Chapter 1: The Goddess, The Adventurer and The Sorcerer Supreme
Here's the first episode of this series and I should tell you your BIO doesn't give a description of all you're capable of, trust me you're a lot more powerful than you seem.
We begin our tale in the city of Axel.
This was a city where beginner Adventurers or Parties start their journeys.
It was pretty nice for a city of low-levels and it was perfect for you to lay low in.
As of right now, you were currently running your own special little shoppe for Adventurers.
Your Shoppe:
It was outdoors on a spot you had reserved on a sidewalk.
Here anyone could buy weapons, armor, support items and a few extra things.
If they didn't have any money you'd trade them for something of equal value.
If they couldn't trade, you tell them to fuck-off, you're not running a charity.
You sat there by your Shoppe just staring at the passing citizens as they enjoyed their day.
"I hate slow days." You thought before yawning.
Slow days for your Shoppe were worse than hectic days where you overworked yourself, cause then at least you were making cash for your suffering.
"Perhaps Wiz has something interesting going on." You thought remembering your shy Lich friend. "Even if she doesn't, seeing her does always improve my day."
Wiz was a good friend of yours all the way back in your younger years.
You both were such good friends you even decided when you eventually take over this world, you'll make her your second-in-command.
Perhaps even marry her, but that's something you decided you'll discuss with her when the day comes.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you noticed 2 individuals strolling past your shop.
They were 2 females, one with brown hair and...unusual clothing in your opinion.
Kazumi Satou: (ignore the bag and lollipop)
The second female had blue hair and wore more normal clothes, but you could tell she had a pompous air around her.
Whatever, new faces meant new customers and new customers meant more revenue.
"Hello there!" You yelled waving enthusiastically trying to put on your best nice act.
The 2 girls stopped to look at you as you gave them a pleasant smile underneath your face covering.
"Hello travelers, I assume you're new to Axel considering I've never seen any of you around here before." You stated as they walked over to you.
"Um...yeah actually." Kazumi said walking up to your Shoppe followed by Aqua.
"Well if you ever need anything my Shoppe is always open to you." You said before doing your sale's pitch.
"Thanks, but we literally have no money." Kazumi said a bit embarrassed making you gain a flat look.
"Oh, then you're useless to me." You said bluntly and both girls gained dejected looks upon that. "Come back when you have money to spend."
"There's no need for that level of rudeness!" Aqua yelled glaring at you.
"There is also no need for you to be here since you have no money, so shoo!" You demanded while also making the shooing gesture as if they were dogs.
Aqua fumed red at that.
"Do you think I'm a dog!?" Aqua yelled getting in your face.
"You don't have money like a dog, so you're close enough." You stated nonchalantly further offending the Blue-haired woman.
"You're one to talk with no customers." She fired back and you merely chuckled and returned with.
"I still have more than you though."
The 2 of you were now in a glaring contest.
"Do I need to do something about you riffraff?" You asked threateningly while raising your hand to conjure an orb of purple electricity.
Kazumi seeing this, immediately pulled Aqua back and began apologizing.
"Hehe...Sorry for disturbing you sir my friend over here isn't very smart." She stated.
"I can tell, I thought blonds were supposed to be dumb." You scoffed making the orb dissipate.
Aqua tried to say something again, only for Kazumi to cover her mouth.
"Anyway, I'm Kazumi Satou and this useless one is Aqua." Kazumi introduced.
"If you can't offer me anything your names mean nothing to me." You said bluntly.
"Well this guy's the biggest asshole I've met here so far." Kazumi thought bitterly but tried to keep up a friendly face. "Could you at least take us to the Adventurer's guild please?"
"Oh you wish to be Adventurer's?" You asked perking up. "I'd be happy to show you the way."
Your mood changed from uninterested to pleasant in an instant.
Taken a back by your sudden change, Aqua was able to break free and glare at you.
"Okay mister, why are you all smiles all of a sudden?" She asked placing hands on her hips.
You chuckled and replied with:
"If you're becoming Adventurers, that means you'll make money on quests, and that's money you can spend at my Shoppe."
"And why would we come to your Shop..." Aqua tried to say, but you interrupted her.
"You said it wrong." You stated confusing her.
"Said what wrong?" She asked.
"Shoppe, you said Shop instead of Shoppe." You clarified.
(A/N: Shop and Shoppe are pronounced the same)
"I don't get it." Aqua said even more confused.
"It appears you don't get a lot of things my dear." You chuckled mockingly.
"Um...I don't get it either." Kazumi said raising her head.
"Oh so you're both stupid." You said with a sigh. "Can't even say a word right."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WE'RE SAYING IT RIGHT!" Aqua yelled her whole face red with anger. "SHOP!"
"WRONG!" You yelled before giving her light slap to the face.
There was a moment of awkward silence as Aqua held her cheek while giving you shocked look.
"You slapped me." She said softly. "Kazumi...he slapped me."
"You were being stupid and stupid people should be slapped." You stated. "Can't even say a singular word right."
"I still don't get it." Kazumi said completely ignoring Aqua's distress. "We're saying shop."
"You're pronouncing it correctly but you're saying it wrong." You insisted. "I can see your words!"
This made Kazumi sweatdrop.
"Great, he's crazy." Kazumi thought hating her luck. "First I'm stuck in this world with a Useless Goddess and the first guy I meet is insane."
