Chapter 5
I would just like to thank everyone who has read and voted for my book so far. It means alot to me. Back to the book.
Ava's POV
My mum drove me to the party. Chantelles house was really big. Like huge. I was nervous, because I knew Lauren would be here, but even more nervous because I didn't really know Chantelle as a person. To me, she was just a girl who stole my best friend.
I arrived at the door, clutching a gift in my hand, and rang the bell. Chantelle opened the door. Behind her stood a girl, familiar to me.
She was the first girl here. Chantelle probably invited her early or something.
"Hello! Ava, right? This is Lauren," she said, gesturing to her.
I decided to play along with this.
"Hello Chantelle, Lauren."
Lauren frowned at me with a puzzled look on her face. I smirked at her. She was playing innocent. And so was Chantelle. I wasn't about to let them fool me. No one fools Ava.
Lots more people arrived, nearly the entire school. How she did this, I didn't know. But so many people didnt seem so many in her huge house.
I went to the kitchen to grab a drink when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around, looking at the face of the girl who I last wanted to talk to right now.
"Can we talk?"
I nodded. She led me outside.
"So I've noticed the coldness about you and Lauren. You guys seem so resentful towards each other. Is everything OK between you?"
I looked at her. Was she serious? It was hard to think otherwise, as she was being so kind to me.
"Chantelle, Lauren and I used to be best friends."
I paused as I saw the look of sadness on Chantelles face.
I found myself telling her everything. I had to. She had to know what she had done. But after telling her everything, I felt guilty. Like I was blaming her for everything that had happened in the past few days. It wasn't all her fault, was it? She had no idea.
"I'm sorry. It's not your fault." I said to her.
"No. I should be the one saying sorry. I ruined your friendship. I'm so sorry."
She looked like she meant it.
"So, I suppose you don't know the reason why I was so happy to have a new best friend," she said.
I shook my head.
"In my old town, I had a best friend. She was called Catrina, Cat for short. We were the best of friends. Inseparable. We were like sisters.
"She had cancer. I knew but I didn't want to upset her. So one day, on a sleepover at her house, she wouldn't wake up. I kept calling her name but she didn't move."
Tears trickled down her cheeks.
"We took her to the hospital, but we were too late. She was gone. My best friend had left me. I was alone.
So my mum decided to move us here. She wanted me to leave all memories behind. But I haven't forgotten."
My own eyes were watering. I let the tears spill, thinking of how I judged Chantelle for no reason. I leant in and gave her a hug. She hugged me back, her sobs were now hiccups.
"I'm so sorry Ava. This was supposed to be a happy day. I was supposed to be making new friends, but I guess the past never leaves us. Let's go inside. I must look horrible."
Even with mascara pouring down her cheeks, she still looked really pretty.
We went into her room and removed the messy makeup.
"Chantelle, we are best friends now," I said, and I really meant it.
A smile lit up on her face.
"Thanks Ava," she said, grabbing me in a hug.
We went back downstairs. Lauren came up to us.
"Chan, where were you? Have you been crying?"
"Hayfever. Don't worry Lauren. Come Ava."
Lauren looked at her with a frown.
"Come on Lauren. You guys are best friends."
"Were," Lauren corrected Chantelle.
And with that, she walked away.
Hello everybody. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Who do think will be best friends after? And why is Lauren avoiding Ava?
Stay tuned for an update. Bye, my friends.
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