24 | Life is chaotic|
I think I might have underestimated how weird 'going out' could be. I mean, I wasn't expecting to feel like a total mess, but that's kind of what happened.
Back in Hilton, we only have a couple of small boutiques by the mall, it's not so much stuff to choose from. But here, there's everything. It's like I'm standing in the middle of some endless sea of stores, each one bigger and fancier than the last, and I'm just... lost.
It's fun, don't get me wrong. But also, totally overwhelming. There's too much to look at, too many people, too many decisions to make.
I've never really cared that much about clothes, but even I can see that this is on a whole different level.
Plus, I feel out of place. I'm still not used to being in a place where no one seems to notice me limping around.
It's not like anyone's pointing and whispering behind my back--thankfully, people here are way too busy to care about some random girl's leg--but it still makes me uncomfortable.
At least back in Hilton, everyone would stare. Here? No one looks twice. I can't decide if that's a relief or a little unsettling.
When she gets me back home, I don't even wait to grab my phone.
Me: Your outfits suck.
I can already picture her laughing at the message, and I kinda like that. She's so unapologetic about her sense of style, and it's funny how she tries to push me into trying out things that are so not me.
Like that floral dress. Like dude, chill.
It's not like I hate the idea of new clothes, but some of the stuff she picked out today was... a bit much. I couldn't even look at them without laughing.
But I figured that was the point. She was trying to get me to laugh and much as possible and I j think I owe her for that.
Sure enough, the phone buzzes in my hand almost immediately.
Steph: What? You didn't like the pink? I thought it screamed "vibrant personality."
Me: More like "look at me, I'm a walking highlighter."
Steph: I'm just helping you expand your horizons, Mel. A little pop of color never hurt anyone.
Right, like she did not freak out when I told her to get that same one for herself.
Me: Yeah, well, I'm all about blending in, thanks.
I let out a laugh to myself as I read her response. It's easy, this back-and-forth. Almost like we've been doing it forever, even though we've only really started hanging out like this in the past few weeks.
I slip my phone back into my pocket as I head to the kitchen. Jeremiah's there, leaning casually against the wall, probably waiting on something he is microwaving.
He's got that knowing look in his eyes, like he's been watching me all day and has some secret he's dying to tell.
"You look like you survived," he says, giving me a teasing grin.
"Yeah, I survived," I reply, kicking off my shoes. "But barely."
He chuckles, the sound making me feel a little less tense. "I'm impressed. You did well today."
"Thanks," I say, glancing at the microwave. "I think it's just gonna take me a while to get used to all this."
Jeremiah nods, his expression softening and turning serious at the same time. "You're doing great. Keep going."
I give him a small smile, appreciating the encouragement. "I'll try."
Jeremiah won't stop staring at me like I'm a bird that had finally learned how to fly. That proud gaze that makes me feel warm.
My phone pings and I look away.
Jess: Hey, I've got some news for you.
Me: What's going on?
Jess: So, I know this is kind of out of nowhere, but I went to the clinic today. They found an ovarian cyst. The doctor said surgery can be done, but... I’m scared.
I blink at the screen, my heart sinking. Jess always plays it tough, but I can tell she’s really worried.
Me: Oh my god, Jess. I wish I was there with you right now. Are you okay?
Jess: I mean, I’m trying to be. The doctor said it’s not uncommon, and surgery should take care of it, but it’s still... you know, freaky.
I take a deep breath, trying to keep it together for her.
Me: That’s so scary, but you’re going to get through this. You’re, like, the strongest person I know. Seriously.
Jess: Stop, you’re gonna make me cry.
Me: I mean it. And once the surgery’s over, you’re gonna feel so much better. Promise me you’ll let me know if you need anything?
Jess: I will. Thanks, Mel. I just needed to tell someone, you know?
Me: Always. I’m here, is Marco there with you?
Jess: He stepped out for a bit.
Me: Okay. Get better soon. I need you back on your feet ASAP. Team is probably crying with two members down.
Jess: No doubt 😂
The emoji is there but I know she's not laughing. I make a note to call Marco later and find out what is actually happening.
Jess: Love you, Mel.
Me: Love you too. Always. ❤️
I shove my phone into my pocket, the worry still gnawing at me. But if Jess is trying to stay strong, then I will too—for her.
"You've made a lot of progress," Jeremiah pulls me out of my trance with a grin on his face.
"Thanks," I reply, my mind still mixed up from Jess's news. "It feels good to finally be able to do more."
I clear my throat and sit at the barstool. "Jess has a cyst."
Jeremiah's eyes widen but a second later, be schools his expression.
"That's sad. Is she okay."
I nod.
"She will be fine. I will call her Mom later."
I nod.
Jeremiah crosses the room to sit across from me. "I think you deserve a reward for all your hard work."
I know he is trying to get my mind off Jess. It's lame but it's Jeremiah, so I'm not surprised.
"A reward?" I repeat, raising an eyebrow.
"Yep. I'm buying you a present," he says, his grin turning sly.
"A present?" I can't help but laugh. "I don't need a present, I just need to get stronger and go back home to Jess."
Jeremiah shrugs. "You've earned it. You've been working hard. So what do you want?"
I pretend to think about it. "Neon pink shirt."
Jeremiah stares at me, unamused. "Seriously?"
I start laughing, remembering a similar reaction on Steph's face.
Why the hell is Steph even in my head right now?
"Nah, I'm just messing with you. I'll think of something."
Jeremiah offers me a spoon and we both munch from the same place filled with leftover sweet potato pie.
I glance at him, he's too busy to notice but my chest warms up. A few weeks ago, I never thought he would be this caring. I never thought he would be the father figure that I always missed in my life. I never thought we'd ever get along.
Life is weird. Life is chaotic, but maybe it's not so bad after all.
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