(Final Chap and Epi combined)
My fingers twitched with nerves as Mellac and Hice began slowly moving opposite each other. The director watched them and his humans trained their guns on them, but besides that, they didn't react. Perhaps they were curious about what they were going to do, but I was just worried that their stunt was going to kill one of them... and while I didn't like Hice, I definitely didn't want my brother dead, either.
There was a loud boom from overhead that sounded like thunder, then the lights flickered once. Mellac and Hice looked at each other once, then gave a faint nod before darting to the tank, giving themselves cover from the possibility of being shot.
"If you continue to hide, I'll just have them shoot your friends, instead." The director said, drawing my attention back up to him as he raised his hand again and pointed straight at Parker and Ocar.
I immediately placed myself in front of Parker, though he tried to fight me on it, I easily held him back.
"Too bad we have no friends, right, Hice?" Mellac said from where he slowly moved around the edge of the large tank.
"Correct." Hice agreed, drawing silence from the room before the lights flickered again.
"Alright, shoot the mer shielding Parker." The director said right before the lights flickered again, then went out.
Things happened in a blur from then. The loud sound of a splash came first. I could just barely make out that it had been Hice who had jumped into the tank full of sharks. My brother had disappeared, but I didn't waste time wondering where to as I grabbed Parker and bolted for the door behind us, only to find that it had been sealed shut.
Grabbing the edge of the small window built into it, I yanked it as hard as I could, but the door didn't budge. "We need to find another way." Parker said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the door.
We found a wall to duck behind right as the lights flickered back on.
"What the hell!" The director screamed, making Parker and I peak around the corner up at him.
Noticing he was leaning over the rail, staring down toward the pull of sharks that Hice had jumped into, we lowered our gazes.
"I can't say that I'm surprised, but wow." Parker whispered next to me as we stared at the dead or nearly-dead bodies of all the sharks littering the floor.
But where's Mellac?
The sound of a gun going off jerked my eyes back up toward the director. The sight they took in hurt my heart. Mellac stood before the two humans with guns. One of them was slowly dropping to the floor while the other, having just fired, was grabbed and his gun forced to point upward toward the ceiling.
They shot him.
Blood dripped from his risen left arm, but I couldn't see the bullet hole from behind.
"Careful, Callem. Don't distract him. It doesn't look like a serious wound." Parker said, his voice grounding me enough to keep me from acting without thinking.
The sound of people running and yelling stole my attention to the door we'd previously tried to leave out of. With the power back on, several chimes sounded from it, then it slid open. I shoved Parker against the wall, but humans easily saw us anyways.
Four of them pinned us where we were with their guns while two more ran toward Mellac. I couldn't see him, as my attention was focused on the humans in front of us, but I heard several shots ring out, making my body grow cold at the thought of my brother lying dead above us.
"I suggest you all drop your weapons and get away from my dad."
Before the first of the four humans could turn around at the sound of my son's voice, he was dropping to the floor.
"Not fast enough." Kipper said, sounding far too much like Hice for my liking.
I grabbed the human closest to me and easily snapped his wrist, making him drop the gun he held as my arm went around his neck. I considered not killing him, but if he managed to regain consciousness and grab the gun, I would never forgive myself. Parker copied me, though he grabbed the gun with both hands and had to wrestle it from the man, then turn around and shot him at the same time my son shot the last human and I snapped the neck of mine.
Kipper turned and aimed the gun he had up toward where Mellac was holding the director over the pool by one arm.
Surprisingly, the guy didn't seem worried. He hung there, glaring at Mellac. Wait... he's looking at something.
"Jump!" I shouted as I ran out from behind the wall.
Thankfully, my brother listened to me immediately without question. He dropped the director and jumped. The bullet meant for his back clipped his hair as he dove into the pool Hice still occupied.
A new person appeared from the entryway behind him. I remembered seeing him at Parker's work, but I couldn't put a name to his face. When he redirected his gun to me, I grabbed Parker and Kipper and shoved them back behind the wall. I felt something sting in my back as I moved, but I kept them both against the wall as I heard more gunshots ring .
When everything finally grew silent, I slowly lifted my head and checked over my baby and Parker. They were both shaking, but none of them appeared hurt.
Thank heaven.
Peaking out from behind the wall, I looked up and saw Ocar standing over the body of the man who had been shooting at us. He was holding his left arm and blood was running down it.
