» ④️ «
Its been a week since Kacchan and I had that small hang out. I filled in the spot since that killer whale in a Dolce and Gabbana spaghetti strap dress and Prada pumps stood my best friend up, and if I wasn't held back by Chako, I could've went over to their class' dorm and would've slapped her.
I also noticed that Kacchan's spending time with me too. I'm so happy about that. Sure,from time to time he's out cause he has a... date, with that thing. Did I tell you he hangs out with me again?
And now, here I am. Stuffing my face with pistachio ice cream at mine and Chako's favorite ice cream place, while mindlessly scrolling through Facebook.
Seeing a stupid but very accurate meme, I chuckled a bit before sharing it, tagging Kacchan and Chako.
IzUwUku shared a post.
@OwOchako @KingExplodo iz u lmfao--
And within seconds of posting, Chako and Kacchan reacted and commented-along with our other classmates who're online-, making me laugh.
OwOchako - is dat me or u? Fr my pov iz da both of us😂😂
IzUwUku - iz u u need to calm ur crazy ass😂😂nah im kiddin ily😘💞💓
OwOchako - BAD!😑😂luv u 2 u overcooked broccoli😋😋😂💓💞
IzUwUku - awwh iluvyou too jigglypuff😂😂💓💞💞
QueenMina - 😂😂ytf is that so ACCURATE--
IzUwUku - idek--😂😂
KingExplodo - fuckin idiot stop callin me out and shit😂
IzUwUku - no nevah😜😂
KingExplodo - I h8 u, u sonnovabish
IzUwUku - no u don't u luv meh😘😂
KingExplodo - imma say it one more time; unfortunately i fuckin do😧😤😂❤️
DenkiChuuu - eheeem is nobody gon talk abt the fact that two dudes are bein gay up there--no one mkay.
QueenMina - mah gaydar's malfunctioning--
OwOchako - ehem eheeemmm @IzUwUku @KingExplodo~ where'd the 'no homo' go?😂😂😂
IzUwUku - i no longer see u as friends--Kacchan has a girlfriend!
KingExplodo - im fuckin blocking all of u
QueenMina - no don't! We'll stop! Luv u Kass😘😘😂😂💓💞
OwOchako - oh i forgot since we never even had a decent convo with her--
OwOchako - ight imma head out--
I sighed. Chako cannot keep her mouth shut at times. But she has a point though... she never really had a decent conversation with all of Kacchan's friends...
With another sigh, I stood up and took off, heading for the bathroom.
I can't help but think, what if Kacchan didn't say yes to Camie? What if, I confessed my feelings? What if... we were the ones dating right now...?
I blushed a bit before shaking my head, slapping myself with both hands to snap me out of it.
What the flip Izuku?! Everything happened already, Kacchan belongs to someone else already...
As I went inside the bathroom, I immediately went towards the sink and splashed my face with some water, hopefully it'll calm down my blush.
I then did my business, and after I washed my hands I went out, only to see the person I do not want to see now or any day in general.
There stood Camie. She was standing just outside a café, checking her nails as she flipped her hair back.
I rolled my eyes and started walking away from the bathroom, but still keeping my eyes on her.
She looks like she's waiting for someone. Is she waiting for Kacchan? But I thought... Kacchan went to visit Auntie Mitsuki..?
Narrowing my eyes at her, I then saw her expression brighten as an unknown guy approached her. Camie giggled and flung herself on the guy, as the guy hugged her and kissed her passionately.
I snarled and almost stormed towards her but thought, what if I'm just hallucinating or something? I frowned, that ain't right.
I then rubbed my eyes and looked at her again, only to see the two of them whispering, as Camie giggled and nuzzled against the guy.
That's it.
I finally snapped, storming over her and shoving her off the guy before slapping her. A loud smack was heard within four-feet raidius, as Camie stumbled a bit and the guy staring at me in horror.
"What the heck?! Ugh--you?!" Camie angrily shouted, as I glared at her fuming.
"Wow, you look like you're used being slapped, damn, you took it like nothing!" I said sarcastically, laughing.
"Why would you slap me, you fa--!!" Camie shouted, before she swung her hand in an attempt to slap me back only for me to grabbed her hand and grip it tightly.
"From what I fucking know you have a boyfriend. And coincidentally, your boyfriend is my best friend. The fuck are you doing here rubbing yourself on another guy?" I snarled, dropping her hand.
"What're you gonna do, huh, f*g? Tell Katsuki about this? He won't believe a thing you'd say, you think just because your his best friend he'll listen to you?" Camie snickered, letting out a villain-y laugh.
"Yeah, but maybe he'll listen to the both of us! How fucking DARE you cheat on Kasu!" Ashi suddenly appeared, pointing a finger at Camie, as the blonde snorted and flipped her hair back.
"He won't believe you, I've been doing this for a month now, he kept buying all my excuses." Camie laughed, and with another growl, this time I punched her.
Camie stumbled back as Ashi gasped before laughing, the guy dashing to Camie and holding her up.
"Fuck you!" Camie shouted, touching her cheek.
