BOOM ! The chair fled around the room where my brothers fought. This time, a glass of whisky barely full smashed onto the white wall. Splashing on my bare feet. My breathing was unstable, i hyperventilated while pieces of glasses shattered near the empty beer bottles. Voices echoed in the living room. My brothers still fought despite my intervention to separate them. Resigned, i stepped a few meters from them to not get a hit. This was a disaster. Will they never understand ? All i wished for was to have a decent family.
"Lucy, go to your room !" Ethan yelled making me jump.
I was annoyed because i did not want to leave him here alone with Pop.
"Just do it !" Ethan was enraged, especially when Pop grabbed his red sweat-shirt.
Their fight was unbearable.
I went to my room because i did not want to cause any more trouble. So i shut my door as silently as possible. The voices were still present in my head, i could not think anymore. It was not the first time and it will not be the last. But my only escape in this shitty house, was my music so i turned on my stereo, plugged my headphones, the sound so high, i could lose my ability to hear. But i prefered the latter than to hear them shouting at each other. The first song that i listened to was one of the Black Sabbath album. One of my favorite. Without thinking, practically in an automatic way, i crashed on my unmade bed, my head lost in the pillows.
Everyday was the same. The only moment of peace i had, was when Pop was half dead, half asleep after one too many beers. Therefore, i can not remember how it all started. At the time, he was not violent.
I will always remember the day our father welcomed us, Ethan and me, in his house. 'Right, because our older brother, Pop is not technically and biological brother. To tell the truth, his father found us and adopted us twelve years before. The day it happened, Papa finished working at the mine when he heard me crying. My brother and i were left behind an asian restaurant down town. Papa could not leave behind two young children when he was himself a father. So he brought us home where he lived with his son. Apparently, his wife, Francine, left him years ago for a richer man. That was what Pop told us when we were kids.
Papa and Pop leaved in a wooden cottage near the forest. It was obvious because if father worked in a mine, money was a problem. But despite it all, he still took us in and raised us as his own kids. He was a great man. Unfortunately, there was an accident in the mine and Papa was in a coma more than two years. He is still asleep, stuck with his mind, alone in the hospital. Since Pop dropped out of school to sustain our need, he had to work as a janitor in a middle school. Ironic when we think about it. I think, it was at this moment that he started to get angry all the time. And within a month after dad's hospitalisation, Pop drank almost everyday to drown his sorrow. But he never showed his emotions whether he was sad or happy, he was just always angry. This was the only way we saw him. And this was how Pop started to blame Ethan and I for everything that happened. Argument over argument, there was never an uneventful day. Hell was infiltrated in our home, at a point where i could not remember how it was before. More like a distant memory, almost unrealistic.
I jumped out of my bed, sitting on it. I don't know how, but i fell asleep despite all the noise. The headphones slipped from my head onto the pillow. When i think about it, the house is pretty calm. I don't know how many hours i slept, but outside is way darker than it was before. It must be around 10 PM.
I hope Ethan is okay, i hate it when he has bruises all over his face. It hurt me more than it hurts him, i think. I change in a pair of grey sweatpant and an old AC/DC shirt.
The moment i went back on my bed, my phone buzzed. I look around my tiny room to find where the buzzing sound came from to find my phone laying under a pile of books on my desk. The name of my best friend, Emma, appeared. It is a video phone call.
"Yo Lucy ! Is everything okay ?"
I nod while she smiles brightly. Her smile is her signature. Always happy and cheering me up.
"What do you say about a party at Anna's tomorrow night? I know you're not very fond of her, but trust me, it'll be alright.
I stare at her for a moment, sceptical. There are two things i hate the most : Parties and Anna. This girl is so snooty and snob toward anyone who she classify as "a weirdo". Strangely enough, she never really insulted me or even looked at me. And that's the point, she does not aknowledge me, so do i. It is an unwritten rule between us. What's more ? She is disgustingly rich. After all, her father is the CEO of an international electronic corporation.
"Pretty please Lucy, do it for me..." Her puppy eyes are so heartbreaking that it is hard to say no. It's true that i already declined once, so I owe her. But i can't go there, especially to Anna's. Last time was a nightmare.
"Don't do this to me, Em." i responded.
