Chapter Ten
Ignore errors!! Dedicated to all writers. It's so hard to write 😂We almost at 400 readsss. Thank you guys so much!!!
Today was the last day of examination. I had only 1 paper cause
i wasn't offering data processing.
English wasn't really my thing but I wasn't bad at it. Lily,who was next to me, was a pro when it comes to English.
Since exam started, Lily has proved me wrong. I thought students here were not smart, but Lily made me think again. Even Vanessa.
I went through my work again to make sure there was no error. I knew that no matter how many times I checked it, there would still be error.
I read through my 1,500 words essay on 'DISADVANTAGES OF THE INTERNET' to check for errors and when none was found, I submitted my paper to the invigilator who looked tired.
I carried my bag and walked out of the class. This time, Vanessa wasn't out.
In case you are wondering, I still haven't spoken to Nathan. It was Friday and exams started on Monday.
I still havent spoken to him and to be very honest, I missed him. No one to be disturbing me.
But at least, I wasn't going to be heartbroken. Everytime I passed his class, he was either with a girl or reading. Most of the time, he was reading.
I sighed as i looked downstairs. Ss3s were finishing their exams on Monday.
So far, my stay at star light has been eventful. I tried to avoid trouble.
"We are finally done with exammmm!!!! Thank God o. My mummy can give me back my phone. That woman eh...."
I looked beside me. It was Vanessa. We become pretty close and all. She was the daughter of a well-known model and a billionaire. She was mixed. Her mum was Italian and her dad was a Nigerian. Vanessa was crazy as hell
I laughed. "You are not yet done. You still have data processing nau"
She groaned. "That one isn't exam jare. I'll look for who to copy from abeg".
"Lazy ass. Better goan read! Yunno your mum doesn't like it when you fail". Lily said.
She had her bag slung on her shoulders. She probably just finished her papers cause she wasn't here before.
Vanessa rolled her eyes. "Yenyenyen better shut up!" And she started walking to the cafeteria
Lily and i just laughed as we followed her.
Vanessa cleared her throat. Her amebo clearing of throat Whenever she wants to gist us, she would be clearing stupid throat. Amebo!
"So, did you guys hear the latest gist?"
I talk am!
"So, did you hear that kehinde. That one in ss1, that's not too tall, not too short. The one with big breast and bumbum. The one that--"
Nawa o! The way Nigerians used to describe somebody eh! Hia!
"Mama, are you going to talk or you would just be describing?!" Lily asked her.
"No vex o! Anyways sha, I heard she wrote your brother a love letter!"
And I halted. Then continued walking acting like I didn't care
"And so? Is that the gist? Girls always write that mumu love letter. So what did he do? Did he embarrass her?"
"Nope. He collected her number gan. I was disgusted! I wonder how I'm close to that boy." Vanessa said.
Oh wow! What's my business? I don't care again!
"Earth to Sophie! I noticed you zoned out. What happened?!" Nessa asked as we sat inside the canteen.
"Nothing. I'm fine!" I took a spoon out of the Jollof rice I ordered.
The girls knew I was lying but they didn't push it. Instead, Lily brought out her iPhone and with Nessa next to her, they started to take pictures.
So, Nathan has moved on?
Moved on from what? You guys were never together! So there is nothing to move on from madam.
I sighed and took a spoon out my rice.
"Guys, I'm going to the library. I have to read for that rubbish paper. See you guys later!" Nessa sighed as she got up.
With her black leather bag in her hand, she got up from the chair and walked away from the table.
There was silence for a few seconds before Lily broke it.
"Ehen. Afa you and my brother?" She asked with her mouth full of french fries.
"Afa asin how?" I knew what she was talking about but I decided to act dumb. Deep down, I was silently praying she would drop it.
"Don't act dumb Sophie. You know exactly what I am talking about. Did he break your heart?!" She asked, her brown eyes boring holes into my body.
"No he didn't madam! You asked me to stay away from him nau". I retorted.
"And since when did you start listening to me? When I asked you to tell me the answer to number 10, did you listen to me? Abeg!"
I couldnt hold it anymore as i bursted into laughter.
"See, leave me alone abeg. We just finished exams. Dont come and start asking me mumu questions abeg!" I took a gulp of my chilled water.
"I'm just asking nau. Cause, he has been acting weird. You should just try talking to him and being friendly. Just try talking to him but avoid liking him. You get shey?"
I rolled my eyes. But, last time, she told me to stay away from him. Now she's saying another thing.
"Okay ma. When next I see him, I'll try". I said.
She looked behind me and gave me a smile, "Well, he is coming this way right now"
The scent of a familiar cologne filled my nostrils. He was right next to me.
"Hey little sis!" He said to Lily who replied with, "Hey!"
He glanced at me and walked away. He walked away like I didn't exist.
He walked away like he didn't see me
Even though I haven't spoken to him for days, I still felt hurt.
With my teeth over my lower lips, I got up from the table and walked to the toilet.
Screw it!
Hey hey! Im not feeling this chapter. Anyway, next update will be this night or tomorrow!
So far, who's your favourite character?
I like vanessa😂her vibe.
Oh well, till next time
Much loveee!!
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