«47» Mask off, baby
Today is William's party.
I'm up early, but Leroy is no longer beside me and that's good because when I recall what happened last night, I feel like crawling back under the covers.
I was ready to give him everything and just the moment I thought it was happening, he suddenly pulled away.
I was so astonished by this, I was barely breathing while he just looked down at me with furrowed brows and exhaled deeply before he got up and left. I tossed and turned for hours because sleep was out of the question.
What the hell am I doing here?
In order to have a better life, I'm trying to create a real marriage out of this forced one, and I'm making a complete idiot of myself by doing so!
I am nice to him, obey him, and offer myself to him - only to be rejected so disrespectfully?
No, I won't make it so easy for him anymore.
I want to gain his trust so that I can get my reward and not for him to play with me.
"Good morning!"
I wince slightly as the door opens and Franca walks in smiling broadly.
"Oh, good morning," I reply delayed, pulling the blanket further up over my shoulders since I'm only in my bra.
"I'm sorry, did I disturb you? I knocked but since you didn't respond, I thought you were asleep and wanted to wake you up for breakfast before it all gets eaten away," she explains, looking down at me apologetically as I merely shake my head.
"I was just thinking and didn't realize you knocked, but thank you so much! I'll be right down in a moment," I reply, giving her a tired smile.
Why exactly did I get up so early?
I should have just slept a little longer because I don't feel like sitting at the dining table with everyone else and playing wholesome world.
"Well, I'll see you in a bit! After that, we can go and see what we can find for you to wear. Leroy said you didn't have anything suitable and left his credit card here so we could go into town, with the gorillas with us of course, it would have been too good if we could have actually gone alone, but what's the saying? You shouldn't push your luck!"
"I couldn't agree more," I say simply, maintaining my silent smile. Why am I allowed to go out alone, but not into town alone with Franca?
Franca leaves the bedroom and I sigh as I get up to get dressed.
Well, let's go shopping for a while.
☼ ❅
After several hours we come back to the mansion and I throw myself tiredly onto the bed as soon as I am back in the bedroom.
"Tired?" I hear Leroy's rough voice and open my eyes, blinking.
He is standing in front of the wardrobe, covered only with a towel, rummaging through it.
I hadn't even noticed that he is also in the room. An unpleasant feeling spreads through my stomach because I didn't want to see him, preferably ever again.
I wish I'd asked Danny downstairs where his damn father was before I came here!
"Very," I answer quietly when he suddenly gives me a questioning look.
I bite my lower lip to dampen my anger a little. The fact that he acts as if nothing has happened irritates me more than ever.
"Did you find something nice?" He follows up, turning back to the wardrobe.
It was difficult to find something nice and not sinfully expensive. While I hardly think that Leroy would have minded if I spent a lot, I still don't want to be in his debt at all, so I decided on a fancy black jumpsuit with a lace top.
It was expensive, but not so expensive that I couldn't pay him back and that's exactly what I tell him.
Leroy merely raises an eyebrow in irritation.
"You're entitled to the money. Why don't you see it as yours?"
"It's not my money."
"By the fact that you share my name, it is," he interjects, this time drawing his eyebrows together. He seems tense.
I furrow my brows and look at him a little longer for a moment. If I didn't know better, I'd say he's angry with me, so angry that the old familiar hatred has returned, but that's nonsense.
Probably something stupid has happened again and he's in a bad mood. Just like yesterday.
So this time, I nod. I don't want to argue with him, because I'll end up looking stupid - just like yesterday.
"Okay," I whisper, and Leroy turns back to the wardrobe before pulling out a black suit and dropping his towel.
I grit my teeth as I feel my cheeks heat up, get up and disappear into the bathroom where I straighten my hair with Franca's straightener and start putting on makeup so I don't look like a scared deer who saw a bare ass earlier.
Just as I complete my look, I hear Leroy leave the room, which I follow a few minutes later to go to the children. They are in the living room playing video games.
"So, who wants to get dressed first?", I ask and the twins Luisa and Lara hurriedly stand up.
"Me," they call out at the same time and I smile. Obviously. Girls always want to look beautiful.
"Of course, sweethearts," I answer and grab the hands of the two girls before we go into the guest room where they have their clothes.
We choose two nice pink dresses together and as soon as they have them on as well as the white stockings, I do their hair.
