Part 7
"Hey buster, my eyes are up here." I tell him. His green eyes go up while his hand goes down, resting on my butt. I roll my eyes but don't say anything. We start to waltz and he stumbles into me, standing on my feet. Great – a creep with two left feet.
"Daniel." He says out of nowhere.
"Hm?" I question.
"My name's Daniel."
"Oh, I don't really care. Sorry." I say flashing him a smile. His face drops. We continue dancing and then he squeezes his hand on my butt.
"That's it!" I shout, throwing my hands into the air, storming off. I mutter curses under my breath, weaving through the crowds. I bump into someone, muttering my apologies turning to carry on. A hand on my arm stops me. I turn around to give them a piece of my mind, and end up staring back at a wrinkled face. Her light blonde hair was cut short and her blue eyes were kind but had a faraway look in them. Her grip tightens.
"I'm sorry." I repeat, hoping she will loosen her grip or let go entirely. She bows down.
"Are you OK?" I ask concerned. I look around and see if anyone is paying attention and can help.
"I'm fine, ma'am." Ma'am? I've never been called ma'am in my life. I look around a bit concerned about this woman.
"Trixie, ma'am, I've waited all my life to meet you, and finally today I can."
"How do you know my name and why have you been waiting to meet me?" I say snapping my head back to the woman in front of me.
"All will be explained soon." She said in an ominous voice and then walks off like nothing happened. I stay standing here dumbfounded and a bit freaked out.
Tamara found me stood in exactly the same place as where the woman left me.
"Are you OK? You look like you've seen a ghost." I relay to her what the woman told me.
"Oh, you met the pack psychic, Rae, I wonder what she meant." She replies. I shrug.
"It beats me." I say, I'm not going to let it get to me. The classical piece stops. After a few minutes of silence my music starts up again.
"Come on let's dance!" She says pulling me onto the dance floor, as all the older people get off, a few staying behind.
I was out of breath and needed a drink, so I walked off the dance floor in search of a waiter. I had just seen one and was heading towards them when I was intercepted by Heath.
"Where are you going?" He asks standing in my way.
"To fly on a unicorn." I tell him, trying to go around him.
"Why do you hate me so much?"
"Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because you spilled your drink all over my dress." I say, looking away from the waiter and up into his unique eyes.
"I'll think you'll find that you were the one not looking where you were going."
"Excuse me? This is also why I don't like you... blaming me when we both know it was your fault!" I say jabbing him in the chest. He just laughs. Laughs!
"What's so funny?" I ask, with no humor in my voice. He carries on laughing.
"Now if you excuse me, I have something to do." I say, glaring at him while walking around him and towards where I last saw the waiter. He's disappeared into the crowd. I groan. I look and see if there were any other waiters around, but just my luck, there wasn't. I turn back to Heath and jab him in the chest again.
"It's your fault."
"What did I do know?" He asks rubbing where I poked him.
"You sidetracked me so the waiter got away." I whine.
"Did you just whine at me?" He says trying not to laugh again.
"Yes." I snap. "I'm thirsty." Heath looks at me and then grabs my arm.
"What are you doing?" I ask trying to pull my arm out of his steel grip.
"We're getting a drink." He says emphasizing we're, dragging me through the crowds and out the door into the entrance hall, where there is a lot less people and quieter.
We walk across the hall and go through another set of doors and go down the hallway and down a set of stairs which leads to a big stylish, modern kitchen. In the middle was a big counter with seats lining one side. Behind this are a worktop and two ovens, a sink and a big refrigerator. There are a couple of maids stood over the hob stirring some pots. Heath orders them to leave. Once they have left, he walks to the fridge and grabs a jug of water; he puts it down on the counter in the middle, and then grabs two glasses. I just stand here awkwardly.
"Are you going to sit down?" He asks me, with a smirk on his face. I pull out one of the chairs and sit down. As I sit down it swivels a bit. I giggle and spin around, I spin past the counter so I grab onto the counter top and pull myself back to face Heath. He pours me a glass and pushes it towards me, with a small smile on his face.
"Be careful, or you'll spill it all over me again." I say. He glares at me.
"You're not letting that go are you?" He asks.
"Nah." I say taking a sip of my drink. He rolls his eyes. 2 minutes go by with awkward silence.
"So..." I say awkwardly, drumming my fingernails on the counter top. He just keeps looking at me. I finish my glass of water and go to leave.
"I saw you talking to Rae. What did she say?" Now he decides to talk! I look back at him.
"She said you'd turn into a pink bunny rabbit." I reply.
"No, she didn't."
"I don't see why it matters, if she didn't."
"I can just ask her."
"Then why don't you do that?" I say before walking out of the kitchen and back to the ballroom.
Hope you like it!
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CC ;)
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