-Wrong Place Wrong Time-
-Joel's Perspective-
I was awoken to the sound of the front door opening.
He was back early.
"Joel?! What the fuck is this?!",Dad exclaimed making the others wake up.
"I'm sorry I just wanted a sleepover with my friends and you were supposedly out for business for the next few days so I thought it would be okay....",I muttered.
"Oh so your thought it would be okay to invite these- these QUEERS into MY house?!",He yelled. I clenched my fists,
"Dont you dare call them that.",I snap at him. All the sudden I felt a sharp pain in my cheek in quick I staggered backwards. Jimmy quickly went to check if I was okay.
"First you come out with the gay bullshit that your 'BisEXuAl',welcome these fags into my household and now you have the nerve to back chat me?! Seriously what kind of stupid ideas do you get in your head Joel?!",He hissed,clenching his thists. Jimmy went to say something but I quickly cut him off
"I know dad...i'm sorry.",I say in a small voice as I got back up on my feet.
"You better be. Now clean this shit up and get the fuck to school." He spat as he walked to the kitchen and picked up a beer.
I quickly cleaned up the house and grabbed both Jimmy and Grian's hands,quickly walking out of the house.
"Joel are you okay?! He slapped your pretty hard..!",Grian said as he gently examined my face.
"Y-Yeah dude I'm fine don't worry about it! Come on l-lets just go before were late.",I stammered slightly as I continued walking - my legs and hands slightly shook as i held back tears, trying to stay the same,silly Joel i thought they expected me to be. I felt myself get tugged back by my shirt.
"Joel... I think we should just head somewhere else...I don't wanna go into school after an experience like that because I care about how you would feel..",My blonde friend said.
"I- I wouldn't want you to miss out hanging with Scott...plus its only Grian's second day here i wouldnt wanna get him into trouble!",I kept my head down to the floor.
"Joel it's fine! I don't care about getting in trouble!",Grian exclaimed,"Me and my brother have a hang out spot nearby if you guys wanna go their?",he questioned. I hesitated before agreeing.
The sandy haired boy grabbed both me and Jimmy's hands,running in a certain direction down the street. I just followed along nervously,looking around in certain directions to make sure I knew where we were going. I didnt know. I tried not to panic....
Okay Joel sure last time you got taken to a place you didn't know was bad stuff happened.. but that's fine! This is Grian he probably couldn't hurt a fly..! Plus Jimmy's here..He'll protect me..I think.. oh god what if he's in on it..?! No I don't wanna do that again, no no no..!!
I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear Grian say were here.
"Joel you okay buddy? Joel? Joel..! JOEL!",I jumped in surprise as Jimmy's voice finally appeared to me.
"Y-Yeah sorry I'm okay uh- are we there yet?",I stammer.
"Yeah actually-!",The sandy haired man smiled as he sat down: we were at an abandoned building,the walls were dull and crumbled not to mention the whole place was filled with spray paint and dirt.
"So...you guys want some beer?",Jimmy asked pulling out a beer bottle from his bag.
"Where did you get that from?!",Grian asked adjusting his glasses.
"Stole a few from the fridge.",The blonde responded casually as he popped it open and handed Grian the bottle.
"I-I mean- sure-?",He hesitated before taking it from him and taking a sip. "It's bitter but oddly nice tasting?",The sandy haired boy paused before downing it,
"Woah Jeez calm down or you'll choke-!!",I exclaimed slightly laughing. He smashed the bottle on the floor - not a drop left within the bottle. I looked at him; he seemed a lot more hyper and his wings were puffed up. I got a bottle out of Jimmy's bag and began drinking with them, Grian going absolutely mad with the alcohol.
When I woke up after I was in an unfamiliar place, my ears rang a high pitch as I rubbed my forehead. I listened around and heard some talking coming from the hallway. I staggered up and peaked through the crack of the door,
"Grian are you serious?! Drinking??!! You know if you didn't message me you'd probably be in serious danger right now!",I saw a black haired boy scold. He was tall and pale with red glowy eyes and slight acne.
"I know Mumbo i'm so sorry... I just wanted to try it...",Grian mumbled looking down I shame. Mumbo sighed and hugged him tight,
"Please never do that again....I was worried sick about you dude....",He muttered.
"I-I'm sorry...",The other whispered,his voice breaking as he chocked back tears. I staggered out into view,
"G-Gri?",I mumbled,my voice coming out raspy and dry.
"Oh sh- J-Joel!",The sandy haired man smiled nervously. Mumbo eyed me in exasperation. I shuffled my feet nervously and held a hand on to Grian,
"Sorry I got you in trouble dude....You didn't have to join in...",I muttered.
"I know...but I wanted to.",He hugged me and patted my back. I looked at Mumbo and gave him a small nervous smile. He just sighed and walked away. I frowned and pulled away from the hug,
"Where's Jim?",I asked tilting my head.
"I'm here.",Jimmy said stepping out the bathroom besides us.
"Oh their you are-!",I smiled and patted his back. He chuckled and nudged me slightly.
"Sooooo....Mario anyone?",Grian asked with a nervous smile.
"Heck yeah!!",I exclaimed in excitement. Whilst we were in the middle of a game I heard the door creek open behind us. The others didn't react but I looked behind me; Mumbo was standing in the doorway with a warm smile on his face looking as if he was about to cry. He quickly shook his head and cleared his throat,
"S-Sorry zoned out- anyone for KFC?",Mumbo questioned.
"Yeah please!!",Grian smiled happily. The raven haired man nodded and smiled before walking out.
I smiled slightly, he seemed like a great guy. Both of them seemed like great guys..
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