"Stupid Bart. Should have known not to get involved with such a stupid name." He said as he dropped the gun he was holding, then winced before looking over the railing.
I followed his gaze to see Hice slowly lifting himself over the edge of the pool. His left hand was bleeding badly, but I didn't see any other wounds on him. When he dropped down, he yanked the director out of the water with him. The man Ocar had just killed, Bart, must have just shot anything that moved, because the director even had a bullet wound in his left leg and possibly another one in his left foot.
My brother appeared a moment later, dropping down from the pool, thankfully without any additional injuries.
"Good timing, whale." He said up to Ocar, who gave him a pained grin before diving over the railing to land in the pool. He surfaced a moment later and climbed out to join the rest of us.
I was a bit lost on how him and my brother had even gotten up there, but when they both turned and began scaling the pipes that ran along the wall, I realized that Mellac had just climbed, likely when the lights had gone out. Ocar probably had ducked out the door when the group had come in and found some way up, though, since he came through the open door behind the director.
Ocar carefully got Micah into his arms and my brother untied Fri before picking him up, too. They both jumped down into the pool, Hice meeting them at the edge after dropping the director's ankle and taking Fri from my brother. Thankfully, he just appeared a little confused and tired as he snuggled against Hice.
Micah was unconscious, but we couldn't worry about him yet. We had to find a way out before we could get him any kind of help. Ocar seemed to understand that as he climbed from the tank with Micah. Once he was back on the ground, he shifted the man easily in his arms and picked up the director's ankle to drag him along before walking over to where the rest of us had gathered.
My attention turned to the director when my brother stopped near us. "Is he going to live?" I asked.
"Yes. With any luck, he'll be even more crippled than Oliver, though." Mellac said as he dragged the bawling man behind them as they hurried out of the room and headed toward the front entrance.
We stopped at a large set of double doors that seemed to need a password to open. Kipper lifted a small device I hadn't noticed he'd had and pressed a black button on it. The lights flickered, then went off. Well, that answers why the lights were going off and on. Man, my son is amazing.
With the help of my brother, we managed to force the door open. We walked out into the main entrance of the building after he grabbed the director again, but it looked rundown compared to the last time I'd been in it. Dust coated everywhere and the chairs were all over the place. Most of them were knocked over or broken, and the main large greeting desk, which looked different from the last one I'd seen, was also in pieces.
"Oh, he passed out." Mellac said as he looked down at the director, who was leaving a nice trail of blood behind us.
Hice tilted his head as he stared down at him, then landed a strong kick to his side, waking him up as the man screamed.
"Not dead yet. Shame." He muttered as he stalked forward, nuzzling his nose against Fri's hair, likely unintentionally, and easily broke the chain locks holding the front doors closed with his uninjured hand.
Unsurprisingly, the police were waiting for us outside, guns drawn and at least a dozen car lights flashing. Parker stepped in front of everyone after tossing the gun he'd been carrying off to the side after turning on the safety function.
"We get that we look like the bad guys, so arrest us, but we need medical attention, and so does the asshole my friend is dragging."
My son stepped next to him then, thankfully, he tossed his gun aside, too. "There is a recording in the office of the building behind the destroyed desk inside that recorded everything. Get that and go through it, and you'll understand what happened."
That's my boy! He had been busy before coming to save us!
We waited a few moments for a few of the officers, likely the ones in charge, to talk among themselves before being gestured forward to get into different cars. The director got an ambulance, but thankfully two officers went with him, too.
I don't remember much of what happened after that, because the pain in my back flared and I couldn't manage to keep my eyes open long after getting into the back of one of the police cars.
It took me two weeks to be able to come home. Everyone else received stitches, bandages, and medicine, but were allowed to leave right away, except for Hice, who had to stay late in order to wait for his hand to be X-rayed to check for broken bones from the bullet. He was lucky and only broke a piece that would heal on its own after being put in a cast. Surprisingly, Kipper was the one to visit me the most, since Parker had to deal with the legal stuff as well as work. He kept me updated on what was going on as far as what the police were doing about what had happened. They'd retrieved the video file that thankfully recorded everything that had gone on in the room. To our surprise, it also had audio from hidden microphones around the building.