"Sorry, I'm gay." I snorted, walking away and dragging Ashi with me.
"Damn, that was GOLD!" Ashi laughed, as she kept up with me.
"Are you braindead? You love fights or something?" I laughed, letting go of her wrist as we reached the exit of the mall.
"Yeah, maybe I do like fights. We're telling Kasu right?" Ashi said, changing the topic.
"Yes we are, I'll be damned if I let her get away with this."
"SHE WHAT?!" Chako yelled, startling the hell out of the others who were just tryna eat.
Me and Ashi reached the dorms around twenty minutes ago, and now we're huddled up with the BakuSquad and Chako.
"She was cheating on Kas--" Ashi started, but was cut off by Chako shrieking.
"I KNEW THAT FUCKER WAS PLAYING WITH BAKU! OHHHH, WHEN I SEE HER, SHE BOUTTA CATCH THESE HANDS--" Chako shrieked, and with an eye roll, Ashi stood up and kissed her, silencing the brunette.
"Did I tell you the part that she prolly had a bruise and a red handmark on her face already?" I snorted, making Chako and the others face me.
"What? How? Not that I care, she deserves it." Kaminari asked, laughing.
"Yeah! When I saw him, he was confronting her! He slapped the fucker so hard, that probably people within six feet raidius were startled!" Ashi cackled, the others laughing as well.
"You sadistic lil' shit, damn!" Jirou laughed, raising her hand in a high-five.
"Then I punched her when she told me she'll continue cheating on Kacchan till he finds out." I shrugged, trying to calm myself down. Kacchan really needs to be here..
All of the sudden, the door slammed open revealing Kacchan with a frown on his face. Me and Ashi stood up and approached him, making him snarl.
"The fuck did the two of you did to Camie? Why the fuck did you punch him, Izuku?" Kacchan said, and crap, he's mad.
But guess what? I'm mad too.
"Oh, did she leave out the part where we caught her fucking sucking another guy's face? She was cheating on you, Kacchan!" I shouted, ruffling my hair in annoyance as he stepped back, probably taken aback.
"She wasn't, you idiot! She was at the mall fucking buying clothes, then you two assaulted her and humiliated her in public!" Kacchan shouted back, and I scoffed, loudly may I add, before glaring at him.
"And you actually believe that?! Over your fucking FRIENDS, Katsuki?!" Ashi laughed, clutching her hair in disbelief.
"You don't even have a fucking proof, right?" Kacchan reasoned, and I groaned.
"My phone fucking died on me before I even took a picture. And is Ashi not enough of a witness?!" I snarled, showing him my dead phone and Kacchan rolled his eyes.
"I know all of you hate Camie's guts, but this is too much! What're you gonna gain from destroying her image?!" Kacchan shouted, and I blinked back tears.
Did he really fell down Camie's trap that deep...? Why won't he listen to us...?
"You're right--I hate her! I know that damn well, Katsuki! But you fucking know me, you know me more that my own fucking mother, and you know damn well I wouldn't do that type of shit! Why wouldn't you believe me...? I'm your best friend for fuck's sake..." I shouted, voice shaky as I a harshly wiped off the tears that finally dropped on the sides of my eyes.
Kacchan and the whole room fell silent, and the only sound that was above all of it was my sniffles, and Kacchan looked at me.
I was almost filled with hope that he was going to believe us, but then he frowned.
"I don't even think you are anymore. Since the day Camie became my girlfriend, you seemed distant. Hell, you never even talked to me more than five minutes max until the day she stood me up. I know you hate her, but this is too much, Izuku." Kacchan said angrily, me crying even more.
"You know why I kept distance?! You know why I don't want to talk to you more than five fucking minutes?! Because I don't want to break down crying whenever I see you happy with her! Why?! BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU, YOU DOOFUS! I HAVE BEEN FOR A LONG TIME NOW!" I shouted, clenching my fists, and closing my eyes tightly, but tears still managed to escape.
Man... I said that..?
"I WANT TO SEE YOU HAPPY. I W-WANT THAT TO HAPPEN! I-I DON'T CARE A-ABOUT MY HAPPINESS, AS LONG AS YOU'RE HAPPY, I AM TOO! B-BUT BEING HAPPY WITH THE WRONG PERSON..? You think I can handle that..? I want you to he happy, Katsuki. Even if not with me." I said weakly, covering my eyes with my hand.
I then heard footsteps, and after that, the door opening and closing, and that was enough to make my knees weak and make me drop down the floor and cry my eyes out.
I can't hear anything aside from the panicked cries of Chako and Ashi, the rapid footsteps running around, as if searching for something until Chako snapped me out of it, grabbing my cheeks and raising my head, kissing my forehead and face in reassurance.
I shakily reached for Chako, Chako taking the message and immediately pulling me into a hug as she softly hummed, as if lulling me to sleep.
And after that, I feel asleep...
That was prolly not that good but... hopefully u enjoyed..? 😂😂(♡ >ω< ♡)
edit: had to edit out a word cause its a literal slur im gay but fuck i am so sorry for using it
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