter:
This was a bad situation, not only did the Devil King find out about your plan, something you'd have to look into later...but he was also the one chasing you right now.
Another force rocked your ship and this caused the alarm to start blaring.
"Great..." You muttered as your ship began a crash course to the ground.
The ship was going to crash no matter what and so you did the only thing you could and that was brace for impact.
Your ship hit the ground, multiple pieces falling off of it including the sail, ores and many others.
You managed to force yourself out of the wreckage and let out a few coughs.
Your clothes were tattered, your ribs were bruised and you felt a bit weaker.
You glared at your crashed ship filled with fury.
"MY SHIP!" You yelled angrily stomping your foot. "IT TOOK ME MONTHS TO SALVAGE AND REBUILD!"
However, you immediately clutched your side in pain as your body reminded you you were injured.
A loud laugh interrupted you and you quickly looked up to see a figure hovering down towards you.
It was him, the scourge of this land that, the one who causes the very land to tremble.
Him...The Devil King himself.
Marx the Devil King:
"What's up buddy?" The deranged Clown asked staring down at you with his twisted smile.
You just glared up at him saying nothing making him tilt his head.
"What's wrong?" He asked in a mocking manner.
"You wrecked my ship!" You yelled.
This made Marx laugh even harder.
"Well to be fair, you broke our deal." Marx said creating a multicolored beach ball. "How would you expect me to react when one of my Generals is a traitor!"
Marx then tossed the Beach Ball at you.
You quickly produced a star-shaped shield and when the beach ball made contact, a large explosion was the result.
The explosion wasn't strong enough to break the shield but it did make you skid back a bit.
With your shield still raised, you looked up and saw that Marx has vanished.
On instinct you jumped to the side as the Devil King burst up from the ground underneath you.
You winced in pain but dropped your shield and shot 3 orbs of fire at Marx who simply shielded himself with his wings.
Your fire orbs reflected off the odd polygonal lights within his wings and headed right for you.
You jumped to the side to avoid this only to be knocked to the ground by Marx who rammed himself directly into you.
You flew back into a tree but managed to quickly get up while ignoring the pain to deliver a hard punch to Marx's face as he attempted to collide with you once more.
This made him skid back and land on his feet, that creepy smile not leaving his face even though he was missing some teeth from that punch.
Marx suddenly vanished in a flash of purple light and reappeared in front of you.
You quickly ducked as he attempted to swipe at you with his Claw wing.
He may not have hit you, but the tree behind you fell as said Claw sliced through the trunk completely.
You grunted in pain and coughed up a bit of blood, but you managed to throw a few Gem Apple bombs at the Devil King.
Unfortunately for you Marx then split himself in half...literally.
It was horrifying, and the horror increased when a literal black hole formed between his 2 halves.
Your Gem Apple bombs were promptly sucked in and the black hole also began sucking you in.
Thinking quickly you raised a purple spike Pillar from the ground and grabbed onto it.
The pull was strong and your wounded condition was making it harder to keep your grip...but you held on.
Eventually the black hole faded and Marx's 2 halves reformed back into a single being.
With that over, you managed to get up using the spike as support.
"Are you really trying to fight me Mag?" Marx asked amused. "Come on, you know you can't beat me."
"If I had the Master Crown I would..." You thought lamenting how close you came to ultimate power only to be shot down.
The Master Crown, an ancient artifact of pure power located in a place only the StarCutter could access.
You see, the Lor StarCutter wasn't actually your ship.
It was something you found and after repairing it's computers and looking through it's data you found info about the Master Crown and how it grants whoever wears it unlimited Power.
You'd be a fool to pass that up and only this ship had coordinates to it's location and only it could access the place.
So you spent months repairing the ship and getting it in working condition in secret to pursue the crown.
Now look, all your hard work reduced to cinders, you could repair this ship again, but you doubt Marx would let you.
"Hey Magolor, wanna play a game?" Marx asked suddenly making you glare up at him.
"What do you mean?" You asked cautiously.
"I kinda feel bad for you y'know." Marx explained hovering into a sitting position in the air. "I mean I'm barely trying in this fight and you're pretty beat up, so it doesn't seem fair to battle unless we're both at a hundred percent."
He was right, the crash of the StarCutter injured you quite a bit and as a result you couldn't fight as well as you could.
"So how about we play a little game where you have a fighting chance?" Marx offered and you sighed.
