The Cullens
Jacob and I sat there frozen, well I was frozen. Jacob was growling and trying to push me out of the room.
"Bella, I'll take care of this. You go back to the truck." Jacob's voice had gotten deep and that worried me.
"No Jake. I'll handle this. I don't want things to get out of hand." I whispered.
Jacob sighed and stepped aside so I could get a clear view of everyone. I looked at everyone one at a time to take in their features and stances, to see if they had changed in a way. Then I finally faced...Him...
It was hard to see him now after for what seemed like years. He said I would never see him or any of them ever again and here they were in front of me like they never left.
It angered me. Why would he come back after he left me in the woods alone and defenseless? He had a lot of nerve!
I sat there fuming and when they were all staring at me, I realized that I have been mumbling to myself and they heard every word. Damn.
Jacob looked at everyone else and motioned for them to follow him outside. Soon it was just me and... Edward.
I don't know how long it had been since I've said his name, but saying it now hurt.
We stood there in silence, just looking at each other until I broke the ice.
"What are you doing here?"
"What? I don't get a hello?" He still had that soft and mesmerizing voice that used to get me in trouble. But now, it had no effect on me.
"Hell, no you don't. What do you think your doing just popping up out of nowhere after all this time?" I couldn't believe he expected me to forgive him for what he did.
He didn't seem appalled by what I said. Well, I tried.
"I know what I did. And I know that it must have affected you a lot. But I was trying to protect you." He explained.
"Well, it had the opposite effect. I don't need protecting. I can handle things on my own." I knew that what I said may not have been all true but I wasn't going to tell him that.
Edward sighed. I haven't heard that sound in a while and it kind of brought me back to those memories that I locked up years ago. But I didn't let them escape, there was no need for me to dwell in the past.
"Look, you can hate me. That's fine. But, I'm here now and that's not going to change." He crossed his arms and walked around the room like he was restless, which was unlike him as far as I knew.
I looked out the window for something to do so I wouldn't have to stare at him the whole time. I saw Jake taking to Alice about something that seemed intense. Carlisle was taking to Esme, Jasper was watching Jacob like he was a bomb that was about to explode, Emmett was air boxing, and when I looked down, I saw that Rosalie was staring, no, glaring at me. With so much confusion and hatred that it was hard to look away. I was stuck in a trance until Emmett pulled her away from the glass and I was free.
I turned around and Edward was looking at me with an apologetic expression.
"Sorry. She still struggles with what we are and she--"
"I know. She's jealous because I'm human and she wish that she was too. Right?"
"Right." He smiled.
"Why did you come back all of a sudden? Why didn't you just stay where you were?" I could feel myself getting upset again so I bit my tongue.
"I don't know why I came back, if I'm being honest. I just had to, I guess. Is that Ok?" He narrowed his eyes.
"Um...I guess?" I didn't know what to say. How was I supposed to answer him?
"Good. We still have the house in the woods if you stop by. But I have to go. I'll text you later."
Edward was walking out the door when he stopped and faced me.
"And, Jacob wants to talk to you. Have fun." Edward smiled and left the room.
I stood there confused and dazed. What did he mean by have fun? What did Jake want to talk to me about? I gathered me things and ran outside.
Jacob was pacing around the parking lot. When he heard me close the door, he looked up and stood still.
"Bella, can we talk?"
"Sure." This was making me nervous.
"Did you know that they were coming back?" Jacob questioned.
"No, I didn't. I was just as surprised at You were." Were was this coming from?
"Well, since they are here, I can't protect you here. This is their territory." Jacob looked me dead in the eyes.
"Why does everyone think I need protecting?! From what? What territory? What the hell are you talking about?" This was confusing the hell out of me.
Jacob sighed and I knew he was keeping something from me. I crossed my arms and waited for him to talk.
"Look, I can't tell you anything, but I can give you clues." Jacob paced.
"Clues? Clues for what?" All of these confusion and blank spots were making me tired.
"Ok. Do you remember the story I told you on the beach on the day we first met?" He questioned.
"Yeah, about the Quileute legends." That was the first thing I remembered from that day. What did that have to do with anything?
"I can see that's the only story you remember." He seemed frustrated for some reason.
"Look Jake, I have no idea what you talking about and I think I should get home so Charlie won't come looking for me."
"Look, just a little bit longer." He pushed.
I sighed. Why was he so determined to get me to remember a story?
"Look, remember the other part of the story I told you about? The wolv--" he cut off the sentence.
"Jake, I don't know what your talking about. Just tell me."
"I wish I could but I just...can't. I can't."
I closed my eyes and sighed.
"Do you honestly not remember? Was I not the one who told you what he was?"
"Yeah, Jake. I know you told me what he was and I thank you for that. Now what are you trying to say?" I looked at him closely, trying to figure out what he was trying to say through his face and body structure.
"I can't tell you. I'm sorry, Bella. If I could I would. I just wish there was a easier way to do this..."
I walk up to jacob and put my hand on his shoulder.
"I understand that whatever your trying to tell me is hard. I get it. I have those times. You don't have to tell me, I don't have to know." I tried to calm him but that was impossible.
