After reluctantly agreeing to Jake's "help" with my depression, he drove me to he and Billy's house. I sat in the passenger seat with my arms crossed and giving him the silent treatment, which only made him more amused.
"Where are you taking me?" I demanded.
"To the Black's house." Jacob chuckled and I felt like I was missing a inside joke.
"Why don't you just leave me alone?"
"You're the one who promised."
I sighed. Me and my big mouth.
We soon got to his house and he went to my door to help me out. I ignored his kindness and walked to the garage he pointed out. I could feel his hurt on my back but I didn't turn and apologize.
"So, this is were you spend most of your time?" I looked around the garage. There were tools, parts, broken things, the list goes on. The place was a mess but there was a clear spot in the middle of the floor that looked like it was cleaned up for someone to sit in it.
"Yeah, pretty much. I fix things up and I tear things down for parts. I built cars and I'm trying to make a motorcycle but---"
"A motorcycle?!" Oh my god! This was my chance to be as reckless as I wanted!
"Yeah...um..." Jacob seemed startled by my outburst and excitement.
"When are you going to be done?" I wondered.
"I said I was 'trying' not that I did succeed." Jacob studied me like I was a dangerous chemical that he didn't want to explode.
"Can I help?" My voice rose and I think that's what alerted jake.
"No! no! Your eyes have a dangerous gleam to them. You are not getting anywhere near these parts!" Jake held up his hands as if he was surrendering.
I chuckled. It was fun to watch him being cautious of me.
"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you or your big ego." I chuckled darkly which alerted him even more. This is fun!
Jacob walked to the edge of the garage to a rack that held tons of parts. Jacob reached to the top and pulled out a book that looked really old and handed it to me.
"What is this?" I examined the cover. It read Quileute. What the hell did that mean?
"It's my dad's. He carries it around and often reads it to me. It became my favorite book." Jacob smiled at me.
I opened the book to the first page and tried to read it but I was in another language.
"Why is it in a different language? Can you understand this?" This was weird. I wasn't bilingual but I didn't Jake was.
Jacob shrugged "Yeah. Billy taught me what the words meant. but somehow I already knew some of them. It's weird but cool!"
I looked at the book again. I felt like I know some of these words too. How?
"Could you teach me to understand this too?" I looked at jake sheepishly.
Jake seemed to explode with happiness. He picked me up and twirled me around at a very alarming speed.
Jacob looked at me and smiled apologetic as he sat me back down.
"Sorry. You really want to learn how to speak in Quileute?"
I nod. How hard can It be to learn a new language?
But I soon realised that I was wrong. So very very wrong!
It was the most challenging thing I have ever done in my life. Besides trying to walk on a flat and dry surface without falling or tripping. Learning a new language was like me trying to teach a baby to walk. Which is not as easy as it looks or sounds.
I could tell Jake was frustrated with me each time I got it wrong but he was trying really hard to hide it. He was patient up until actually pronouncing the words. When I got that wrong he would often get up and peace, trying not to get upset. Why was he acting like a baby?
Jake finally gave up teaching me and started pacing for about the seventeenth time. I was sick of it!
"Look! It's not my fault that I can't learn another freaking language! Stop acting like a baby and pacing every time I get a letter wrong!" I was fuming. I was considering running out of there but he would just come after me like every other time I tried.
"I know it's not your fault...I just feel like I can't teach you." Jake still wouldn't face me.
"That kind of proves my point." I rolled my eyes and immediately regretted it. Jake looked at me with the most saddest facial expression that anyone could show.
I sat there not knowing what to do when jake was suddenly infront of me and crushing me in another one if his bear hugs that left me breathless.
"J-j-Jake c-can't b-b-breathe!" I suffocated
Jacob still didn't let go but I guess he felt me suddenly going limp because he immediately pulled away.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I apologize over and over again until I had to slap him hard on the face to stop.
"Ouch!" Jacob rubbed his cheek that was now as red as a tomato which made me burst into laughter. I hadn't laughed in...I don't know how long. It was a weird feeling and knowing what I was feeling stop the laughter short.
Jacob looked at me with a confused look.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing..." I didn't look at him. For some reason being with jake made me feel...Alive...I shudderered at the thought of being alive again. I kind of liked the way I felt before, nothing. Feeling nothing was easier, you weren't at risk to get hurt again.
"You sure?" Jacob studied me noisily.
"Just get out of my business ok?!" I yelled right into his face which made me feel better than sitting in front of that window for the past month.
Jacob cringed and stepped back with a pained look but I really didn't care. I turned around to leave when jake muttered something really weird.
"What did you say?" I turned and faced him.
"Nothing-" Jacob smiled but I didn't trust it.
I squinted my eyes at him before turning back around and walking back toward the truck. When I got inside and the engine was running, I looked out the window at jake.
"Jake!" I yelled at his stiff figure.
"What?" Jake's voice seemed like it got deeper in the last three seconds.
"I might regret this. Come to the house tomorrow at five ok?"
Jacob looked at me for what seemed like hours before he nodded and ran back to the house. I sighed and pulled out the driveway and onto the highway.
*Hi guys! I know all of these may have been short to you. I will try to update but I'm lazy. Lol. I also apologise about how these are written. Like I said before, when I first wrote these, I didn't really have any good writing experience but I hope you still like it anyway! Have a good day/night/evening! And feel free to comment and vote!*
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