"Do I even have a choice?" You asked.
"Nope!" The Clown laughed before snapping his fingers.
Suddenly in a flash, all the pieces of your crashed ship vanished in brief flashes of purple.
This made you confused and you glared up at Marx.
"What are you doing!?" You yelled up at him and he laughed louder.
"Don't worry, your ship is fine, I just teleported the pieces to random locations all across the land, even I don't know where they are." He explained with a shrug. "And not just the big parts too, a few little bits as well."
You just had to ask:
"It's all part of my game..." Marx assured before shooting into the air and staring down at you.
"Magolor, if you manage to find your ship, repair it, gain the Master Crown and beat me, you win, if you die I win, it's as simple as that." Marx explained in an echoy and deranged voice.
You were honestly confused by this.
"Why the Hell is he giving me a chance to complete my he really that insane?" You asked. "Sure the odds are stacked against me, but why would anyone even give someone a chance at killing them, no matter how unlikely it is that someone will actually succeed."
As these questions raced through your mind, Marx meanwhile seemed to be getting bored and rolled his eyes.
"Okay, Imma go now, if I were you I'd get to looking, but you really should get patched up." He advised. "It'd be pretty boring if you died of injury."
"HEY WAIT!" You yelled snapping out of your thoughts but it was too late.
Marx the Devil King vanished in a flash of purple leaving you alone to wonder what you should do now.
"Goddammit." You grunted as the spike disintegrated and you stood up on your own.
"I suppose I should count myself lucky." You thought dusting yourself off.
Having nothing better to do, you walked off to the nearest town.
Your ship was destroyed, and your voyage for the Master Crown was put on hold until you could find and repair said ship.
Flashback Over:
And that's basically how you ended up in Axel.
You figured a beginner town like this wouldn't be that interesting to Marx and provide a base for some time.
You already managed to find a few pieces of your ship and hid them somewhere, but you were far from finished.
It was like Marx said the locations were completely random, there was no rhyme or reason to their placement.
You found a gear in the middle of a volcano, thank God the StarCutter material cannot be melted.
Also with the Devil King Generals out there, they could either inform Marx out of your location and take you to him.
Luckily Wiz isn't that loyal to him and so she didn't snitch.
"(Y/N)!" Wiz yelled snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Huh?" You asked snapping out of it and looking beside you to see Wiz was giving you a worried look.
"What is it Wiz?" You asked tilting your head.
" were just...sitting there...staring for a really long time." The Litch said nervously. "It was unsettling."
"Oh..." You said realizing that indeed it has been quite a while since your flashback. "Sorry, just lost in thought."
Wiz breathed a sigh of relief and returned to resting her head on your shoulder.
It was ironic, even though Wiz was undead, she was by far the warmest and kindest person you've ever met.
She was a Litch, yet she was so kind adorable and shy, that you couldn't help but get attatched.
You don't like getting attatched, because that leads to weakness...and losing profit as you'll want to give discounts.
Wiz however, was just so...cute...even back when you both served as Devil King Generals, you stood no chance.
This clumsy, shy and sexy Litch wormed her way into your heart and you promised to protect her at all costs.
"I should be going now you said getting up, sorry if I interrupted your day."
"Oh." Wiz said disappointed you had to go so soon. "D-don't be...I like your visits...I like you."
"Thank you...I like you too Wiz." You replied awkwardly thankful your Bandana covered your face hiding your blush.
The Litch gave you a smile that made your cold, shriveled and greedy heart melt.
"Okay, thanks for visiting and putting out the fire." She said gratefully.
Seriously, how could you not get attached to this woman?
You nodded and both of you exited the storeroom.
You then proceeded to exit the store after waving goodbye to Wiz.
The Litch who's day was just a bit better thanks to your visit returned to organizing her shop
A bit of an abrupt ending, will try to improve later.
I seriously like Wiz and Yunyun cause while I do love every Konosuba girl, at a certain point I have wanted to slap them all at least once.
They're great Waifus and I love them, but I'll admit, sometimes I feel like they need a good dose of gender equality.
I never really got that feeling from Wiz or Yunyun, I just wanted to give them both hugs especially during season 2's flashbacks to Yunyun's past.
This will be your relationship with Yunyun.
And God help anyone who hurts Wiz.
I was gonna put a ranking of my favorite Konosuba girls here...but I didn't wanna trigger people, so I'm keeping it to myself.
Anyway, have a good one.
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