I stood awake the whole night. Scared I would loose my princess to a CreepyPasta. I got up from the bed after she had fallen asleep. I pushed her (H/c) hair out of her beautiful face and smiled. I got up after watching her for some time and walked to (Y/n)'s phone and picked it up. Danny was texting (Y/n) about the project. I felt angered. I growled and jumped into her phone and coming out of Danny's phone. His back was facing me. He was looking a pictures of my princess. Was he stalking her and I didn't know it. I was too worried Jeff, Toby, or Slender would take her, that I didn't notice this freak. I got really angry after one picture. It me and (Y/n), but I was replaced by a picture of Danny. I growled to myself and took my Master sword out of thin air. I tapped his shoulder. He turned around surprised. His facial expression then turned to scared.
" Why do you have pictures of my girlfriend?" I asked.
" Mom!" He screamed. I quickly shoved my sword through his stomach and cut open his chest and ripped out his heart.
" Heart broken that she's already in love?" I took out my sword and threw the heart at his face.
" You shouldn't have done that."
Your POV
I woke up to the smell of blood. My eyes shot open and I looked around franticly. Blood drip stains on my carpet coming from my computer.
" BEN?!" I called out. I got up and walked down the hall. I followed the blood drips down the stairs. BEN was sitting on the couch, bloody playing the 3Ds.
" BEN!!!" I screamed. He looked up and smiled.
" Oh hey! Morni'n" He waved his blood dried hand.
" Someone's gonna think I killed someone!" I screamed.
" Don't worry. I'll clean it up." BEN replied, eyes glued to the screen of the 3Ds.
" And clean your self up please." BEN walked to the kitchen and washed the blood off. I wiped the blood off of the 3Ds.
" Who'd you kill?" I asked. He pondered for a moment.
" No one important." He said in a annoyed way. BEN grabbed my arm and pulled me up into the bathroom.
" BEN, what are you doing?" I asked.
" I want you to umm... help me... bathe..." He said awkwardly. He tapped his pointer fingers together.
" Wha! N-no! Why?! Can't you clean yourself?!" I blushed at the thought of seeing BEN naked again.
" Well, um... I don't really like.. water." He scratched the back of his neck.
"J-just come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom he started unclothing. I blushed and turned my head to not look at him. I took a peek and saw his toned upper body. I quickly snapped my head back. BEN chuckled.
" You don't have to take glances, you can just look at all of me." He said. I heard him get into the bath. I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me into the water.
" Gahhh!!!" I screamed.
" BEN!" He started laughing.
" Sorry! Sorry! I'm not actually scared of- ppfttt HAHAHAHA!!!" He cracked into a full blown laugh. A sexy laugh.
" Ha! Your reaction was so funny!"
" That was not funny!!" I puffed out my cheeks in a frustrated manor.
" Your right.... It was hilarious!!!!" He covered his mouth with his hand.
" Your terrible." I pouted.
" And you soaking wet." He added. I glared at him.
" Sorry! Haha! Babe, it was just a joke." BEN patted my head like a dog. I blushed at the word 'babe'. I then blushed at the fact that I felt BEN's erection.
" You gotta fix it (Y/n)." He said rubbing my back. He ran his hands down to my waist. He kissed and sucked at my neck.
" Ah, B-BEN..." I moaned.
" You have to fix it. Im not fixing it without you." He growled seductively into my ear.
" N-not now." I said after her stopped kissing. He frowned at me.
" Your no fun." He let me get up.
" Now get out. I'll fix it... unless you wanna watch." BEN grinned. I shook my head violently.
" I'm leaving!" I then ran out. Slamming the door behind me. I took off my wet cloths and put on some fresh ones. I left the room and let BEN do his business.
I'm so sorry this is late! But I won't be able to update depending on how long my mom may keep my electronics.
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