🖤🎃Halloween is coming...☠️🖋
(A/N): Image does not belong to me.
Bendy, Boris and Alice:*Hanging out in the Music Department*
Bendy: Is anyone feeling something eerie lately?
Boris: Not really Bendy.
Alice:*Coughing out ink*
Bendy & Boris: Alice!
Alice: Boys it's alright. It rarely happens.
Boris: You sure?
Alice: I'm positive. *Smiles*
Boris: Uh Bendy you're....?
Bendy:*Ink dripping on his face* Hm? *Touches his face* Weird I'm not breaking down.
Boris:*Coughing out ink* Oh no I think I'm... *Passes out*
Bendy & Alice: Boris!
Bendy: What is happening to us? *Breaks down*
Alice: Heavens Bendy! *Breaks down*
Ink Bendy:*Ink melting around him* Oh nO AlIcE!
Twisted Alice: BeNdY whAt'S hAppEniNg tO Me?!!
Ink Bendy: YoU'rE bReaKiNg dOwn lIkE mE.
Twisted Alice: OH DeaR i loOK LiKe fRoM ChAptEr 3. *Knocked out*
Ink Bendy: AlIce?! *Knocked out*
???: Too easy~
{Hours later}
Ink Bendy:*Wakes up in a jar* Owwwww WhAt haPpenD? *Looks around* BoRis? AliCe? CreAtoRs?
???: They're all taken care of Bendy.
Ink Bendy: WhO aRe you? WhAt dId yoU tO mY frIenDs?
???: Like I said they're all taken care of. The name's Stitches by the way.
Ink Bendy: ThAt nAme sUiTs YoU foR a mEsseD uP dOll lIkE yOU.
Stitches: I'll take that as a compliment.
Ink Bendy: wHy aM I iN hEre?
Stitches: Making you as one of my experiments.
Ink Bendy: ThE aCtuAl f#Ck? I'vE beEn thRougH So mUch eXperImeNTs evEr siNcE I camE to LiFe.
Stitches: I see. I can still do this. *Held out a Bendy doll*
Ink Bendy: OkaY a plUsh oF mE wHy?
Stitches:*Stabs the back of the plush with a needle*
Ink Bendy: F#cKinG HeLl thAt huRtS!
Stitches:*Throws it at a wall*
Ink Bendy:*Flew into the wall and breaks the jar* HeY wHaT givEs?!
Stitches: It's called Voodoo Bendy.
Ink Bendy: ThAt'S juSt grEaT mOre F#cK Up maGic.
Stitches:*Slaps the Bendy plush hard*
Ink Bendy:*Felt the pain* Ow! ReAllY!
Stitches: Just listen. If you don't want to be part of my experiment then you don't have to but I still get to control you got it?
Ink Bendy: Do I gEt to seE my FrIends agAin?
Stitches: Of course. *Takes him to his friends*
Twisted Alice:*In her cell glass shards around her with her limbs tied up like a Marionette* *Her wings aggressively ripped away from her back* B-BeNdY...?
Ink Bendy: Oh mY God ALicE! *Ran to her*
Twisted Alice: BEndY shE mADe mE wOrsE fRom bEfoRe.... AnD BOriS..... shE kilLeD hIm likE wHaT hapPenED frOM ouR gAmE... *Starts sobbing out ink*
Ink Bendy:*Felt furious* *Growls* WhAt wIth yOur prOblEm?!!!! YoU kIlL mY ofF-sTagEd paL aNd torTurED tHe onLy goOd sIdE Of tHe sTuDIo!!! WHy?!?!?!?!
Stitches: You think I'm a harmless doll always happy and sane. I'm the opposite of sane.
Ink Bendy:*Growls* *Ran at her* YOu'lL pAy fOr tHis.
Stitches:*Flips him over*
Ink Bendy:*Slams down* GoDdamMit!
Stitches:*Looks over him* Relax I'm done torturing your angel friend. *Walks up to Alice*
Twisted Alice:*Shivering from fear*
Stitches:*Unties her limbs*
Twisted Alice:*Collapses*
Ink Bendy:*Crawls to her* AliCe? *Embraces her into his arms*
Twisted Alice:*Unconscious* *Breathing in a steady pace*
Ink Bendy:*Sighs in relief* ShE's sTilL alIve.
Stitches: Aw how touching.
Ink Bendy:*Death glares at her*
Stitches: What?
Ink Bendy: Nothing.
Stitches: Okay. Oh I forgot. *Drops dead bodies of the Butcher Gang from Chapter 3* They're already dead. *Disappears*
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