At first, the police had been mad about us having used deadly force, at least after I had disarmed one of the four humans that had come in and aimed their guns at myself, Kipper and Parker, but the lawyer Oliver had gotten us managed to argue away that possible charge as self defense.
There was extra footage, too, that the lawyer had said would put the director away for life. It was a relief, and while I wasn't too happy that he'd survived his injuries, I was glad that he was going to be put away and could never get close to us again. We still had to go to court eventually, unfortunately, but our lawyer was very positive about no charges being filed once we had explained everything in front of the judge.
"Callem, are you daydreaming again?" Parker asked as he walked over and sat beside me. He set a plate in my lap, the fish fillets stacked on it making my stomach growl hungrily.
I hadn't been eating much since I came back, but slowly, I've been getting hungry again. Parker said that it was likely because of the pain medicine I was given.
"He just wants you to baby him." Oliver said as he limped into the room, Ocar hot on his heels. Both of them looked mussed up, even though it seemed like Oliver had at least tried to make his shirt sit normally and pressed his hair down with his hands a few times.
Can't hide the bite marks, though.
"I'm going home, by the way. You guys have driven me crazy, and honestly, my ass hurts because of a certain whale that is starting to remind me a lot of Mellac." Oliver grumbled, making Ocar smirk as he snagged him around the waist and pulled him close for a surprisingly adorable hug, including a nuzzle against his neck.
"Don't you dare try to act cute in front of them, you horny orca." Oliver said, nudging him away so that he could pick up his medical bag and head for the front door.
I couldn't help but smile when Ocar took the bag from Oliver and hefted it over his own shoulder. The two quickly disappeared after that, the door shutting quietly behind them.
With the director no longer looming in the hospital, Micah was admitted. The cost was something we were still working out among us all, but he was finally responding to the treatment he was receiving, along with the blood we were giving him off and on, so we were hopeful that he'd finally be able to heal from his sickness.
Fri was making much better progress. He had a decent appetite now and never left Hice's side. They tended to live in the ocean more than in the house, but they were around often enough for Oliver to check on Fri regularly.
"I saw the strangest thing when I went to try and wake up your brother and Jay for breakfast earlier." Parker said, drawing my attention from my thoughts. I leaned over and pressed a kiss to his forehead, then leaned back.
"What was that?" I asked, loving the faint pink that colored his cheeks.
"Well, I knocked on their door, then listened for a while to be sure that they weren't, well, busy. When they still didn't answer, I hesitantly cracked the door open."
His pause made me curious and drew me a little closer. I wanted to kiss his mouth, but then he couldn't tell me what he saw, so I bit my lip instead.
"They were cuddled together like they were actual lovers, and not just enemies with benefits. Mellac had Jay in his arms and their faces were barely an inch apart on the pillow they shared."
The idea that my brother had actually fallen in love with someone was hard to believe. He'd always been a loner, even when we were together he liked to do the hunting alone and was always standoffish to others. When he met Jay and became possessive of him, I never imagined that he'd actually think of the man as his real mate.
"I think... that we should never mention you saw them that way. My brother might throw a fit and broken bones are bad." I said, earning a quiet laugh from Parker and he leaned against me, resting his head on my shoulder.
"Okay, we can keep that as our secret."
After eating another piece of fish, I leaned over and kissed him. He made a face and stuck his tongue out at the salty taste I left on his lips, but I could only laugh before kissing him again.
"I love you, Parker. Thank you for finding me that day."
I was just moving in to kiss him again when I heard someone walk in, then stop near the sofa.
"Ew, get a room, dad."
Parker pulled away from me, but I just grinned and offered my son the plate I had on my lap with the remaining fillets on it.
"Go relax by the pool for a bit?" I said, winking at him.
He stared down at the food, licking his lips before taking the plate and heading for the patio doors. "Enjoy, dad." He said before disappearing out the door.
Oh, don't worry. I will. I thought as I pulled Parker into my lap and pressed my lips to his. He was trying to hide a smile, but I knew him better. He was my love. My mate.
"What's that look for?" He asked before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my hair.
I sighed contently and leaned back against the couch, gently tugging him closer until he was resting against my chest.
"Everything, Parker. That look was for everything."
(Um, I think I covered just about everything <.> If I missed something, please let me know (nicely), and I will try to fix it. Thank you for reading my random fishy stories, it's been a wild ride :) )
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