Chapter 26
Today was the day. The day we find out the gender of out baby. I was through the roof excited, an uncontainable smile was plastered on my face all morning.
"Good morning, sweetheart." My grandmother said as I took a seat at the kitchen table. She placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me and I licked my lips in hunger.
"Good morning." I chirp back, a smile on my face as I begin to eat my delicious breakfast.
"Today is the day, huh?" She had her own smile on her face as she sat across from me, a cup of coffee in her hand.
"Yup." I bounce in my chair, smiling as I chew the crispy bacon. "We're going to find out if it's a girl or a boy."
"Do you need a ride?"
"No, James is going to drive."
"Alright, call me if you decide to stay out afterwards."
"Are you excited?" The doctor asked as I took my seat on the examining table. James was beaming in the chair next to me, a huge grin on his lips.
"Super." I said. The doctor laughed and told me to lay back as she turned on the ultrasound machine. I lifted up my sweater to reveal my now obvious bump. She squeezed gel onto it before putting the familiar instrument on my bump and sliding it around. The monitor on the machine lit up and I could feel my heart race with excitement.
"Do you want to know the gender?" She asked, to which James and I nodded. She smiled before continuing, "Congratulations, you're having a baby girl."
"I told you it was a girl." I teased as we drove out of the parking lot. James chuckled but kept his eyes on the road.
"How did you know it would be a girl?" He asked curiously. I pressed my lips together, trying to think of a response. It's probably a better idea to not tell him about my dream I had a couple weeks ago. Freaking him about is not something I want to do right now.
"I just had a gut feeling. Mother's instinct, I guess." This made James chuckle, which made me smile. His laugh made butterflies bloom in my stomach.
"Are you hungry?"
"Are you kidding? I'm always hungry." He laughs again. "I'm craving some pizza. Like the kind they have in the food court at the mall."
"Alright, to the mall we go."
We through our trash away and make our way around the mall. I catch a couple of glares from strangers, some directed towards my stomach. Since my bump was a lot more noticeable now, I've been getting stares whenever I was in public, and it was starting to get on my nerves. It was as if they've never seen a pregnant teen. I huff as I catch another glare from some old hag. I felt someone's hand intertwined with mine and give me a light squeeze.
"Don't pay attention to them, they're just haters." I chuckle as James whispers in my ear. A light tug of my arm makes me look in his direction, a cheeky grin on his face. I notice the store behind him and I can't help but laugh. It was a baby clothes store. A light blush appeared on his cheeks and I couldn't help but think how cute he was. We enter the store and a wave of excitement hit me as I looked at all of the adorable costumes and hats that were on display. We ended up with a shopping cart full of baby clothes as we stood in line to check out. In the corner of my eye, I noticed Jame slip something into the cart. It was a onsie that read Daddy's Girl on it. I couldn't help the small laugh from escaping my mouth. James's cheeks blushed a bright read as he looked away sheepishly.
"James, hurry up. It's cold out here." I say, my teeth chattering as another wave of wind comes around. He jiggles the key inside the lock once more and the door flies open. I sigh in relief and walk inside, dropping the two bags James allowed me to carry on the floor. James did the same with the three other bags. "Maybe we went a little overboard with the shopping.
"Maybe a little." He chuckled as I closed the door behind me. The warmth of the house made my fingers numb from the drastic change in temperature.
"Bella? Is that you?" A familiar voice rang from up the stairs, and immediately my face lit up. I turn to James who gives me a wicked smirk. Soon, footsteps are heard from the stairs and Ramona comes into view. "Oh my god, Bella!" She squeals, running up and bringing me into a hug.
"Be careful, baby on board." I choked, gasping for air as she released me.
"Right, sorry." She said sheepishly. "I can't believe you're having a baby. Especially with my brother." She chuckled. "Blink twice if he's holding you against your will." She joked, which made me laugh.
"Rude." James cut in, taking a seat on the couch.
"Yeah, well believe it." I say, taking off my coat and hanging it on the wall.
"You have the cutest baby bump." Ramona cooed, leaning over to rub it.
"Thanks." I chucked.
"Did you guys find out the gender?" She asked curiously, standing up straight. Her eyes darted between us excitedly.
"We did but we want to wait until we have everyone together to announce it." James said before I could. Ramona squeals with excitement and I laugh.
"What's with all these bags?" She asked, looking around at the mess on the floor.
"We kind of stopped at a baby store and went a little crazy." I said sheepishly, now noticing how many things we actually got.
"Not fair, I wanted to take you baby clothes shopping." She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.
"We still need a lot of things, don't worry." Her frown turned up into an excited smile and she clapped.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so excited."
"What are you doing here anyways? Shouldn't you be studying in your door? Midterms are coming up." I asked curiously, taking a seat on the couch next to James. Ramona took a seat in a chair across from us.
"Well, when my mother and not you told me you were having a baby...with my brother...I rushed over here as fast as I could." She said bitterly, and I stuck my tongue out at her. "Frankly, I thought she was yanking my dick but it turns out her words are true. You my friend, are having a baby with my brother at the ripe age of sixteen." I roll my eyes but can't help the smile pulling on my lips.
"Shut up, Ramona." James said.
"Make me, Baby Jay." She said with a smirk. James then grabbed a pillow from behind him and threw it at Ramona's head.
"What the hell, you dick! Mom, James threw a pillow in the house." Ramona yelled upstairs.
"They're called throw pillows for a reason." James retorts.
"No throwing pillows in the house." Pam said as she came into view, walking down the last step. "And no swearing, Ramona." She said sternly. "You guys are too old for this."
"Essayez de m'arrêter maintenant. Putain, bite, merde." Ramona muttered in French, leaning back in her chair. James bursted out laughing while Pam and I look at him with confusion.
"What did she say?" Pam asked, looking between the two.
"I would tell you, but I'm not aloud to swear." He replied, obviously trying to hold back a laugh. I chuckled as Pam rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen.
"It's good to be home." Ramona said with a smile, crossing her arms behind her head and leaning back in her chair.
Sorry for the late upload, everyone! I've had crazy write's block for this story, even though I had many ideas, I wasn't inspired to write.
But finally! The time has come. Chapter 26 is now published and I hope you enjoyed it.
-Did you want a boy or a girl?
-What should the baby's name be?
-Who's your favorite character?
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