"Come on at least do it just this time, i promess, it WILL be the last time. AND, Jason is going so i have to go."
This girl is unbelievable. And unstoppable. I don't see what she found in Jason that is so amazing, that she has to do what he does. Like a dog following its owner. And the worst part is that he does not even look at her. Or think about her.
But i can make an exeption.
"I'll go on one condition."
Her face light up, jumping around in ecstasy.
"Yes yes yes ! I knew you wouldn't be able to say no."
"It is the last time you ask something like that. I will find a condition later though." I continued.
Emma offers me one of her reconforting smile. I do not always agree on certain decisions she makes, but she's still one of my bestest friend since middle school.
"Obviously Lu, i knew you would go" Her hapiness is radiating through my screen, making me smile.
We talk another hour before hunging up. How i love talking to her. It is, and always will be, my favorite activity in the world − right after listening to music, of course.
I stand up from my desk chair and step in the corridor. If i listen carefully, I can hear Pop's snores from his room. The coast is clear. I go straight to Ethan's room, entering it without knocking.
As expected, He is on the phone with his friend : Klara. They knew each other since primary school. She was nice and funny to be around with. At least we're never bored with her. I think she has a thing for Ethan but he is so oblivious. Even a blind man would see it.
"Will you go to Anna'a party ?" I interrupted him. He looked at me confused.
"Why ? Are you going ?" I nod in agreement and his eyes go round.
"That's surprising, after the last time." A small smirk is drawn on his face.
"Don't remind me, Emma wants to go..." My brother giggle as Klara laugh her ass off, almost chocking.
"What about you Klara, are you going ?" i asked, fed up with my brother's giggling.
"I don't know, i didn't get an invitation yet. I'll see and i'll let you know." Her sizzling voice resonating in the room. "Well gotta go, i have work to do. Bye Twins." She hung up the phone.
Ethan stare in the void, blankly, before breaking the silence.
"Say, will Victor be there ?" He asked in a husky voice.
"I don't know. Maybe, they're cousins after all." It's true. When there is Anna, Jason follows her like her shadow while his brother, Victor is never far when it comes to party.
Well, Ethan is probably not going to come so i will just leave him alone. But when i was about to go out, he responded quickly.
"Then i'll think about it,"
"Fair enough", i leave his room, reassured.
I walk in a dark room. Not knowing where i am nor where i go. But my feet moves on their own. The room gets bigger and bigger as i walk. Isn't it strange ? Like a bottomless room. Or is it corridor ? i can't tell. It is so dark in here.
"Ethan ? Pop ?" I called out. No answers. It seems i am alone. But wasn't i home ? A little to the left, i see a candle shining in the corner. I go and grab it, hoping to find something else than darkness. I swing the light from left to right, but what i see surprises me. Doors. Everywhere. A field of red doors. No signs, no numbers, no names on it. Just, red doors in long corridor.
At first, i am confused. Who would not in my situation. For a moment, i stay still, legs and hands shaking, in a noiseless corridor. When all of a sudden, i hear a loud and terrifying scream. So heavy and intimidating, that my heart skipped a beat.
Who was that ? It was a feminin scream, was it not a little girl ? I am not very sure yet. I walk slowly towards the sound. But i am scared on what i might find. Or not find. Cold sweat is dripping down my back, my heartbeat too fast for me to handle it, like it is going to come out of my chest. One foot at a time, all the doors are the same. I am not even sure which door i should open. Do i really want to open one of these doors ? After all, i don't know what is behind it nor do i want to know.
When i thought the noise was dead, i heard some strange whispers through certain doors. In fact, one of them was slightly open, letting a glimps of light passing through it.
"Don't open the door !" Screamed a male voice behind me.
Startled, i look around but see no one.
"Hello ? Is anyone here ?" I tried. But still no answer. Unsure, i take one step forward, until i heard a distant laughter. I immediately froze.
Suddenly, a dark figure appeared. His aura was threatening, as if i trespassed on his territory. It moved towards me hurrily. At any moment now, it will collide with me so i shut my eyes, dropping the candle on the cold floor.
And there i was panting heavily in my bed, covered in sweat. What i thought was real, was in fact just a dream.
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