{Something They Never Knew} Ch. 1: First Day!
"If anyone getting off at Watty academy?" The bus lady asked opening up the bus doors.
"Me!" I hopped off the bus seat with my small plushy legs.
Almost slipping I grabbed by travel case and pulled.
"Curse these stubby arms!" I squealed before giving one last tug and pulling my oversized travel case with me.
My ears folded back unexpectedly as I walked to the front and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.
Yea take a good long look! I'm going to the best writing academy in the world!
I stepped off the bus and with a hiss it closed its doors driving away.
My hat fell over my face as I looked up to see the academy, with a huff I pushed my hat back and let my eyes take in all the of the academy. This was a going to be a big step.
Well, HEELLOOO there fellow reader! The name is TD, well that's my nickname everyone here has a nick name here .....but today is going to be my first day at Watty Academy!
Where the historical adventures Begin with a pencil!
You make a book! You post it and people read, vote and comment on it!
But I'm all about the clubs! And to be specific, the Roleplay clubs!
It's so muchhhh funnnnnn, especially when your the villain in the story and everyone has to go with what you say unless it's God modding,That sucks, no one likes Gods.
But thats beside the point! I'm actually excited Because I already made friends on the app before getting accepted here and I can't wait to meet them in person!
It's called Wattpad! But Watty? ITS WAAAY COOLER! Here if you have an Anon you can actually take the form of that Specific Anon!
Everyone already knows who I am! IM TAILS DOLL And I'm unbelievably short....But fluffy!! And this gem though! It's so.....dangly.
Suddenly I got a call, I pulled out my phone from my travel case and took a quick glance at the screen. A cracked screen, what? I drop stuff, don't look at me like that it's normal.
A picture of a familiar anon popped up her hair was black in in two long pony tails and a school dress to match.
Ellie the killer! Well that's her nickname anyway....or just Ellie that's what I call her anyway.
I answered the phone and put in a ear device in my overly sized ear.
It was so fluffy!!!
"Hello DUR!" I smiled real big happy to hear from a familiar voice.
"Heya Fruitcup!"
Fruitcup...it's my nickname from her..and Ben....Don't ask.
"Urg how long is that nickname going to stick? It's so old." I whined walking up to the front of the academy and through some gold steel gates.
"It will never get old! Especially...if you know...."
I felt my eyes widen and a plushy face get alittle warm.
"S-shut up don't bring him Into this!"
"OH LOOOK WHO I FOUND." Ellie shucked over the phone.
"Do it? Okay."
"Dying in three..."
"I'm kidding Fruitcup! I haven't found anyone yet...where are you?"
"I'm at the gate about to go to the sign in desk."
"Oh I'm already there! I'll see you when you get here!"
"Okie dokie!" I hung up the phone but kept it in my hand since I didn't have pockets.
I wondered if people thought I was walking around naked.
I hope not, I mean I have fur, very plushy fur.
After walking for a few minutes and taking in all the sights of the what seemed like college.
With dorms on the right wing and Deferent facility buildings on the left, it's was kind of like a maze.
But I was able to find the sign in desk and two awesome friends waiting for me.
"Hi Evan!" I called out using my two tails as a propeller and flying over there.
"Hiya TD!" Evan smiled back patting my head once I landed.
I held back a purr and looked toward Ellie she was on the phone looking like she was about to have a nosebleed.
She must have been talking with Ben.
Okay so Ben, I'm pretty sure you guessed it already, He's a Ben drowned Anon and they've been dating for how long now?
I think a year or two I don't know but I'm literally counting the days until I hear some high pitched wailing come out of a hospital room.
Don't judge me! They're my strongest ship! Like it's so strong if I went war with another ship all I have to do is run over that ship and I win.
Like bro...
But I'm just excuse to meet him in person because he's so awesome! But I bet Ellie is like over ecstatic. Or probably dying on the inside or something. Dying from nosebleeds. About. Thoughts. HEHEHE.
Out of nowhere a Wendy Anon jogged up to us out of breath and looked like a strawberry.
"Hiya Jane!" Evan and I called out at the same time as Jane leaned over on her knees.
"Hi....guys...." She breathes heavily making me tilt my head in confusion.
"Why were you running?
Jane pointed behind her to see a large LARGE group of people running in our direction.
"Oh shit..uh"
"GOTTA RUN!" She squealed making a run for it.
Some random guy jumped out of nowhere with his shirt off, with a Donald trump tattoo on his chest screaming, "FEED MY NIPPLES!!"
"THE FUCK?" I jumped onto Evan hugging his face trembling.
If this is what Watty is going be 24/7 I want to go home...
Evan and I exchanged glances as Ellie walked over like nothing happened.
"What?" She raised an eyebrow.
Evan and I were speechless only stumbling over the words we did speak.
"Um...okay well Ben is on his way! He said he'll be here in a couple minutes." Ellie smiled.
Out of nowhere a portal silently opened behind Elle surrounded by green code numbers and a blonde haired boy with crazy pale skin and blacked out eyes stepped out with a smirk on his face.
I don't know when that happened I felt really cold because seeing a Ben drowned anon is person...is really..well scary.
I think our color drained as we stared because Ellie turned around nearly jumping out of her skin with a screech making Ben laugh.
"OH MY GOD BEN WHAT THE HELL!" Ellie hit him in the shoulder hard making him hold it still laughing.
"What I said I be here in a couple minutes." He chuckled straightening his shirt flashing a smile.
"That doesn't mean scare the shit out of meh!" Ellie held her hand where her hear was giving a huff and turned toward me and Evan.
"Heh..at least we're together right?" Evan shrugged trying to put me down but I was too stiff and unable to move.
"Not for long I think I'm dying.." I choked falling off of Evan and twitching.
"Fruitcup a don't die they get eaten." Ben smirked leaning on thin air.
"That. Sounds. WRONG." Ellie snicker walking away.
"Ellie whyyyy." Evan facepalmed Laughing.
"You wanna know what's going to sound right?" Ben smirked speed walking after Ellie.
"Wait wut...WAIT NO BEN NO!" Ellie squealed running off with Ben chasing after her.
Out of nowhere I pulled out a whistle and blowing it and making arm movements from football.
This was going to be freaking awesome besides the weirdos running around screaming feed my nipples.
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