Rough Start, Promising Friend's (chapter 1)
-Grian's perspective-
I sigh as an alarm clock blared in my ears. I roll out of bed,landing onto my tattered rug. I quickly got dressed and crept downstairs.
"Gri!",I heard a familiar voice whisper loudly from the other room. I carfully made my way around the cluttered living room; making sure I didn't accidently knock over any bottles or step on any burnt out cigarettes.
I exhaled and smiled as I finally got into the kitchen,my step brother Mumbo waiting for me at the table.
"I made you some pancakes.",He whispered,a friendly smirk on his face as he gestured to the plate he neatly layed out on the table. I nodded and smiled as I began eating with the reused plastic forks we kept.
"Alright you should head off now dude, I love you. Have a good day at school.",Mumbo whispered,kissing my forehead and handing me my bag. I nodded,kissing his cheek and quickly running out the back door,
"Tha gaol agam ort!" I yell to him as I hopped are broken fence that some tramps smashed up last week.
I sprinted down the street,breathing heavily as I started to get tired. I stopped as I finally got to the parking lot of my new school. I stood their for a moment taking some time to catch my breath. After a minute I heard a faint bell in the distance and darted out of the parking lot to the entrance of the school.
I quickly ran to my classroom and swung open the door,accidentally banging it against the wall. I could feel everyone's eyes fixated onto me within half a second.
"U-Uhm sorry..",I mumbled in a small voice as I slowly walked to an empty desk at the back of the class,keeping my head down as to make sure not to make eye contact with anyone.
I sat down and started taking my stuff out of my bag whilst my hands slightly quaking as I set down my books onto my desk. As I tried to focus I heard mumbling in front of me in which I couldnt help but listen in.
"Who the fuck is that knob?",One voice muttered
"Dont know but he's so freakishly skinny it's bare weird man." Another voice snickered. I felt tears well up in my eyes as they continued whispering and giggling when a new voice butted in.
"Oi you best shut your mouth or were gonna have issues got it.",A voice hissed in annoyance making the other two go quiet.
"And I don't think you want any trouble with us do you?",Another new voice said. I turn to look at who the new people were and sure enough I spotted them:
One of them had thick golden blonde hair in which was tucked behind his ear. His eyes were a beautiful hazel colour and both him and his friend wore black leather jackets and sunglasses. Speaking of his friend he had thick brown hair with a green streak in it and his eyes were a deep shade of brown.
I pause for a moment before tapping the blonde one on the shoulder.
"Hey uhm...I heard what you said..thank you..",I whisper quietly. He beamed and took my hand,shaking it gently.
"Your welcome dude! Names Jimmy and this is my friend Joel!",He gestured to the brunette boy next to him. He gave me a friendly smile.
"What's your name?",Joel asked.
"Oh me-? My name is Grian.",I gave them a small smile. Jimmy turned to Joel and whispered something before the brunette nodded in agreement.
"Hey Gri would you wanna hang out with us?",Jimmy asked,tilting his head.
"YES- I-I mean- yes. Yes please.",I smiled shyly. They giggle and Joel patted my back before turning back around. The intire time I could hear them muttering a bunch of sweet things in which made me smile.
-Jimmy's Perspective-
I waited with Joel outside of class for are new friend excitedly, he seemed so cool!! He was really nice too! I love how quiet he is, he seems like he'd be a really good listener! I smiled as I noticed him walk out,
"Gri! Hey man!",I ran to him,beaming bright.
"Oh hey-!",He smiled warmly,turning more towards me.
"We were gonna hang out in the bathroom! Wanna come?",Joel asked in which the sandy haired man nodded in response.
I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the boys bathroom.
"W-Wait I cant-",Grian paused as me and Joel looked at him. "N-Never mind...",He mumbled. It quickly clicked in my brain as I looked at Joel. The brunette nodded catching on as well,
"Dont worry. We'll make sure no one finds out.",Joel whispered. The smaller man seemed quite surprised but nodded hesitently.
I walked into the bathroom,sitting down on the sink. Joel propped himself against the wall and Grian sat on top of a stall.
"Hey Grian your wings are kind of a mess. Have you preened them?",I questioned. He shook his head,
"No not really... I don't really trust anyone enough to do it.",The sandy haired man explained.
"If you want I can do it!",I offer. He hesitated before nodding,
"Yes please just uhm...please be carful.....",He muttered as he stepped towards me. I picked him up and sat him on the rim of the sink as I began preening his wings. He'd occasionally twitch or flinch but I'd always make sure to reassure him.
"Alright.....and we're done!",I ruffle his hair and smile. He smiled shyly,his wings fluttering happily. I can tell that were all gonna be a good friend.
When it got to the end of the day Grian tapped me on the shoulder.
"H-Hey uh can I...can I stay at your house tonight?",He asked quietly
"Well i was gonna stay at Joel's but you can tag along!",I smile warmly. I could already tell he had stuff going on, it was the way he talked, the way he moved, the way he slightly smelt of cigarettes told me everything. Me,him and Joel walked back to his house and spent the time their playing video games and watching movies together. We all eventually passed out on the sofa together with the TV static playing in the background
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