"Mummy used to braid our hair too," Lara explains. I swallow and don't know what to say to that at first. "Then at some point, she wasn't there anymore. Daddy says she won't come back."
Inwardly, I sigh. I don't even want to imagine how a child must feel when their mum is suddenly gone.
"You know, I miss her a lot," she says and I feel my heart break. I open my mouth to say something but can't find the right words. I suddenly feel just so incredibly sad and close my eyes for a moment.
"I believe you, sweetheart, but I think your mummy misses you and loves you very much too, as well as your sister. I'm sure you'll see her again one day," I say softly and stroke her hair gently. I mean what I say.
Lara and Luisa will surely have the chance to meet their mother again someday and ask her why she left them.
"Hm, maybe," she replies quietly. Her voice is dripping with sadness and I frown slightly as my heart tightens once more.
It is so fucking unfair that it is mostly the innocent beings on this planet who have to suffer so much! The children especially don't even understand such things...
Just as I want to reply, I notice the person at the door and my heart stops for a moment.
It's Leroy, looking at Lara with narrowed eyes. He must have heard what she said.
"Mi Hermoza," he shouts, clapping his hands together. Lara immediately looks up and giggles.
"You look stunning, amor," he flatters her and squats down to be at eye level with her. I have to smile as she shyly thanks him.
"Will you give me a dance today?" He asks and she nods immediately.
"Sí," she exclaims delightedly. I exhale in relief because she sounds much more amused now and not so saddened.
"Gracias, Rina," she calls out to me as soon as I'm done and leaves the room.
"Thank you. I didn't know what to say to her," I thank Leroy reluctantly.
"I wouldn't have known either," he replies, shrugging his shoulders. "I'll see you later, I have somewhere to go."
And with these words, he is gone again.
☼ ❅
A few hours later, the party is in full swing. I stand at the door and sip on my glass, which is exceptionally filled with alcohol.
Normally, I don't like to drink, because I don't tolerate alcohol very well and I don't want to lose control as long as Leroy is around, but a little glass won't do me any harm.
Olga was right. Many older gentlemen arrive with a company, all of them in tailor-made suits. I wonder if they are part of the Mafia too.
Or was William living a decent life and these people are old friends from work?
For some reason, I doubt it. Still, I greet them politely as they walk past me.
Leroy is standing at the jukebox with Alexander. He himself is also in a black suit, which fits perfectly around his figure. He has combed his hair back as usual.
He seems to be in a bad mood while Alexander is talking to him. I wonder what they are talking about.
"Katrina," Olga's voice rings out, forcing me to look away from Leroy. She comes towards me accompanied by a woman who looks familiar, but I can't think where from.
"This is Agatha Richards."
Her words slapped me hard in the face. I immediately remember where I saw her. At the gala next to Charles.
Agatha Richards. Kelly's mother? Does that mean Charles is here too? But why?
"Agatha, this is Katrina, Leroy's wife. She's from New York too, you know," Olga explains to her. She extends her hand to me with a smile, which I shake reluctantly.
"Nice to meet you, Katrina."
"Nice to meet you too."
No, it is not.
Not at all, because if she's here, then Charles is certainly not far away. I can't see him anywhere, though, and neither Kelly.
While the two ladies are now talking, I look around, but there is no sign of the Devil's Club. Sighing, I take a sip from my glass when someone grabs my leg.
"Oh, hello Luisa, you scared me," I greet her and smile, but she looks sadly at the floor.
Frowning, I get down on my knees so I can look her in the face. "What's wrong, little bird?"
"I can't find Lara and the boys," she pouts, looking at me with googly eyes. Ah, so the others are hiding from her.
"Then I'll help you find them," I reply and reach for her hand before we leave the summer house.
We have decided that the children will stay in the mansion and watch their favorite series so that they don't have to be bored here at the party with the adults - especially as this usually leads to trouble then, as children are quick to look for strange distractions.
Franca and I have agreed that one of us will check every ten minutes to make sure everything is okay. It's quite a walk to get back to the villa, so we certainly wouldn't be able to hear any screams if anyone got hurt.
"Oh look, there they are," I call out, pointing my finger at them.
They are sitting in the living room, as I thought, watching an episode of Tom and Jerry. Luisa looks at her sister angrily and sits down next to her.
