(Well, time to answer one of the questions... and add a few hundred more. Figured I'd update again since you guys don't get mad when I need an extra week :3)
The staff returned following Parker. He must have gotten them, because they hurried over to Micah and got him out of the room before returning a few minutes later to check the machines he'd changed. They didn't seem happy, but when they began trying to put the needles back in and hook Fri up, I stepped between them and him, baring my teeth in warning.
"He does not need those things. Leave him be."
They looked at each other with knowing eyes, and I realized that when we left, they could just reconnect the machines. I was just opening my mouth to tell them that I'd kill them if they caused him more harm when Parker stepped between us.
"We would appreciate that any changes from here on out are run through our friend who brought him in, and signed as his guardian, from what I saw on the papers you were reading."
The two doctors, both men, narrowed their eyes over the masks on their faces, but took a step back. Parker held his phone out toward the doctors, a grin on his face. "He's waiting to talk to you. He can answer any verification questions about his identity."
The two men looked at each other, then the slightly taller one with graying hair reached out, taking the device and placing it at his ear as he pulled his mask down to hang around his neck. Their conversation was quiet, their voices low likely because of Fri sleeping behind us. When they finally hung up the phone and handed it back to Parker, they seemed tired.
"He confirmed that what you say goes, for now. We will need him to come in, however, to sign for the changes in care." The man said.
"How long did he say he would be?" Parker asked.
We will wait for him.
The man frowned, but replied. "About seven hours."
He's probably at work and planning to visit Ocar.
Parker ran a hand through his hair, sighing as he dropped into one of the chairs placed around the room. "We'll wait, then."
The doctors scowled, but they eventually nodded and left us alone, shutting the door behind them. When no one returned for a few moments, I let myself finally relax and climbed into Parker's lap. I knew that I was a bit big, and maybe a little heavy, but when his arms came around me and held me close, everything felt so right.
"Hey there, Cal," he whispered as he grinned at me, my head resting against his shoulder. I began to sing quietly, the sound rising from my throat to vibrate through the room quietly. Parker's arms held me closer as he buried his face in my hair, his whole body relaxing.
I loved that I could do this for him, to him. My song called to him, but also allowed him complete calm. He had been cautious of it at first. Fighting the hold. I remember when we first met. When I would sing because I was lonely. My heart thumped happily in my chest at the memories as I let my eyes close, enjoying the peace.
Whispered voices slowly woke me. The steady beeping of a few machines helped pull me back completely, my eyes blinking open sleepily. I turned, yawning as I got to my feet and looked at Oliver.
"Good evening, Callem." He said, then turned his attention back to Parker. "I've signed all the paperwork and spoke with Micah when I caught him on his way into the elevator. I don't know what his story is, and he seemed a bit dazed, but what he suggested about the machines, and what medication to give Fri, made sense, so we'll keep it the same for now."
Parker got up and placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder, squeezing a bit as he smiled. "Thank you for coming, and doing this for Fri. Is everything going alright with Ocar?"
Oliver rolled his shoulders and Parker let his hand fall, though the gesture seemed to just be to release some stress, not to make Parker move his hand because he didn't want to be touched. "They finally let me give him some enrichment. Fish frozen in blocks and different puzzles. They're simple and probably annoying, at best, but..." He sighed, blinking quickly as he swallowed hard. "I felt so relieved when he at least paid them some attention."
My heart warmed at the idea of Ocar messing around with boring items just to please Oliver. The mer was stubborn, and I couldn't see him doing that for any other reason than to ease some of the worry Oliver felt over him.
"I am glad." I said, offering Oliver a small smile. I wanted to say something else, but an odd sound caught my attention. From... above?
It felt almost like vibrations. Like a pulsing growl, but so, so far away. Tilting my head back and forth slowly, I tried to figure out where it was specifically coming from, but I couldn't figure anything else out other than it was above us.
"Parker?" I asked as he finished speaking with Oliver, who had taken a seat beside Fri's bed. Parker turned toward me, a curious look on his face. "What's up, Callem?"
Shuffling nervously, I tilted my head again, catch the same song. I had hoped that I was wrong, but I couldn't deny what it was. "I hear singing." I said, making him raise an eyebrow, probably wondering why someone singing was an issue I needed to bring up.
"I... it's a mer's song."
His eyes widened and Oliver jumped up from his chair, stumbling due to his metal leg. I caught him quickly, then set him back down. "Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing." I told him, not wanting him to try and follow us with his bad leg. If it was another mer, it would be hard to protect him while also watching over Parker.
"Let's go see what it is, Cal. You're right though, it's probably nothing." Parker said, though I could tell that he didn't mean it. He was worried. As was I.
I smiled and nodded, following him from the room when we were both sure that Oliver wouldn't try to follow us. As soon as we were outside the room, door shut, we headed toward the lifting metal box.
"Are you sure you hear a mer, Callem?" He asked, a frown taking away his sweet smile. I didn't answer until we stepped inside the box and I hit the button that should take us up.
"Yes, it's definitely a mer."I said, looking up and tilting my head here and there as we rose. The sound got closer and closer, though it still felt like it was distant overall.
We stopped on the next floor, but immediately I knew that it was higher. I wrapped my arm around Parker's middle as he tried to step off the machine. Tugging him back against me, I pressed the up button again, grinning to myself as he leaned closer when the doors closed. I pressed a kiss to his hair before the doors opened again.
"Not this floor, either. Higher." I said, reaching for the up button again.
Parker took my hand, stopping me from pushing the button as he looked up at me with worried eyes. "Callem, the next floor is the roof."
I tilted my head, not understanding why it was an issue. If you can get there with this machine, then they could be up there. "I think they are up on the roof." I state as I press the up button again.
Parker didn't look happy, but he nudged a little closer to me. I hugged him gently, then stepped out of the machine when it stopped. There were stairs in front of us, and I didn't hesitate to begin climbing them. The sound was clearer here, and I knew that I had been right.
They're on the roof.
I made it to the door in moments, Parker on my heels. Trying the handle, I noticed that it was unlocked. Broken recently, by force. Licking my dry lips, I pushed the door open and stepped out into the dim light of dusk. The sun was just about down, but there was easily enough light from the city and sliver of remaining sun to be able to see well.
Parker stepped up beside me, then froze at the same moment my breath struggled to leave my lungs. "Callem..." He whispered so quietly that I could barely catch him above the howl of the wind.
I couldn't find the ability to respond as I stared. Hice sat on a small raised section of the roof a foot or so higher than the rest. His eyes were dark as he looked out upon the city. His body was tense, yet he almost seemed relaxed at the same time. It's just the position he's sitting in. I thought as I took a hesitant step closer. He's ready to snap if someone bothers him while he's singing.
Well, someone else.
Micah sat right up against his bare back, his right cheek pressed against Hice's skin. The man's head was tilted down as he hunched against Hice, his dark hair covering his eyes. He looks, sad. Depressed? I couldn't find the words for a moment, but then the description came to me suddenly. He's hurt. My eyes narrowed on what I could see of the man's face... the tears running down to his chin. terribly hurt, somehow.
"No way." Parker whispered, his hand finding its way to mine as he gave it a shaky squeeze. He wanted to leave, and I couldn't argue.
I started backing away, tugging Parker with me. This wasn't a situation I felt we could deal with right now. Hice was dangerous enough, we couldn't risk him attacking us, or Micah. The moment I had Parker back in the machine and the doors slid shut, we both gave a huge sigh of relief. I hugged him to me, never wanting to let go as what we had just seen sunk into my confused mind.
Somehow. Some way. Hice's song affects Micah.
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