Chapter Nine
Chapter 9
The week went by faster than I thought and soon, I was sitting in the assembly hall for morning assembly.
I had to wake up extra early to make it for assembly. We sang the national anthem, said the pledge and sat down back.
Mrs Oladeji, the school's counsellor, walked unto the podium. She tapped the mic before she started to talk.
"Good morning dear students of Starlight. Hope your weekend was fine?"
I don't know why teachers like to ask that question asif they care.
" wasn't!" I heard someone from the back shout and other students chuckled.
"Ss3 students, you guys are just so immature! What type of examples are you laying for your junior ones?"
"Madam, no dey ask mumu question. Talk what you want to talk and get out!" The same voice retorted, resulting other students to burst into laughter.
"Headboy, who is that? Who is that idiot talking?"
The prefect have already been giving their posts. As expected, Nathan was headboy. Speaking about nathan, i had been avoiding him. Thanks to my sisters speech, I rarely spoke to me.
Nathan, looking clean as always, got up and replied her,"Ma, I don't know yet me". He turned to the back and said, "You guys should allow her to talk in peace please"
That seemed to done the trick as everywhere was now quiet. That's the kind of respect they had for him.
A smile made its way to Mrs Oladeji's face. "Our able head boy, thank you. As I was saying, exams starts today. From Js1- Ss2. Ss3s starts tomorrow. This isn't the time for you to be joking about with your boyfriend or girlfriend. This is the time for you to be focused and serious! Make sure you enter the hall with all your writing materials. No more computer based test cause I heard most of you used to cheat! We are going back to paper and pencil"
Mostly all SLA students groaned loudly. I turned to my left and my eyes jammed with Nathan's own. He was looking at me.
I turned my face and listened to what the woman was saying." If you like, make noise from now to tomorrow. You would still use paper and pencil. Exam starts by 9:30am. Those of you that like coming late, start waking up early. Once you leave this hall, go straight to your class room! You guys may go. Good luck!"
She came down from the podium and we all left the hall. And yes, in an orderly manner. No pushing or anything.
"Hey hey heyy!" I heard Lily say as i made my way to my seat to revise before exams started.
"Hey!" I said and sat on my seat.
I turned to the other side and I saw a girl our age. She was a good definition of black beauty. Her skin was glowing. She had baby face and her hair was neatly made into all-back with attachment and her edges were laid perfectly.
Unlike other schools, Starlight allowed attachment . You are only allowed to use colour brown and black.
"Hey! You must be Sophie right? I am Vanessa. Cousin to this idiot!" The girl, whose name is Vanessa, said with a smile on her face, a smile that brought out her dimples.
"You would be an idiot! Sophie, she was the one I was telling you about that was sick."
Vanessa opened her black backpack and brought out some textbooks, " All ss2 students have Biology as paper 1. Then after that, I have break. Then geography "
I was confused. I rose an eyebrow up. Vanessa noticed it before she gave me another smile. "I am in science class! I want to be a surgeon! "
"Ohhh! Well, we better start reading biology!" I flipped open my textbooks and started asking some questions.
When I was done with biology, I knew it was an instant A. The questions were tricky but quite simple.
I picked up my answer sheet, walked to the front of the class and submitted to the invigilator and walked out of the class.
Vanessa was done cause she was outside already. And she was talking to Nathan.
Ode! Are they not cousins? Mumu
I was about to walk past her, but then she called me back," Sophie!"
Ah shit!
I turned and with a fake smile on my face, I walked over to where she was. "Heyyy! I didn't see you there"
Nathan snickered.
"It doesn't matter. How was biology? That man is so annoying. 4 questions answer 2. And they had family gan!"
Nathan laughed.
"Family asin how?"
"Number 1 a. Under 1a, there was I,ii,iii, iv. Under I, there was still question gan!"
"But it's worth it. One question 10marks. Plus, it wasn't that hard. You're a science student. Ya supposed to be used to it. I said
"Yunno, you should be a science student. It would fit you". She said.
I shook my head, " Nahh. I have my reasons for wanting to be a lawyer. Plus, science is to stressful!"
My eyes glanced at the wall clock. 10:20am. The next paper started by 11:25 and I needed to eat and study.
"I have to go. I need to revise and eat. I'm exhausted!"
"Yeah me too! Let me just get my bag. Brb!" Nessa said as she walked to her class
There was silence. I didn't talk and neither did he but I could feel his eyes on me. I was so happy he didn't say anything. But he just had too
"So, you are ignoring me huh?" He said, not taking his eyes off me.
I took a deep breath, " I have just been busy Nathaniel"
"So it's now Nathaniel. No more Nathan? Did I do anything wrong?"
I was about to reply when Nessa came. "Sophie, let's go". She held my hand and turned back to Nathan. "Bye Nathan! "
He waved at her and she dragged me away. When we were far from him, she spoke. "I see you are becoming close to my cousin. Just be careful. He is a player. And I don't want you to cry. Shey you have heard?" She asked.
I nodded my head and she passed me a smile as we walked to the canteen.
Hola! Boring chapter right? I'm sure everyone had that kind of exam in secondary school or university gan. The teacher would give you exam questions with family members😂you would know a, you wouldn't know b.
Kai😂thank God no school. Make I just dey flex dey go!😂
Anyway, you know the drill! Vote and comment!
Next update: Whenever you get notified🌚
Love youuu
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