"No, Bella, you need to know this. For my sake and yours." Jacob closed his eyes. "Have you ever had a secret that you couldn't tell anyone because it wasn't your place to tell?" My thoughts flickers to the Cullens and I wondered if that's were his thoughts were too.
He saw that I wasn't going to say anything.
"Well that's what it's like for me. I have a secret that I can't tell anyone and it's hard. It's frustrating for me to keep this from everyone, from you. I just wish there was a easier way." Jacob's head lowered sadly.
"Look, Jake, Whatever that is going on with you, we can get through it ok? You're not alone. I'm here." Why didn't he tell me this sooner? Why would he keep this to himself for this long when it kills him to keep it from everyone?
Because it's not his place tell anyone.
"Look, I need to get you home. Come on." Jacob grabbed my hand and towed me towards the truck.
We drove in silence. Neither of us knew what to say after our encounter earlier.
We arrived at the house and jacob took me in and into my room.
I looked into my dad's room to see him sleep. Good, he won't bother me tonight.
Jacob paced around my room and occasionally looked out the window at something that I couldn't see or imagine.
"Jake, say something."
"I...I need you to remember Bella. I need you to figure this out."
"Figure what out?! What the hell are you talking about?!" I yelled.
Jacob sighed and stopped pacing.
"I can't tell you. And I want you to figure it out by yourself. I need you to." Jacob looked out the window.
"Jacob, I will try to do whatever you want me to do but not right now. I'm tired. Can this wait till the morning?" I looked at him tired, as if I was trying to prove my point.
"Sure. I think that would be better. Maybe if you sleep it will jog your memory." He pushed.
That's not what I meant but, at least he agreed.
Jacob walked closer to me and unexpectedly kissed me.
Oh my god! What is he doing?!
My body worked faster than my head. I pushed Jacob off of me and onto the bed.
"What the hell are you doing? You think you can just kiss me like that and expect me to take it?" I fumed.
Jacob just nodded like an ass. I know he doesn't care.
Jacob jumped up from the bed and started towards the window.
"Jake, don't do that, your get yourself killed. Use the stairs, Charlie's not going to catch you." I said softly.
"I'll be fine, Bella." Jacob jumped out the window.
"Jake!" I looked out to see him jogging towards the street unharmed.
How was that possible? I really needed sleep.
I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, put on my pajamas that René brought me for my birthday about two years ago, and I put my wet hair in a ponytail. I finally turned off lights and got into the bed. I closed my eyes as I immediately fell asleep.
The dream started out good. I was on the beach that me and Jacob were on that day. It was kind of dark but I could still see my surroundings. I was trying to find the shore so I could see the sun.
Jacob was there next to me, tugging on my hand with a terrified look on his face.
"Run, Bella, you have to run!" He whispered terrified.
I had a weird sense of déjà vu. I've seen this before in another dream. It was when me and Jake were on the beach. When I found out about Edward being a vampire. Something that Jacob said tonight must of unlocked some of those memories that I locked up until now.
I knew what would happen next. Edward would come out of the woods, his skin glowing brightly, his eyes dark and dangerous. His teeth pointed and sharp...
But I knew something else had to happen first.
Jacob yelped and let go of my hand. He fell to the ground shaking and twitching.
"Jacob!" I yelled but he was gone. In his place was a big reddish-brown wolf with dark eyes.
Something was different about this dream. This wasn't the same wolf I saw in my other dream. This wolf is the one that I saw in the meadow just a week ago. It was bigger than a bear. And it had the same dark eyes of Jacob Black.
I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs.
I grabbed the pillow and held onto it tightly. I buried my head into the pillow, hoping that it would muffle the screams that kept coming.
I remember every word that Jacob said that day on the beach. Even before he told me about the vampires, the "Cold Ones." Especially that part.
"Do you know any of our old stories about where we came from---The Quileutes I mean?" He asked.
"Not really," I admitted.
"Well there are lots of legends, some claiming to date back the flood--- supposedly, the ancient Quileutes tied their canoes on the top of the tallest trees to survive, like Noah and the ark." He smiled then to show me how little stock he put into the histories. "Another legend claims that we descended from wolves---and that the wolves are our brothers still. It's against trial law to kill them.
"Then there are the stories about the cold ones." His voice dropped a little lower.
"The cold ones?"
"Yes, there are stories of the cold ones as old as the wolf legends, and some much more recent. According to the legend, my own great-grandfather knew some of them. He was the one that made the treaty to keep them off our land." He rolled his eyes.
"You great-grandfather?"
"He was a tribal elder, like my father. You see, the cold ones are the natural enemies of the wolf---Well, not the wolf really, but the wolves that turn into men, like our ancestors. You can call them werewolves."
"Werewolves have enemies?"
"Only one."
"Werewolf." I choked.
That was what Jake was trying to tell me. That was his secret, what he was keeping to himself all this time.
That he wasn't the jacob I knew before.
That he wasn't human...
I gripped the pillow to keep my hands from shaking.
I didn't know what to do with my frightening new secret. But I did know one thing.
I needed to talk to jake.
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