I woke up on my bed. BEN must have carried me. I looked at my clock and realized i woke up at the perfect time to go to school. I looked around and got dressed. After I brushed my teeth, I then went to the kitchen and saw BEN. eating burnt toast.
" Umm. Morning." I smiled and started to make eggs.
" Morning. Why does this toast always come out burnt?" BEN asked with a mouthful.
" I'll just make you eggs and bacon." I said placing a plate full of eggs and bacon down in between us.
" It's not a lot, but there's a sausage and one bacon. I call bacon!" I screamed.
" But I too want bacon." He stated, crossing his arms.
" Have the sausage." I put half of the bacon strip into my mouth. Suddenly, I saw BEN's face in front of mine. The other half of the bacon was in his mouth. My face was red and I became flushed. We stared at each other for some time. He bit off his bacon and chewed, still right in front of my face, staring into my (E/c) eyes, and with me staring into his blood red pupils. I pulled away with total surprise and embarrassment.
" What?" He asked all innocent.
" D-You know what you did!!" I screeched. He gave out a chuckle. I couldn't even glare at him. Even if I really like him, it doesn't mean he can do that and embarrass me! I looked up at the clock and got up. I washed the dishes and got my backpack.
" Bye BEN. Don't do anything stupid." I was about to walk out, but then BEN grabbed my wrist.
" I'm coming with you." He turned into a normal looking person. His blue eyes and blonde hair.
" Wha- no! Do you see how the girls drool for you and you push them away?! I get stares and glares from them! I can take care of myself." I swung my bag over my shoulder.
" I'm still coming." He said leaning on the door frame.
" No."
" You can't stop me."
" But I'll try!"
" But I won't leave you alone."
" Go hang out with Jenny."
" Why?"
" Cause you like her and I don't."
" Oh, i see. This is jealousy."
" I'm not fucking jealous! I just hate that bitch!"
" Your totally jealous. No worries, I love you." BEN wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me deeply. It was true. I was jealous. Scared I would loose BEN to one of the girls I hated the most. I closed my eyes. Once BEN pulled back, I slowly opened my eyes.
" Can I come now?" He asked.
" W-we'll be late for class if we don't hurry." I started walking ahead.
" (Y/n)?" The teacher asked.
" Here." I replied.
" BEN?"
" Here."
" Jenny."
" I'm only here to see BEN." Jenny answered. The other girls murmured in agreement. I sighed and looked out of the window.
" Okay, we are getting new seats. BEN, sit next to Jenny, (Y/n) your next to Danny." Oh my god. BEN has to sit next to the annoying bleached blonde hair bitch. I sighed again and sat next to Danny.
" Hey." Danny greeted.
" Hi." I greeted back. I looked over at BEN and saw Jenny flirting with him. I looked away with an annoyed look.
" Okay class. The person your siting next to is your partner. We are starting a new project. I awkwardly smiled at Danny.
" Looks like we're partners!" He smiled back.
After school, Danny came over. I told BEN to stay in my phone until then.
" So...." Danny said once we got to my house. I didn't say anything being of how awkward I was.
" Let's go to my room." After I said that, I got a text.
Unknown: I don't like that plan (Y/n).
It was BEN.
" Actually, lets go in the kitchen." I said walking to the kitchen. Danny sat next to me and we looked for websites about our project. Danny got really close. I looked up at him and our faces were inches away. He blushed and so did I. Out of embarrassment.
" S-sorry!" He said and pulled away. I looked back at my laptop.
" L-let's just keep looking."
Afterwards, Danny left and BEN came out.
" Umm. (Y/n). I don't want you guys working alone.. erm.... Can I be standing with you next time?" BEN asked.
" I want to make sure he knows your taken by a hot sexy beast like moi." BEN stared at me.
" Ummmm..... s-sure I guess. Danny did get really close.." I blushed.
" Are you jealous?!" I screamed and pointed at BEN's face.
" Wha- why would I be? I'm not worried some random dude could steal you away. Even is you had a choice, you couldn't leave my hot body. I mean, I did pop your cherry." BEN then winked at me. I became flushed and playfully punched his arm.
" Leave me alone." He stuck his tongue at me.
" *Yawn* I'm tired. I'm gonna sleep." I trudged up the stairs and plopped onto my bed. I then felt the bed move down and a pair of arms around my waist. With that I fell asleep.
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