Chapter 23
James's POV
It was like was like weight lifted off my shoulder when Belle said I was forgiven. The whole weekend, we never said one word to each other. It was a new record. My heart ached for the sound of her laughter and the way her smile seemed to brighten a whole room. I wanted to hug her and smell the familiar rosemary mint scent she wears that drove me crazy. I wanted to kiss her like it was the last time, and never stop. Sadly, the last part wasn't an option.
"God, I'm hungry." Belle said as she stepped into my kitchen, taking a seat at the island.
"I can only imagine." I chuckled and opened my fridge, looking to find something good to eat. "What do you want?"
"Do you have any pickles? Oh, and peanut butter?" She said, making me turn around and raise an eyebrow.
"You hate peanut butter."
"Not while I'm pregnant, I don't. Now give me the damn peanut butter before I fight you for it." I raise my hands in surrender, generally scared for my life.
Lesson: never get between a pregnant women and her cravings.
I grab the peanut butter from the cabinet and grab the jar of pickles from the fridge. I set them in front of Belle on the island, and her eyes stare at them in hunger, She smiles and licks her lips before tearing off the lids and dipping a pickle and scooping up peanut butter. I watch in disgust as she take a large bite, moaning and closing her eyes.
"That's disgusting." I say, honestly trying to hold back vomit.
"Don't judge, you made me like this." She said, smirking slightly.
"Touche." I chuckle, before grabbing an apple from the fridge and taking a bite.
Once we finish our snacks, we walk upstairs into my room. When I open the door, I find my mother sitting on my bed. At first I was very confused, but all those thoughts vanished when I realized what she was holding. My eyes shot to my desk, the picture frame is gone. I felt my blood go cold. Oh no.
"M-Mom?" My heart was beating a million times a second, it felt like. Belle stood next to me, looking between is in confusion. My mom looked at at me slowly, her face a mixture of confusion, disappointment, and...sadness.
"What is this?" She finally said, turning the picture frame and to reveal the photocopy of the ultrasound. I heard Belle gasp quietly from beside, and I felt her tense up.
"I-It's uh..." I stopped, not knowing a good enough lie to defend myself.
This is it. This is the day I die.
"Who's is it?" She said, her eyes holding mine in an intense gaze.
"Uh..." I didn't want to throw Belle under the bus. The last thing she needed was for my parents to be mad at her too.
"Is it Michelle's? Did you get Michelle pregnant? Oh my...Jameson how could you be so irresponsible? You hardly even know the girl. I've never even met her. You don't know anything about her fam-"
"It's mine, Pam." Belle cut off my mom, shocking the both of us. My head turns towards her, looking at her with shock.
"W-What? Y-You're pregnant, Bella?" My mom said in utter shock, her eyes almost bulging out of her head.
"Yes ma'am." She said politely. She's usually very chill and casual around my parents, but I could tell she was nervous for her reaction. She lifted her sweater up a little, revealing her growing belly. There was no doubt that she was pregnant by now. My mom sucked in her breath in surprise.
"B-But...why does James have a picture from your ultrasound." She said, switching her eyes between us in confusion.
"Because mom...I'm the father." I take a deep breath, trying to calm my heart.
"How is this...even possible?" My mom asked, mainly to herself as she took another look at the ultrasound. I explained the whole situation with the party three months ago. She sat there silently, nodding her head occasionally to let us know she was listening.
"We didn't mean for this to happen, I swear. I-It was a mistake. One we both regret." Belle said, glancing at be before looking at my mom again. I felt a pang in my chest.
I don't regret anything, Belle.
My mom looked at me and raises an eyebrow, but quickly changed her expression when she realized Belle was looking.
"I know you didn't, sweetheart. It's just a lot to take it." She took a deep breath, rubbing her forehead.
"Are you mad?" I asked.
"No, honey. I'm just disappointed that you would let this happen. You're only sixteen, James." She sighed, looking back up at us. "What are you guys going to do?"
"We decided that we would keep the baby." I said with a smile I for some reason couldn't hold back. I quickly forced myself to hide it, awkwardly coughing into my sleeve.
"I don't believe in abortions and I honestly don't think I can hand my baby over to other people." Belle said nervously, picking at her fingers. She does that when she's nervous.
"Well, I'm going to be here for you Bella. I love you like my daughter, remember that." My mom said, standing up and giving her a hug. I saw Bella's body relax and she smiled slightly. I gave her two thumbs up with a smile for reassurance.
"Thank you, Pam." She whispered, a tear running down her cheek.
"Do you want the baby to be a boy or girl?" Belle asked me as she leaned layed down at the foot of my bed. I was sitting at the top of my bed, leaning against the headboard.
"Girl." I answered honestly. After having a long conversation with both of my parents once my dad got home, I persuaded Belle to sleep over. We ended up playing truth or dare, and I picked truth.
"Really? Why?" She asked, shocked. She was wearing a blue tank top that hugged her bump and some white pajama pants.
"I don't know. I like the thought of having of having a girl and treating her like a princess." She smiled, her eyes widen a little as if remember something, but she quickly changed her expression.
"That's the cutest thing I've ever heard." She said with a smile, sitting up so she was sitting on my bed instead of laying down.
"What about you? Do you want a boy or a girl?" I ask curiously.
"It doesn't matter to me, but I have a feeling it's a girl." She said, staring off into space.
"Why is that?"
"Just a gut feeling, I suppose." She said, smiling to herself again.
"When do we find out the gender?" I was really excited to find out if we would be having a boy or girl, it was honestly killing me not knowing.
"The doctor said around eighteen weeks." She sighed. I pouted as well, since she was only fifteen weeks along. Though, my smile came back as I watched her rub her belly gently, as if comforting him or her.
"Are you excited?" I asked, breaking the silence that filled my room.
"Surprisingly, I am. I'm excited to meet him or her. Though, I'm not too excited for birth." She chuckled and I felt my heart flutter.
Her laugh is the best sound I've ever heard.
"What about you? Are you excited?" She asked, smiling up at me and her chestnut brown hair fell to the left side of her head.
Her smile could light up a room.
"Yeah, suprisingly I am." I chuckle.
"I was surprised that you put the picture from the ultrasound in a frame. It made me feel less crazy since I hung mine up on the wall."
"Don't worry, I felt crazy too." Belle laughed before yawning. "Are you tired." She nodded and rubbed her eyes like a little girl, which made me smile at her adorableness. I patted the part of the bed next to me, and she crawled over so she could get under the covers with me. We laid on our side, facing each other with smiles on our faces.
"Goodnight, Jay." She whispered before closing her eyes.
"Goodnight, Belle." It took every fiber in my body to keep myself from wrapping my arms around her and kissing her forehead.
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