Extra pt.2
The adventurous cat, Felix, waltzes through the playground to pick up a certain kitten--or rather kittens. He stops abruptly as a cute little bunny hops onto his leg.
"Mr. Felix! You're back!"
The little one shouts tugging his pant leg. Just as the bunny finishes her statement, 419 other bunnies sprint towards them screaming the same. Though the bunnies are tiny, more than 100 of them pouncing at once is enough to bring even Goliath to the ground.
Felix laughs as the little ones' fur tickles his and cradles them as much as he could. Once they pull away, a familiar rabbit stands over them, dead eyes lock on the unsuspecting cat. Felix's fur stands on the back of his neck, but he can't help the blush covering his cheeks. It's the handsome rabbit that hugged me! The cat internally screams.
The rabbit looks away from him and pulls out his drawing pad. He writes on it before holding it out to his children. The kids jump up not two seconds after looking at it.
Half of the bunnies grabbed brushes from their bag and a few grabbed little nail shavers. The rabbit picks one of his kids up and begins to brush her while two of his kids brush him.
A couple of the buns jump onto Felix and begin to groom him. Ah? Oh dear, how did I get roped into this? He thinks to himself as he glances at the sexy rabbit before him. He smiles lightly as the rabbit pets his daughter's head. Hmm. I guess this isn't so bad...
"Hey Mr. Felix! Can you come to our house for a playdate sometime?!"
The said cat nearly chokes on the carrot juice he'd been given previously. He hesitates with a chuckle, fumbling for words to answer the child without hurting his feelings. The rabbit, Ozzy as the cat recalls the rabbit's brother calling him, snaps his head to the little one that offered. Lifeless eyes fell upon Felix, awaiting his response, wearily.
Feeling the pressure of both sides builds up the stress that Felix didn't know he had. Fur standing on end and ear flat, Felix backs away quickly.
"Ahahahah! Well, that sounds great and all, but uhm I got some things I need to uh... Yea! Uhh, it was nice running into you guys, but I think I stayed too long. I will see you.... later?"
The nervous cat forces and like a bullet Felix takes off down the road to heavens knows where. Ozzy and his kids just sit there dumbfounded wondering what got into the jumpity kitty cat. Perhaps I was too suspicious of him. He seemed nice... The rabbit thinks to himself.
"Aww... He's gone. Doesn't it feel like he's afraid of us?"
"Nah, I doubt that. If he was he would've left earlier."
The kids look to their father for a possible explanation. He only shrugs staring in the direction the cat ran only to see said cat racing back. However, he didn't come to them, he made a beeline to the sandbox.
"I.W!! Playtime's over! If I don't see you in the sandbox in 5 seconds, I'm eating your mother's special Bean 'n Cod surprise!"
Ozzy and his children tilt their heads.
"What's bean in cod?"
A kitten yells as he jumps over the little ones, heading straight for the sandbox with his brother tailing him.
"Uncle Felix! We're here!"
The kittens yell in unison as they jump into Felix's arms. The three head for the exit. They walk down the street towards home. Felix laughs as the little ones tell their stories of what they did in the park until--
Felix shrieks as a hand grabs and yanks his tail. Whipping around in a defensive stance, he's met with a group of thugs. I.W look at each other and nod, quietly slipping past the thugs back towards the park.
"May I help you?"
Felix glared, unhappy with the way they got his attention. The thugs laugh, taking a few menacing steps forward making him retreat the equivalent amount of steps.
Felix's ears lay flat on his head, his need to hiss a warning slowly growing. One of the thugs make a bold move and charge at the petite cat, only to be thrown back to his friends. Felix looks back expecting to see his nephews, but they are gone.
He glances around and sniffs, but no sign of them nearby. Panic rising, Felix takes off down the road towards home, hoping that his kittens are safe. The thugs begin shouting and chasing the eager cat and taking notice of this, Felix takes a detour. I can't let these guys know where my babies live! He thinks to himself and turns a corner, heading back to the park. [The detour is basically going back around the park to a new route that leads to home.] It should be fine as long as I cut through the park and take the longer route back. Maybe I'll find Inky and Winky along the way.
Just as Felix enters the cut, he slams into something-- or rather someone. He looks up to see the same heartthrob rabbit from earlier staring wide-eyed at him. His kids crowd him as well.
