Part 44
Hey guys! I'm sorry for the delay, I got distracted by the general election in the states (there's a lot going on in the world right now, and that affected the whole world as well)! I hope you enjoy it!
I ended up guessing for the snacks but was pleased when Tyler agreed with the addition of me knowing Heath well. It was pure luck.
The planning phase of the party has subdued, and Geraldine has left the room to deal with the preparations, leaving Tyler and me with a moment to ourselves before the party.
"You must find this all a bit overwhelming," he offers as a conversation. I am not able to be sure of what Tyler is talking about, so I stick to the safe subject of the party.
"A bit," I admit. "I don't get the need for the extravagant party. Could Heath not just accept the title, without the pomp and ceremony?" I ask, genuinely curious.
"You must forgive a sentimental old man for the big party," he says, aiming a finger in his own direction. I can't help but smile.
"Heath's my only heir, so I want to celebrate him becoming the leader of the shifter world."
"We already had a party," I point out.
"Which was ruined," he counters, but he's not annoyed at me. Instead, he's finding the exchange quite amusing. I laugh, agreeing with him.
"And what about Heath?" he asks.
"What about him?" I ask confused.
"You're not too overwhelmed? I understand what it's like when you first find your mate, and especially in his circumstances of him being royal, it can't be easy. If my Jennifer was here she would have been all over you, making sure that you knew everything you needed to, and that Heath was treating you right," Tyler says affectionately, and in a different time.
"Jennifer?" I ask, not sure if I'm remembering right, and needing it to be confirmed.
"My mate, she'd have loved you," he admits, pushing a piece of paper to the corner of the desk.
"She sounds great," I tell him, and Tyler's eyes rise to meet mine, a shine in them that looks like it's been missing for a long time. It makes my heart soar, and a grin comes to my face.
"She was. Heath loved her dearly," he says, and after a pause, he adds on, "so did I."
I don't know whether it's appropriate for me to, but I can't help but feel the need to comfort him so I reach forward and place my hand on his. He meets my eyes and rests his other hand on top of mine.
"Heath looks genuinely happy, unlike I've seen him in a long time, what about you?"
"It feels right," I admit. "Like a piece of my soul was missing without even knowing it. It feels normal." He lifts his hand and drops it down again in a pat.
"That's good. I'm glad he has you, I'm no Jennifer because she would have already said this, but if you ever need to talk to someone, I know I'm just a sentimental old man, but my door is always open."
"Thank you, Tyler." I pat his hand back, so it ends up with our hands being sandwiched by each other.
"I'm just sorry Geraldine has taken a disliking to you."
"Has she always been like that?"
"Like what?" he asks, a humorous glint in his eye.
A stuck up bitch? I sigh, thinking about how best to put it. "Easily taking an instant dislike to people?
"Mm," he lets out, thinking about it. "Probably. Her mate was killed as well, I can't remember if told you that." I can't either.
"Killed?" I ask. I might not like her, or how she's treated me, but the thought of a mate being killed is awful to anyone. You would never wish it on your worst enemy.
"Yeah, she never got calcification. It's thought that a hunter did it, but it was never confirmed. Geraldine found the body."
A whimper leaves my lips without my consent, but the thought of Heath lying dead justifies it.
"Yeah," he agrees. We sit in silence for a moment, before it's shattered by the door opening behind me. I whip around in the seat to find Heath standing there, my parents nowhere to be found.
"They're allowing you your space, you can see them at the party," he supplies. I spring up from my seat and engulf him in a hug.
"Thank you," I say. I clutch on even tighter after what Tyler and I have been talking about. He senses my distress, and his arms wrap around me in return.
"What have you guys been talking about?" Heath asks, his voice holding a hard edge when he looks over my shoulder to Tyler.
"Mates. I told her about your mom" he says, and I hear him stand from his seat. I nod into Heath's chest, not wanting him to be mad at his dad. I had no need to worry because as soon as Heath hears his mom, he clutches slightly tighter in return.
Hey guys!
I hope you liked it! We learnt more about Geraldine's past, does it excuse her behaviour in your opinion?
What did you think?
What do you think will/want to happen next?
Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, sharing, and following!
CC ;)
P.S. I don't think it excuses Geraldine's behaviour.
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