Learning the ways of the pack
After I was introduced to everyone, they took me to Emily's place. We walked into the house and it looked like a cottage. It was small, but comfortable. There was food on the counters and tables and everyone immediately started scarfing it down.
"Save some for you brothers." Emily's voice was soft and kind of mother like.
She turned around and faced me and I froze. She has scars on and below her left eye that ran down to her chin.
"Who's this?" Her eyes never left mine.
"This is Bella Swan."
"Ah. Your the vampire girl." She smiled.
"And you must be the wolf girl." I played along. It gave me something else to think about.
"I guess I am. Well I'm engaged to one." Emily turned around and begin cooking again.
"You can help yourself to anything you like." She offered.
"Thanks, but I'm not hungry." I was starving. I didn't eat breakfast in a hurry to get to Jake. But somehow eating was a last thing on my mind.
"Ok. There's always something to eat."
I thanked her and walked out the door.
For the past couple of days, Jacob told me all kinds of things about being a wolf. It seemed kind of fun, but he sometimes tried to make it seem otherwise.
"What's so bad about being a wolf?" I questioned.
"First, you have orders. What's the point of being a wolf if you can't have fun and be free? With orders, your basically in military." He whined.
"Oh, man up. Maybe he gives you the most orders because you don't listen and get into so much damn trouble." I laughed at him and he glared at me. "What? Oh, come on, you can't tell me that that's not true."
"No. It's not." He pouted.
"Well, of course you would say that, you don't take responsibility for your actions or just about anything you do." I pushed.
"I'm not giving in. And you can't make me." Jacob challenged.
That was not fair. And this has to have been the most stupidest and the most embarrassing thing that I have done in my life.
I jumped on him trying to knock him over, only to have the opposite effect. He pinned me down on the floor and sat on top of me.
"Oh, come on! This isn't fair!" I struggled.
"It was your fault. You started it." He didn't move. Why was he so big and heavy? And not to mention very strong.
"I...I have no idea why I did that. Now can I get up?"
"Nice try." He smirked.
I growled. He was so going to get it! Once I could get back up.
"I'm sorry, ok? Is that what you want me to say? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Now can I get up?" I tried.
Jacob sighed and released me. Victory!
I glared at him and crossed my arms.
"Ok. Well, the pack and I have to go patrolling so you'll be with Emily for a little while. Ok?" He Informed me.
"Um...Can't I just go home?"
"Well if you go home then I can't protect you there. It's the Cullens land. I can't come and see you." Jacob looked at me sadly.
"Jake, I'll be fine. Charlie's a police Chief. Plus I don't need protecting." I walk out the door.
The drive back to the house seemed longer than the drive to Jacob's. When I got to the house, I saw that the cruiser was gone. He's probably still at the station.
I parked the truck in its spot and unlocked the door with the key that was always kept under the eve.
The house was quiet and unnaturally warm, only to see that I was freezing. How long was I gone? I didn't realize how cold it was outside and how long I have been standing there. I walked around the house and stopped in the living room. The TV was off but I could hear the sounds of the baseball game that Charlie always watches.
I sat down on the couch and turned it on. It took an infuriatingly long time to come on so I toyed with my phone that I barely use. The battery was full and I had loads of messages that dated back to about a couple of months ago. I sighed. Why can't everyone leave me alone when I ask them to?
I look at the sender and my heart dropped.
Half of them were from René, half from Jake, and half from Edward.
The ones he sent were from this week and about a couple of hours ago. Fuck.
I opened them to see what they said. There were two messages.
Two days ago
Hey. I know you probably don't want to hear from me and that's fine. I just wanted to check up on you. I'll see you soon.
15 hours ago
I know you don't check your phone often, but this is sad. Please write me back. I miss you.
He had the nerve to try to get in touch with me. Now? I was debating on whether or not I should text him back. What the hell. One message can't hurt. What's the worst that can happen?
Bella: What are you doing texting me? I thought we were done?
I about to put the phone down when it chimed. Damn. He must of been waiting for the phone to ring.
Edward: Just because were not dating doesn't mean that I can't talk to you.
Oh, my god. He was serious. If he was trying to tick me off, it was working.
Bella: What if I don't want to talk to you? I can ignore you and you can't do anything about it. Now what do you want?
Edward: You can ignore me all you want. I still have my ways of getting what I want.
I growled. He was such an ass sometimes.
Bella: What.do.you.want?
Edward: Can we talk? Like straighten things out? I want there to be no hard feelings. Just us friends. Please?
He wanted to smooth things out and start fresh as friends? I did not see that coming.
Bella: Why? Why now? Why do you even bother?
There was a short pause before he wrote me back.
Edward: I don't know.
Well, at least he's being honest. I sighed.
Bella: Fine. We can talk. When?
Edward: How about tomorrow? At school. I know you haven't been there in a while. It would be a great start.
How did he know that I have been skipping school? Sometimes I wonder just what exactly he's doing with his free time.
Bella: Fine. Sure. We can talk tomorrow.
Edward: Thanks. Bye.
Bella: Bye.
I threw my phone on the couch next to me and groaned.
I have to talk with Edward Cullen tomorrow at school. In public. This was going to both interesting and hell.
*Hi guys! I know this chapter wasn't really that long and I apologize for that. Not all of them will be. And I also apologize about the amount of cussing that I have put into the entire story. It's just something that I do sometimes with my dirty mouth and mind. I hope you liked this chapter and feel free to vote and comment. Have a good night/morning/afternoon!*
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