"Why did you leave me alone?" She whispers to her and Lara immediately shakes her head.
"We didn't!"
Smiling, I turn away from them and walk back out into the garden, but abruptly stop moving as I look into familiar eyes.
"Good evening, Rina."
Charles is leaning against the wall, apparently waiting for me. I exhale in annoyance and shake my head. The fact that he dares to greet me is the cherry on top.
"You fucking asshole dare to speak to me?"
Charles raises his eyebrows in surprise before clearing his throat. He tugs lightly at his tie and if I didn't know better I'd think his appearance was guilty and remorseful, but I do know better. These are qualities this man does not possess.
"I had to lure the girl away so that she would not find her way back to the villa and advised her to find you so that I could talk to you alone. I know I misbehaved and wanted to apologize, but it seems that you are doing splendidly here," he replies, looking around.
"Splendid? What on earth is wrong with you? I'm here for nothing, absolutely nothing! You've ruined my life without batting an eye and you still have the audacity to say something like that to me?" Blazing anger grips me and if I could, I would breathe fire.
Charles nods and lowers his head as he takes a step closer, but I immediately raise my hand.
"Stay where you are!"
"I'm sorry," he counters quietly. I laugh dryly. What is he trying to achieve with these words?
"Can your apology also get me a divorce?" I hiss and am surprised at myself, because I have never been so mean to anyone before, but Charles certainly deserves it and much more. I am still far too kind to him.
Charles' face shows blank pity, which only fuels my anger. He is as mendacious as his daughter.
"Your daughter doesn't want you. She doesn't want to go back to you, she wants to stay where she is. And she's the same little shit that you are," I whisper grimly. Charles nods several times.
"I'm aware of that now. I also know now that Leroy Kingston is the leader of the cartel," he explains, but I don't even bother to respond to that.
"I so don't care! I don't care what you know. You've ruined my life and while your daughter is having a wonderful time, I'm suffering from the violence of a mafioso," I snort angrily and stamp my foot like a petulant child, something I'm sure I'll be ashamed of later.
I don't know how to vent my anger right now, even though I have an equally strong desire to claw his eyes out - but unfortunately, I can't do that.
It is only now that I feel the rage flowing through my veins. It doesn't matter how well I got along with Leroy in the last few days.
I owe it all to myself.
I had to step up and give myself to get him to treat me better.
I fucking deserve better.
I'm just a doll to everyone, they play with me as they please.
And then there stands the culprit who is responsible for all this.
"Please, forgive me, Rina! I will help you," he suddenly whimpers and I take a step back in confusion as he pulls a face filled with pain.
Is he just playing me or is he serious right now?
"How will you do that?", I whisper, and only now feel how desperate I actually am, because I have nothing and no one. I am under Leroy's power whether I want to be or not.
"Take this," he says suddenly, pressing a small black device into my hand. "When you get back to New York, you press this button and within a few minutes the house will be surrounded by cops."
I take a deep breath and just look down at the strange device.
"Then you'll be free," he whispers, looking hopefully into my face. "You helped me, Katrina, and now let me help you."
"How can I be free when I'm married to him? He is not an easy man, he is Leroy Kingston."
"It would take time, of course, but once you declare in court that you were kidnapped and forced, the divorce will take its course quickly," he tells me, reaching for my hands.
I don't flinch this time, the thought of finally being free again takes me over too much. I sigh, but can't do anything about the hope that is building up inside me.
Perhaps I can even talk to Leroy and explain to him together with Charles what has happened, then he will let me go and I won't have to fight for my freedom at all.
"Then you can go back to your old life," he spurs me on. Hopefully, I lift my eyes and am about to open my mouth to say something as a deep voice speaks from behind me.
"That sounds like a fairytale."
I freeze as I hear him. I can almost feel the blood freezing in my veins. As if in a trance, I lift my head and see Charles' features slip away. I feel it again.
That sinister aura that surrounds him.
When I turn to him carefully, my heart skips a beat, but this time not from excitement, but from fear.
☼ ❅
Rina... that was a big fat mice drop. Our girl is giving everything.
Do we want to know what Leroy is up to? His bad mood... ignorance... and now with poor Charles in his sight... I am praying for this dude.
Can Charles manage to not piss Leroy off?
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