"Anyway, believe me, you'll come to my Shoppe, I have rare and powerful items that the pathetic competition around here wish they had!" You boasted with pride. "Now come on, let's get you both set up so you can spend the money you earn faster."
"Um...what about your Shop..." Kazumi tried to say.
"Shoppe." You corrected her.
"Whatever!" She said. "You're just gonna leave everything out in the open?"
"Of course not, I'm not a moron unlike the two of you." You scoffed making both girls extremely pissed.
Ignoring their glares you snapped your fingers, suddenly a large star-shaped vortex opened beneath your shoppe much to the two's surprise.
Everyone else in the town simply ignored this phenomenon as you did this all this time to pack up your Shoppe.
Your Shoppe was quickly sucked into the vortex and with a snap of your finger the vortex disappeared once more.
"Okay, let's go." You said casually while they just stood there frozen in shock.
"Hello?" You asked snapping your fingers in their faces. "Earth-to-Morons!"
They snapped out of their surprised stupor.
"That was so cool!" Kazumi said stars in her eyes making you chuckle with pride.
"It's just a simple pocket dimension spell that I use for the sake of convenience, simple but very helpful in most situations." You boasted crossing your arms.
"It wasn't that cool." Aqua muttered lowly, but you managed to hear her.
"You're actually right Aquarius." You stated.
"Aqua." She corrected you but you did not seem to hear.
"Ocean, it really isn't that impressive when compared to my other abilities." You continued getting her name wrong again which angered Aqua even further.
Meanwhile Kazumi was now very excited after that small display of your abilities.
"Okay that was awesome, when I become an Adventurer maybe I can this guy to teach me some magic." She thought her excitement of experiencing this new world having been reignited.
That was when Kazumi realized something.
"Um...hey, we gave you our names, so what's yours?" Kazumi asked curiously. "I mean we gotta know the name of the guy we're buying from right?"
"Oh very may call me (Y/N), now follow me." You said leading the way to the Adventurer's guild.
"I don't like him." Aqua said crossing her arms and glaring at you with a pout.
"I agree, he's kind of an asshole, but judging from what he did, he's pretty powerful and I think it'd be good to have an ally like him." Kazumi insisted.
"Did you forget you had a Goddess on your side?" Aqua asked smugly.
"A Goddess that's more lost and confused in this world than it's mortals." Kazumi muttered following you.
"What did you say?" Aqua asked running after you both.
"Here we are." You said as all 3 of you stood before the Adventurer's guild.
"Go in and I'm sure you'll find someone who can help you start up." You said gesturing to the building.
"Thanks a lot." Kazumi said greatfuly with a bow.
"No problem, just be sure to bring the money you earn to me." You said before trying to take your leave.
"Um...hey, I was wondering..." Kazumi said suddenly making you stop.
"Yes?" You asked with a raised brow.
"When I become an Adventurer you think you could teach me a bit of magic?" She asked hopefully.
It took a moment for that request to process but when it did, this is what you said.
When you did, Kazumi's hopeful look became one of annoyance.
"Me!!?" You asked pointing at yourself. "Teach you!!?"
You continued your laughing fit and much to Kazumi's shock Aqua had joined in and laughed along with you.
"What!?" Kazumi asked angrily at being laughed at.
"Forgive me my dear, but you don't seem like the type who's very adept at magic." You explained. "I'm sure you'd kill yourself learning my level of magic."
"I know right?" Aqua laughed along. "A complete Neet like her learning magic at all is laughable!"
"I don't even know what the fuck a Neet is!" You relied before laughing even louder. "Sounds pathetic though!"
That made Kazumi hang her head in shame and clutch her skirt in embarrassment.
"Oh but fine, I suppose teaching you some basic spells won't hurt." You sighed crossing your arms.
"Wait, Really?" Both Aqua and Kazumi asked surprised.
"Yes, I'll even do it and you don't need to pay a dime." You said sweetening the deal.
"Wow, are you serious!?" The Brunette asked with an excited smile.
"Of course, under one condition though." You said with a raised finger.
"Alright, what do I have to do?" Kazumi asked eagerly.
"Oh it's quite simple..." You said with a chuckle. "I'd like you to work for me in my Shoppe, I'll even pay you."
"Huh?" She asked confused at your sudden generosity.
"All I ask, is that you wear what you're wearing to my Shoppe, I find your outfit...adorable." You explained further.
Now that made Kazumi's entire face explode with a red blush.
She had absolutely no idea how to respond to that, back in Japan due to her antisocial nature, no guy ever flirted with at all.
It was probably because she didn't go out and meet many boys, but the point is, no guy ever called her..."adorable" before.
"Wow Kazumi, congratulations, a boy called you adorable." Aqua said giving a thumbs up to Kazumi. "Maybe a Neet like you has hope for Love after all."
That was the final straw for Kazumi, overwhelmed by what was happening, she took Aqua by the wrist and dragged her into the guild without answering if she took the deal you offered.
"Guess I'll see if she accepted another time." You sighed before thinking. "Still don't know what a Neet is."
And there we go, episode 1 is done.
My power is once again shutting down in my neighborhood, this time the power will remain off for 2 hours in the afternoon and 4 hours at night, so updates on any of my stories are gonna be few...maybe, hopefully this problem will sort itself out very soon.
Hope you enjoyed this episode.
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