"Are you okay, Mr. Felix?"
"U-uh, I-I'm--"
The group of thugs emerge from the trees. Ozzy tenses and gets into a defensive/protective stance in front of his children. The said children plead for their father to be careful.
"What's with the rabbit and and bunny parade?"
One of the thugs laugh and the others follow. One of the thugs's eyes lock on Felix and they smirk, stalking forward like a predator on prey.
"Now, now. Let's not make this difficult-- AAUUGHH!!"
The thug cut off as a fairly large rock hits his back. Laughter erupts from the trees.
"Stay away from uncle Felix, villains!"
Two little kittens stand on the branch of a tree with a basket of rocks from God knows where. They drop another rock that lands on a thug's head, knocking him unconscious. Another thug growls and pulls out a gun and points it at the mischievous kittens. Felix's heart nearly stops.
Felix shouts as a gunshot rings out. One of the kittens stumble as the branch beneath their feet vibrate from the bullet's impact. Blood running cold, Felix bolts toward the gun wielder. He knocks the man to the ground and wrestles him until he gives up.
The cat grabs the gun and gets up, holding the barrel to the other thugs. No longer in the right state of mind, he rests his finger at the trigger, eyes narrowed.
"Don't. You. EVER! Threaten my babies again. Or else-"
The thugs shriek as a bullet is lodged in their comrade's head, killing him instantly. Another thugs tries to sneak up on him and Oswald gasps. Felix instantly whips around digging and dragging his claws across the thugs face eliciting a howl from him. The thugs begin to back off and run away in fear.
Once Felix comes to, he is shaking in anger and fear. Not in fear of the thugs, but the idea that he nearly lost one or both of his nephews. The said kittens climb down the tree and tug on their uncle's jacket. Ozzy and his kids race over to the three cats.
"That was awesome, Funcle!"
Before they could continue, Felix drops the gun and bends down to his nephews. He grabs each of their ears harshly and pulls them closely earning a pained whine from them.
"Why did you sneak off?! Why didn't you at least run home where you'd be safe?! Do you know how worried I was when you guys disappeared like that?! I told you: if we are ever in a dangerous situation, you stay close me unless I say otherwise! And going against them?!! Don't ever do that again! Helping or not, you could've been shot! Do you have any idea how I'd feel if I lost either of you?!"
By the end of Felix's rant, he is in tears. He's never been so afraid in his life. The thought of losing his nephews never occurred to him until he nearly lost them. The kittens stare at their uncle for a moment before they, too broke down. They latch onto Felix repeating apologies and pleading for forgiveness. He hugs his kittens tightly, nuzzling them to calm them and himself.
Ozzy stares down at the three affectionate cats. He feels a tug at his hand and looks down to see his children giving him a worried look.
"Are they okay, papa? Should we go and cheer them up?"
The little ones ask. He glances at the cats only to see them pulling away from each other. Felix's fur is still standing on end as he motions for his children to stay close. Oswald, then, gets an idea and walks toward them.
(So Felix is technically part a wild cat as he usually ventures in forests on a daily basis. In contrast to Oswald's wife, Ortensia, who prefers to be comforted when she is scared, Felix becomes defensive to anything he is not familiar with. Keep this in mind as he only just met Oswald...)
Felix's ear twitches and he whips around to see Oswald. At that moment his heart began to beat faster, but with his defenses on high, it sent alert signals through his body. He backs away, keeping his children behind him. The rabbit pulls out his whiteboard and writes:
'I know you're probably still a bit shaken. I was wondering if you want to say over at ours so you don't have to worry about your kids.'
However, Felix couldn't comprehend the words written and his kids were still recovering from sobbing to pay attention. Seeing so many bunnies and a large rabbit in front of him and his children made him feel cornered. Oswald takes a step closer holding out his hand to try and comfort Felix, but reels back quickly when the said cat swipes at him with his claws out. He lets out a vicious hiss, warning them to stay back as he picks up his children and tries to run.
As he leaves the park, he nearly slams into someone, but they caught him. His back hunches and he tries to attack until a familiar smell reaches his nose. He pulls back and sighs.
"Oh... It's just you...
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